Windows 10: Sitemap

Windows 10 BSOD Crashes and Debugging
  1. 1. Recovery Your PC couldn't start properly
  2. 2. What causes my computer to essentially shut down with powering down?
  3. 3. A blue icon with the word “live” has appeared on the computer task bar. What is this icon...
  4. 4. Issue with a repetitive key phantom key
  5. 5. My laptop battery driver keep crashing. Help Me.
  6. 6. My screen goes black when I press the Windows button, Start Menu or search bar
  7. 7. when I updated window 10 32 bit suddenly application get not respond and pc is very slow...
  8. 8. BSOD tcpip.sys. Can someone help me with this BSOD issue?
  9. 9. I am leaving windows
  10. 10. Proper boot device
  11. 11. How to resolve crashing issue Asus G751?
  12. 12. Заменила батарею в ноутбуке и при нагрузке выше минимальной повяляется синий экран "whea...
  13. 13. How to Read JJK Mnaga series On My Window PC?
  14. 14. BSOD error. Dump file added. Please assist.
  15. 15. My desktop icons suddenly disapeared and my context menu not opening as i click its just...
  16. 16. my screen is freezed and cant use my controls so what should i do
  17. 17. keep getting bsod from bug error
  18. 18. Security audit failure 5061 in windows 10
  19. 19. My pc keep BSOD even reinstall the windows
  20. 20. My acer aspire 3 is not working I need help
  21. 21. Disk Usage and memory stuck on 100% in Windows Task Manager
  22. 22. Lenovo ThinkPad X1 Yoga Gen 2 - Stuck on Lenovo Screen
  23. 23. Bluescreen
  24. 24. BSOD "IRQL NOT LESS OR EQUAL" on Windows 10 after closing down Elden Ring
  25. 25. PC freezes when accessing mapped one drive
  26. 26. j’obtiens L’erreur WHEA_UNCORRECTABLE_ERROR
  27. 27. My PC keeps crashing and I don't know why
  28. 28. My desktop is flickering every second, can't access any apps other than the Task Manager
  29. 29. My PC fully restarts when I try and play certain games without giving me error messages
  30. 30. Windows 10 boot installation problem
  31. 31. BSOD on computer.
  32. 32. how to remove verifier driver ?
  33. 33. Windows 10 finally booted to desktop after 4 hours of freezing on boot. What do I do so...
  34. 34. Something happened and your PIN isn’t available. Click to set up your pin again.
  35. 35. My Dell Inspironnlaptop wont’t open Windows…
  36. 36. Is glow work associated with Microsoft ?
  37. 37. Why did my windows download on my D drive? And how do i fix this
  38. 38. boot device not found and the ssd is nott detected anywhere
  39. 39. Unable to boot PC "Critical Process Died"
  40. 40. Steam Vr crashing after 20-30min playing Vrchat
  41. 41. Windows BSOD multiple different errors
  42. 42. my windows defender keep finding a threat but I can't remove it nor quarantine it. It shows...
  43. 43. Can't download Windows 10 on Thinkpad T480
  44. 44. Google chrome isn't working!!
  46. 46. Pc constantly restarting while playing games?
  47. 47. getting error driver power state failure for windows 10 Dell laptop
  48. 48. Windows 10 Mouse and keyboard problem
  49. 49. Constant Watchdog Violation Blue Screens on new PC
  50. 50. Bluescreen with Stopcode: Irql not less or equal
  51. 51. Why can't I open Quickbooks Enterprise 24?
  52. 52. Automatic repair can't repair pc and can't boot into safe mode
  53. 53. My PC crashed twice may I know what happened
  54. 54. System crashing after installing new ram.
  55. 55. im facing some freezing issue.
  56. 56. Startup loop and A black screen with cursor
  57. 57. Mouse cursor keeps refreshing
  58. 58. Start boot
  59. 59. Why is my framerate stuck at lower than 60 ?
  60. 60. How do i fix this setting windows and seach bar doesnt respond and wont open
  61. 61. Laptop crashing after windows update KB5011048 and KB5039884
  62. 62. continuous BSOD
  63. 63. Occasional Windows crashes, especially when playing Hoyoverse games
  64. 64. Delete
  65. 65. Mi notebook da muchos pantallazos azules/My laptop gives a lot of blue screens
  66. 66. WHEA BSOD help!
  67. 67. PC won't boot, error 0xc000014c
  68. 68. BSOD when launching Rainbow Six Siege
  70. 70. I can't play league, i have a bsod "driver irql not less or equal", do you have a solution ?
  71. 71. Unable to repair second hard drive
  72. 72. After most recent windows update, internet became slow
  73. 73. Que hago si mi laptop tiene una raya y se cambia de color de rosa a azul y se congela?
  74. 74. Blue screen - KMODE EXCEPTION_NOT HANDLED
  75. 75. defender offline scan fan is noisy
  76. 76. DPC_Watchdog_violation
  77. 77. PC crashing not sure why
  78. 78. Completed drive test outside of OS
  79. 79. i tried the SFC /scannow and this the only "Cannot repair" that i got, any solution towards...
  80. 80. My task scedular task is not working
  81. 81. Logitech USB dongle causing intermittent keyboard issues
  82. 82. "console" tanımsız kod:800A1391 hatasını nasıl çözebilirim
  83. 83. BSOD Page Fault in nonpaged area. What failed: Ntfs.sys
  84. 84. My computer stays on the motherboard loading screen for upwards of an hour whenever iI boot...
  85. 85. how to fix bootmgr image is corrupt. the system cannot boot
  86. 86. Non Volatile Storage Rev Update Failed error on windows
  87. 87. Computer Running slowly suddenly
  88. 88. cpu stuck at 0.39ghz when unplugged the charger what should i do
  90. 90. I would like to know how to resolve my computer issues after this most recent crash.
  91. 91. My PC keeps on rebooting with no blue screen based on this error Event 41, Kernel-Power
  92. 92. Monitor loosing signal every 30 minutes or so when playing an intensive game
  93. 93. PC Crashing, BSOD, Freezing + Random Restarts
  94. 94. The Choices in power app does not update.
  95. 95. Why can't i install or uninstall a program in my pc
  96. 96. 2-Tone Sounds.
  97. 97. System Failure - RAM Related
  99. 99. MoAppCrash and wwahost Application Error
  100. 100. New laptop keyboard malfunction
  101. 101. Disk at 100% task manager
  102. 102. Laptop will boot into Safe Mode, but not Normal Mode
  103. 103. Brand New PC Crashing/Freezing after exiting games
  104. 104. Extra help analyzing Minidump after crash
  105. 105. Ntfs.sys BSOD nonstop
  106. 106. I am having an issue where my PC blue screens with the prompt saying DCP_WATCHDOG I have no...
  107. 107. BSOD Multiple Errors
  108. 108. Mi computadora entró en un bucle
  109. 109. BSOD DRIVER_POWER_STATE_FAILURE 9f zapprd.sys
  110. 110. Why does it take forever for my computer to load when I turn it on??
  111. 111. error code 0x80070070
  112. 112. Constant Bluescreens
  113. 113. Multiple errors causing issues, cannot find a fix.
  114. 114. Infinite BSOD
  115. 115. How can i fix this?
  116. 116. Windows 10 random blue screens and frozen screen
  117. 117. BSOD randomly everys so often
  118. 118. Waiting 2 hours to access PC
  119. 119. Reading minidumps after BSOD
  120. 120. Windows 10 system freeze requries forced restart to use
  121. 121. I didn't use my kinda old PC for a little while, and when I started it back up one day it...
  122. 122. Why do I always get a "Value was either too large or too small for a UInt32" error whenever...
  123. 123. SHA256 ComputeHash started throwing System.Security.Cryptography.CryptographicException:...
  124. 124. FPS performance issue
  125. 125. my touchpad isnt working after send it to repair shop, the Touchpad option gone from the...
  126. 126. I need help to log into my Hp laptop
  127. 127. What dose PUA:Win32/Vigua.A do to windows 10
  128. 128. Please Help me with this BSOD error
  129. 129. F6 Mute button light not working
  130. 130. Bitlocker Recovery
  131. 131. when I want to start my virtual machine an error message said that unable to allocate 2048...
  132. 132. PC fans suddenly start making a loud noise and video loss.
  133. 133. PC Freeze while gaming
  134. 134. AMD Northbridge Donanım Hatası
  135. 135. bateri
  136. 136. Slow responding in windows 10
  137. 137. Weirdly missing icons from Windows 10
  138. 138. BSOD DPC Watchdog Violation
  139. 139. My PC Crashes whenever I launch Helldivers 2 or UserBenchmark.
  140. 140. PC Files Coruppted and Microsoft Store Not Working Proparly
  141. 141. Constant BSOD, even after new Windows 10 install
  142. 142. Problems with iTunes in Windows 10
  143. 143. Random BSODs
  144. 144. Reboot and select proper boot device after converting mbr to gpt
  145. 145. Incorrect Permissions On Windows 10 Search Directories Being Disabled?
  146. 146. Frequent bluescreen errors randomly started happening
  147. 147. please help, my Infinite Racer laptop just stuck on its logo loading screen and keep...
  148. 148. Faulty Ram or Motherboard
  149. 149. I Blue Screen while playing games once every few hours
  151. 151. Windows with black screen and loading cursor for a long time
  152. 152. Weird errors
  153. 153. MBR2GPT : Windows Now Has Both EFI and C: Acting As System Partition
  154. 154. All audio mutes when going online
  155. 155. Problem With Resetting a Local Windows 10 password
  156. 156. Clipboard will no longer pin
  157. 157. The Windows 10 Settings Application Does Not Open
  158. 158. LatencyMon high latency and audio popping
  159. 159. Semi-frequent BSODs, need help
  160. 160. I get the "Blue screen of death" every time i boot my laptop.
  161. 161. please help, my Infinite Racer laptop just stuck on its logo loading screen and keep...
  162. 162. After updating Windows 10, many functions are not working properly, I am unable to connect...
  163. 163. Bluetooth audio issues
  164. 164. Reset and usb port issues
  165. 165. PC suddenly crashes without bluescreen and restarts.
  166. 166. PC wont boot from my old SSD when I install a new nvme m,2 SSD with nothing on it
  167. 167. Slow laptop
  168. 168. DNS Issues
  169. 169. Porque as fotos deixaram de abrir quando clico direto nelas pelo Microsoft Fotos ? Isso...
  170. 170. Bluetooth Signal Stutter on Windows 10
  171. 171. Having persistent BSOD DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL linked to dxgmms2 and ntoskrnl
  172. 172. Laptop Shuts Down When Plugged In and Loses Internet Connection
  173. 173. I need serious help
  174. 174. ODD FIX for 60 FPS in Full Screen Mode Multi-Monitor setups
  175. 175. Blue Screen of Death Now I Can't Login to Any Microsoft Apps on My Laptop
  176. 176. Several crashes while gaming with failure pointed to 0x116_IMAGE_nvlddmkm.sys
  178. 178. How do I recover OS with blue BCOD
  179. 179. PC and Game Crash - BSOD help with figuring out source
  180. 180. I cannot update,reset, even CMD not working with any commands sfc /scannow …
  181. 181. Friend of me gets random bluescreens
  182. 182. BSOD NEED HELP
  183. 183. My keyboard is not working after fully resetting my PC.
  184. 184. BSOD from time to time, bugcheck 0x00000139
  185. 185. Win10 PC keeps crashing when left idle and sometimes ingame
  186. 186. I need help I dont even know where to start.
  187. 187. windows 10 home crashing almost every time with 1796 event followed by 7001. both error level
  188. 188. My ASUS TUF A15 laptop BSODs when I play games and sometimes even when im not?
  189. 189. Today's Outage question blue screen of death for windows 10 users
  190. 190. Windows 10 Device DMA Violation
  191. 191. Is there a way to test run updates before full on application
  192. 192. How to fix when i run "run" theres a thing that pops up called "How do you want to open...
  193. 193. Deleted all users from Windows 10
  194. 194. hello i'm having a problem with the shutting down issue and i saw this on event viewer
  195. 195. hello i'm having a problem with and i saw this on event viewer
  196. 196. Computer crashes at the start of every game
  197. 197. My pc start slowing down after I swapped my pc case.
  198. 198. PC crashes when I play games, not when I launch them but when I actually press load.
  199. 199. Multiple Blue screen of deaths on pc BSOD.
  200. 200. Windows Killed it's self. Impossible to use.
  201. 201. BSOD after activating windows.
  202. 202. Ongoing False Positive Detections by Microsoft Defender for Widely Used Program
  203. 203. Why isn’t my product key working?
  204. 204. My laptop is blue screening with the stop code PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA and apparently...
  205. 205. How to fix.. my pc not turning on or it not displaying after sad face blue screen show all...
  206. 206. Blue screen error on Random Laptop and Servers in our network
  207. 207. My Windows 10 laptop keeps randomly restarting.
  208. 208. stuck on EFI Shell screen 2.00
  209. 209. PC lights remain on after sleeping/turning off computer, and unable to wake computer from...
  210. 210. New SSD gave bluescreens and slowed PC
  211. 211. Kursor Kedap Kedip & Sistem Lemot
  212. 212. Bugcheck 0x0000001e 0xffffffffc0000096, 0xffffd0017579601e, 0x0000000000000000,...
  213. 213. error code 0xc000001 pm windows 10
  214. 214. My HP Windows 10 I have tried everything with no luck
  215. 215. AutoIt Error Line 0 File "C:\Users\Public\bin.au3": Error: Error opening the file.
  216. 216. Why is my computer crashing after a round
  217. 217. Unable to open powershell
  218. 218. WHEA Logger blue screen
  219. 219. Very slow to load Downloads folder in Windows 10 2024 UPDATE
  220. 220. How do I fix the Win32_Processor
  221. 221. Failure to execute an update to a 3rd Party Program
  222. 222. Blue screen after connecting a wireless device
  223. 223. Store missing
  224. 224. Minidump help
  225. 225. Trying to put my search bar at the top of the screen
  226. 226. DPC Watchdog Violation error
  227. 227. Entire PC stalls suddenly, nothing is clickable, cannot Alt+F4, have to manually shut down.
  228. 228. No bootable devices
  229. 229. Windows Boot Manager Error
  230. 230. PC has been experiencing BSOD's and restarts with no noticeable pattern giving clues as to why
  231. 231. PC automatically shut down when I start it
  232. 232. Windows Xbox game bar says "enable gaming features for this app to record gameplay" when I...
  233. 233. Headphone jack doesn't recognize headphones
  234. 234. headphones don't play sound through the port
  235. 235. Re windows live mail
  236. 236. Problems after resetting pc
  237. 237. Blue screen
  239. 239. My ping spikes when charging
  240. 240. Microsoft store, apps issues, taskbar issue
  241. 241. Microsoft Store won't open
  242. 242. Getting blue screen errors minidump shows NETIO.SYS ethernet drivers are updated
  243. 243. Windows BSOD- Many Errors.
  244. 244. Windows 10 on my laptop will not start. I don't know why. Can I transfer Windows 10 from...
  245. 245. My PC crashes after closing games.
  246. 246. Critical process died
  247. 247. disk percentage hp pavillion X360
  248. 248. My laptop lags a lot at random times when I perform high-consuming tasks. In addition to...
  249. 249. IRQL BSOD
  250. 250. IRQL BSOD