Windows 10: How to recover unsaved screen recording file from Steps recorder application in windows 11

Discus and support How to recover unsaved screen recording file from Steps recorder application in windows 11 in Windows 10 Software and Apps to solve the problem; I was recording my screen on click basis and had already recorded it for one hour and thirty minutes. Due to system hang, I was unable to save and it's... Discussion in 'Windows 10 Software and Apps' started by Akhhi, May 24, 2024.

  1. Akhhi Win User

    How to recover unsaved screen recording file from Steps recorder application in windows 11

    I was recording my screen on click basis and had already recorded it for one hour and thirty minutes. Due to system hang, I was unable to save and it's auto closed and now I cannot find my recording files. Any way to find it ? I was using default windows <<steps recorder>> app .

    Akhhi, May 24, 2024
  2. weybrew Win User

    Steps Recorder there... but not there

    I seemed to have been saved by a link to this fix:
    Please use regedit to rename hklm\software\policies\microsoft\windows\AppCompat - changeAppCompat to AppCompat_HOLD . Then try launching PSR again.
    Tried it and now Steps Recorder seems to be working as it should.
    But to follow up on your suggestion, I'm going to try to find and repair the corrupt files that my sfc scan found... after setting a restore point!
    Thanks for your help.
    weybrew, May 24, 2024
  3. Mooly Win User
    Steps Recorder there... but not there

    I really don't know what to suggest to you.

    Even though you can not see it on screen, does it show in task manager ? I wonder if it might be worth you running a system file check using :

    sfc/ SCANNOW from an elevated command prompt.

    How to recover unsaved screen recording file from Steps recorder application in windows 11 150545d1503768576t-steps-recorder-there-but-not-there-untitled.png
    Mooly, May 24, 2024
  4. Try3 Win User

    How to recover unsaved screen recording file from Steps recorder application in windows 11

    Steps Recorder there... but not there

    Are you trying to use this? - C:\Windows\System32\psr.exe
    [Start menu, Windows accessories, Steps recorder - but often referred to as the Problem steps recorder]

    It is supposed to launch a small UI dialog and it should also be shown on the Taskbar but, from your description, this does not happen. Does anything happen at all?

    How to recover unsaved screen recording file from Steps recorder application in windows 11 150456d1503725197t-steps-recorder-there-but-not-there-steps-recorder-ui.png


How to recover unsaved screen recording file from Steps recorder application in windows 11

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