Windows 10: camera doesnot work

Discus and support camera doesnot work in Windows 10 Drivers and Hardware to solve the problem; My laptop camera is not working because there is no driver for it... Discussion in 'Windows 10 Drivers and Hardware' started by Varun Kumar4, May 24, 2024.

  1. camera doesnot work

    My laptop camera is not working because there is no driver for it

    Varun Kumar4, May 24, 2024

  2. camera not working

    If you have the camera connected to the computer, I would suggest that you disconnect the camera and then try to open the Camera app.

    If the camera app opens, follow the steps below:

    • Press “Windows key + C” from your keyboard to open “Charms bar”.
    • Select “Settings” option.
    • Select “Permissions” option.
    • Turn on “Allow this app to access your: Webcam and Microphone” option.
    • Lose the app by pressing “Alt key + F4” from your keyboard.
    • Reopen the Camera app.
    • Connect your camera and then check how this app works.
    Gina_on_the_thread, May 24, 2024
  3. Rose Cal Win User
    Camera not working

    Hi Khem,

    Corrupted or outdated drivers may be the possible cause why your camera is not working properly. To efficiently assist you, we'd like to gather more information:

    • Have you made any recent changes prior to this issue?
    • Are you getting any error messages? If yes, could you provide us a screenshot?
    • Have you tried updating your webcam driver?
    • What is the make and model of you tablet?

    Meanwhile, we suggest that you follow the steps in these articles on how to troubleshoot your camera:

    Let us know if you need further assistance.
    Rose Cal, May 24, 2024
  4. Sher Amo Win User

    camera doesnot work

    Camera does not work.

    To isolate your concern, we suggest that you uninstall the camera through Device Manager. To do this, follow the steps below:

    • In the Search box, type Device
      and press Enter.
    • Navigate to Imaging devices.
    • Expand the Imaging devices tree by clicking on the adjacent arrow.
    • Look for your device, right-click then select Properties.
    • Click on the Driver tab, then choose Uninstall button.

    Let the system restarts to complete the process. Take note that the camera may not work if there are other applications which are still open that uses the same device, we suggest that after uninstalling the device you can proceed with launching the application
    to check if the issue persists.

    Give us an update with the outcome.
    Sher Amo, May 24, 2024

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    in Windows 10 Software and Apps
    camera doesnot work: My laptop camera is not working because there is no driver for it