Windows 10: Help! BSOD at least once or twice a day. I'm sharing my minidump files here.

Discus and support Help! BSOD at least once or twice a day. I'm sharing my minidump files here. in Windows 10 Gaming to solve the problem; Hi,I hope someone is available/willing to help me. My 18-month-old AMD Ryzen 7 Microsoft Surface Laptop 4 is getting more and more frequent blue... Discussion in 'Windows 10 Gaming' started by KenGlad, Nov 28, 2023.

  1. KenGlad Win User

    Help! BSOD at least once or twice a day. I'm sharing my minidump files here.

    Hi,I hope someone is available/willing to help me. My 18-month-old AMD Ryzen 7 Microsoft Surface Laptop 4 is getting more and more frequent blue screens - now a couple a day! Each time it happens, I see the frowny face and the QR code for just a second, but never long enough for me to capture a cell phone picture before the machine reboots. It happens at random times - I see no pattern to predict it.My c:\windows\minidump folder has five dmp files in it -- three from today and two from yesterday. I've zipped them up here:!Amnnvu7xJxvvpz0Ya41OC3GWWRke?e=ojI8PPLet me know if

    KenGlad, Nov 28, 2023



    Thank you for writing to Microsoft Community Forums.

    • Have you made any changes on your PC?
    • Did you perform any Windows update recently?
    • Are you connected to Domain network?

    I suggest you to try the below steps and check if that helps.

    1. To share files over file explorer refer the following

    2. Refer article for
      file sharing
      over a network.

    Hope it helps.

    Let us know if you got the help you needed by clicking, Yes or No.

    Sandeep Kumar M

    Microsoft Community - Moderator
    Sandeep_KM, Nov 28, 2023
  3. ra[g]e Win User
    ra[g]e, Nov 28, 2023
  4. Dukewayne Win User

    Help! BSOD at least once or twice a day. I'm sharing my minidump files here.

    BSOD minidump help

    I have a new laptop that is experiencing multiple bsod with multiple stopecodes. I have tried every check/upload/download/reinstall/suggestion I can find but still have the problem. I've looked at the minidump but am still clueless as to exactly how to proceed.
    If there is anyone that can help analyze the minidump, I would truly appreciate it.

    I am including the link to my Onedrive files. Thanks OneDrive
    Dukewayne, Nov 28, 2023

Help! BSOD at least once or twice a day. I'm sharing my minidump files here.

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