Windows 10: Minimum column width in file explorer

Discus and support Minimum column width in file explorer in Windows 10 Gaming to solve the problem; Hi, Iam sure this came up before but all I could find wasn't actually addressing the issue of the minimum width. Is there a way to make columns like... Discussion in 'Windows 10 Gaming' started by TAF_Admin, May 24, 2024.

  1. TAF_Admin Win User

    Minimum column width in file explorer

    Hi, Iam sure this came up before but all I could find wasn't actually addressing the issue of the minimum width. Is there a way to make columns like the "Status" for files on OneDrive or "Size" smaller? They take up unnecessary screen real estate but are too useful to just hide. See image. Thanks

    TAF_Admin, May 24, 2024

  2. Column Width in List View in File Explorer

    I went through all of the above steps, but sadly this doesn't work when viewing folders in *list* view. Any idea how to adjust the column widths there?

    Up until a couple of months ago the column widths were always simply equal to the longest name in the column or the longest name in the folder. Now there is a couple of extra centimetres in there for no discernible reason.
    RichLehmann, May 24, 2024
  3. How to add Width & Height in the File Explorer column 'suggestions'?

    For some of my video folders, I would like to add the columns "Width" and "Height" as separate columns - for better sort options. (I'm using a german GUI and there it is called "Bildbreite" and "Bildhöhe". I'm not sure, if it is "Frame Width" and "Frame Height" for an english GUI or "Picture Width" and "Picture height" as literally translated). As you can see in this AniGif (click on the picture), I have to select them as usual:
    Minimum column width in file explorer 368852d1655194196t-how-add-width-height-file-explorer-column-suggestions-picturewidth_and_height.gif
    Do you know any way to get this two entries in the "suggestions" list for additional properties to show? The list that appears if you right click on a existing column header in the Windows File Explorer? This way I don't have to scroll down the long list and check this two entries again for the folders I want to see it. (I know that I could set the defaul view for ALL video folders. But I like to see this additional properties only for about the half of all my video folders.) Windows Version: Windows 10 Pro Version: 21H2 Betriebssystembuild: 19044.1706
    WTenNewbie, May 24, 2024
  4. LesFerch Win User

    Minimum column width in file explorer

    How to add Width & Height in the File Explorer column 'suggestions'?

    Yes, use WinSetView to add those two properties to the right-click properties pop-up menu:
    Minimum column width in file explorer 368868d1655210396t-how-add-width-height-file-explorer-column-suggestions-bildbreite.png
    LesFerch, May 24, 2024

Minimum column width in file explorer

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