Windows 10: How to stop Windows Update ignoring settings and restarting overnight

Discus and support How to stop Windows Update ignoring settings and restarting overnight in Windows 10 Software and Apps to solve the problem; Hello, I have been having issues with Windows updating while my computer is asleep, forcing a restart when I absolutely do not want them. Specifically... Discussion in 'Windows 10 Software and Apps' started by echo445, May 15, 2024.

  1. echo445 Win User

    How to stop Windows Update ignoring settings and restarting overnight

    Hello, I have been having issues with Windows updating while my computer is asleep, forcing a restart when I absolutely do not want them. Specifically last night, I had a large amount of incredibly important files downloading, and I put my computer to sleep to allow them to download overnight I do this regularly for this type of download. I also had a large amount of programs open that, since I have anterograde amnesia, I cannot remember by myself all that I had open or needed to have open. When I woke up this morning, I found that my computer had suddenly restarted and updated somewhere dur

    echo445, May 15, 2024

  2. How to stop Windows Update ignoring settings and restarting overnight

    Thanks for reaching out! I'm an Independent Advisor and a Microsoft user like you.

    To stop Windows 11 from automatically updating and restarting overnight, you can follow several methods:

    Method 1: Using Services

    1. Open Services:
      • Press Windows Key + R to open the Run dialog box.
      • Type services.msc and press Enter.
    2. Disable Windows Update Service:
      • Scroll down to find Windows Update.
      • Right-click on it and select Properties.
      • In the General tab, set the Startup type to Disabled.
      • Click Stop if the service is running, then click Apply and OK.
    3. Disable Windows Update Medic Service:
      • In the Services window, find Windows Update Medic Service (WaaSMedicSVC).
      • Right-click on it and select Properties.
      • Set the Startup type to Disabled and click Stop if it is running.

    Method 2: Using Group Policy Editor (Windows Pro, Enterprise, and Education)

    1. Open Group Policy Editor:
      • Press Windows Key + R to open the Run dialog box.
      • Type gpedit.msc and press Enter.
    2. Navigate to Windows Update Settings:
      • Go to Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > Windows Components > Windows Update.
    3. Configure Automatic Updates:
      • Find and double-click on Configure Automatic Updates.
      • Select Disabled, then click Apply and OK.
    4. Disable Auto-Restart Notifications:
      • In the same Windows Update section, find Turn off auto-restart notifications for update installations.
      • Double-click it, select Enabled, then click Apply and OK.

    Method 3: Using Registry Editor

    1. Open Registry Editor:
      • Press Windows Key + R to open the Run dialog box.
      • Type regedit and press Enter.
    2. Navigate to Windows Update Settings:
      • Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows.
    3. Create Necessary Keys:
      • Right-click on Windows, select New > Key, and name it WindowsUpdate.
      • Right-click on WindowsUpdate, select New > Key, and name it AU.
    4. Create DWORD Value:
      • Right-click on AU, select New > DWORD (32-bit) Value, and name it NoAutoRebootWithLoggedOnUsers.
      • Double-click on NoAutoRebootWithLoggedOnUsers and set its value to 1.

    Method 4: Using Command Prompt

    1. Open Command Prompt as Administrator:
      • Search for cmd in the Windows search bar.
      • Right-click on Command Prompt and select Run as administrator.
    2. Disable Windows Update Service:
      • Type sc config wuauserv start= disabled and press Enter.

    Method 5: Using Task Scheduler

    1. Open Task Scheduler:
      • Press Windows Key + R to open the Run dialog box.
      • Type taskschd.msc and press Enter.
    2. Disable Reboot Task:
      • Navigate to Task Scheduler Library > Microsoft > Windows > UpdateOrchestrator.
      • Find the Reboot task, right-click on it, and select Disable.

    Additional Tips

    • Pause Updates: You can pause updates for up to 35 days. Go to Settings > Update & Security > Windows Update > Pause updates for 7 days. You can extend this period by selecting Advanced options and choosing a date under Pause until.
    • Set Active Hours: Set your active hours to the maximum allowed time to reduce the chances of an automatic restart during your working hours. Go to Settings > Update & Security > Windows Update > Change active hours.
    Please do let me know if the method I suggested works for you or if you need further assistance.
    Munkhbayar B., May 16, 2024
  3. echo445 Win User
    How to stop Windows Update ignoring settings and restarting overnight

    Hello, I have been having issues with Windows updating while my computer is asleep, forcing a restart when I absolutely do not want them. Specifically last night, I had a large amount of incredibly important files downloading, and I put my computer to sleep to allow them to download overnight (I do this regularly for this type of download). I also had a large amount of programs open that, since I have anterograde amnesia, I cannot remember by myself all that I had open or needed to have open. When I woke up this morning, I found that my computer had suddenly restarted and updated somewhere during the night (EVEN THOUGH I have updates paused- and they should still be paused for the next two weeks, according to my settings) and closed all of my apps, leading to some of the downloads not being finished or even being corrupted, and all of the programs I had running did not reboot even though I have the setting to restart my apps when I sign in turned on (assumedly because these apps are not compatible with that option, since the option doesn't cover every app). I was not notified of the fact that there was even an update pending installation, and was not even given the option to update and restart last night before I started the file downloads (I made sure to check).

    This is getting frustrating, as multiple times now I've had to call my boss and tell him that my work will be a couple days late because I could not get my files properly downloaded due to an automatic restart. I am starting to get on my boss's bad side because of this; I absolutely cannot afford to lose this job. These Windows Updates are getting in the way of me doing my job. I am fully capable of scheduling these updates on my own (Which I specifically need to do on my days off- which I cannot schedule very far in advance as my schedule changes week to week), and I do not need to be told that I cannot be trusted to update my machine as if I am a child. I am an adult, and I paid over $1000 for this machine- I should be allowed to use this computer however I require, especially if it involves my paid job.

    I have already gone through services.msc and disabled Windows Update there; it regularly automatically turns itself back on (Once, I even watched it happen in the window just minutes after I'd disabled it). I also went into gpedit.msc and disabled multiple options there; that had no effect either. I need to make absolutely sure that my computer never shuts down or restarts overnight or without my explicit permission. I am running out of options.
    echo445, May 16, 2024
  4. 3Colors Win User

    How to stop Windows Update ignoring settings and restarting overnight

    Windows Updated(16299.309).KB4088776 Restart is required to complete.

    Hi dalchina. Good news, I followed your suggestion and reinstalled the update and now it appears as "installed correctly" *Biggrin Maybe it was not necessary to run the Windows Update Troubleshooter or maybe if necessary. But using it I do not think it could have worsened something. The installation was very fast, unlike the first time it showed step 1 and step 2 completed.

    Thanks for the suggestions and for the time to respond How to stop Windows Update ignoring settings and restarting overnight :) Best regards.

    And thanks for the tip of that program, I'll have it on my list.
    3Colors, May 16, 2024

How to stop Windows Update ignoring settings and restarting overnight

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