Windows 10: windows updater cant connect to update server

Discus and support windows updater cant connect to update server in Windows 10 Gaming to solve the problem; i have been facing this since 12:00 am here in my place when i went to check the updates and i was faced with this tried sfc and dism found no errors... Discussion in 'Windows 10 Gaming' started by Zunayed Eshan1, May 24, 2024.

  1. windows updater cant connect to update server

    i have been facing this since 12:00 am here in my place when i went to check the updates and i was faced with this tried sfc and dism found no errors did restart still no effect also am i doomed? shall i run a virus run? pls reply quick and before saying internet its fine i can use winget chrome is working so i dont think so any issue... or is microsoft facing issues? i am also facing the issue in downloading Microsoft Edge WebView2 Runtime [Microsoft.EdgeWebView2Runtime] Version 125.0.2535.51 using winget i have included both image below.also is there a newer version of winget? how can i chec

    Zunayed Eshan1, May 24, 2024
  2. malware Win User

    Microsoft Prepares Update for Windows Home Server

    Microsoft's Windows Home Server officially launched earlier this month, is already preparing to be updated. Microsoft says that the new update is "part of the ongoing process of continually enhancing the customer experience with Windows Home Server." The update includes a few feature additions for Windows Home Server. Currently, users who login to their server when away from their home network - through an external URL like - are greeted with a security warning. The November 27 update will now provide users with a trusted SSL certificate for their Windows Home Severs. The SSL certification was provided with the help of Windows Live Domains and GoDaddy. Other new features include a "Delete All" button to remove home computer backups. Microsoft has also taken steps to make the Shared Folders and Server Storage aspects of Windows Home Server more robust and user friendly.

    Source: DailyTech
    malware, May 24, 2024
  3. newtekie1 Win User
    Windows XP update and internet Issue

    Microsoft has been shutting down some of their XP update server to prepare for the end of life of XP. That means that if your ISPs DNS servers are slow at updating then you will be trying to use servers that no longer exist.

    I suggest you download the latest XP roll-up disc, it will have most of the updates you need and I also suggest hard coding a Google DNS as your primary DNS in your router.
    newtekie1, May 24, 2024
  4. AsRock Win User

    windows updater cant connect to update server

    Windows Updates failed to instal

    I'm not sure how differant XP media center Edition is but you could clear the history \ cache if these folders are there.

    Step 1 Register DLL files.


    By trying this step, we can check if the update engines are working properly.

    1. Close all instances of Internet Explorer.

    2. Click Start and Run, type "Regsvr32 atl.dll" (without quotes) in the Open box and click OK.

    Note: There is a space between regsvr32 and atl.dll

    3. Similarly, one by one, register the files listed below:

    Regsvr32 msxml3.dll

    Regsvr32 wuapi.dll

    Regsvr32 wuaueng.dll

    Regsvr32 wuaueng1.dll

    Regsvr32 wups2.dll

    Regsvr32 wucltui.dll

    Regsvr32 wups.dll

    Regsvr32 wuweb.dll

    Regsvr32 qmgr.dll

    Regsvr32 qmgrprxy.dll

    Regsvr32 jscript.dll

    Note: If you encounter errors while registering any of these files then skip that file and continue with the next one.

    If the issue persists, let's move on to the steps below to verify Windows Update services and temporary folders.

    Step 2 Verify the relevant Windows Update services.


    1. Click Start->Run, type "services.msc" (without quotation marks) in the open box and click OK.

    2. Double click the service "Automatic Updates".

    3. Click on the Log On tab, please ensure the option "Local System account" is selected and the option "Allow service to interact with desktop" is unchecked.

    4. Check if this service has been enabled on the listed Hardware Profile. If not, please click the Enable button to enable it.

    5. Click on the tab "General "; make sure the "Startup Type" is "Automatic" or "Manual". Then please click the button "Stop" under "Service Status" to stop the service.

    6. Then please click the button "Start" under "Service Status" to start the service.

    7. Please repeat the above steps with the other services:

    Background Intelligent Transfer Service

    Event Log

    Remote Procedure Call (RPC)

    Note: Event log service is enabled on all of the hardware profiles; this service does not have an option to enable or disable on certain hardware profile.

    If it still does not help, let's proceed to step 3.

    Step 3 Reload the Update temporary folders.


    One possible cause is that the temporary folder for Windows Update is containing corrupted files. Let's erase all the files there to get the system clean.

    1. Click Start, Run, type: cmd and press Enter. Please run the following command in the opened window.

    Net stop WuAuServ

    2. Click Start, Run, type: %windir% and press Enter.

    3. In the opened folder, rename the folder SoftwareDistribution to Sdold.

    4. Click Start, Run, type: cmd and press Enter. Please run the following command in the opened window.

    Net start WuAuServ

    Please test the Windows Update website and let me know the result. If the issue persists, to clarify the issue and provide more accurate troubleshooting steps, please assist me in collecting the following information.
    AsRock, May 24, 2024

windows updater cant connect to update server

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