Windows 10: SharePoint Inequality Error

Discus and support SharePoint Inequality Error in Windows 10 Gaming to solve the problem; SharePoint is evaluating six as greater than seven. The calculated field is:=IF[Probability]*[Impact]>16, "High", IF[Probability]*[Impact]>7, "Medium",... Discussion in 'Windows 10 Gaming' started by MashuganahGoy, May 24, 2024.

  1. SharePoint Inequality Error

    SharePoint is evaluating six as greater than seven. The calculated field is:=IF[Probability]*[Impact]>16, "High", IF[Probability]*[Impact]>7, "Medium", "Low"When the Probability and Impact columns are both three, the equation returns "Medium." All other numbers appear to be evaluated correctly. The Probability and Impact fields are selectable drop downs and are not subject to data entry errors.Any idea why SharePoint thinks six is greater than seven?

    MashuganahGoy, May 24, 2024

  2. SharePoint Crashing

    I am having the same issues on 2 laptops both using Outlook 2010. I have tried disabling FILE COLLABORATION in One Drive as suggested, but still note the Critical Error with Sharepoint in Reliability History. Thank you for the suggestion. Hope Microsoft repairs this problem soon.
    Toronto Cat, May 24, 2024
  3. NTN
    NTN Win User
  4. wp7-user Win User

    SharePoint Inequality Error

    HTTPS SharePoint with UAG: Don't have necessary permissions error.

    I am not the admin for the SharePoint Server, so I don't know about Reporting Services Add-in. However, I also don't see how this is helpful looking at the link you provided for the add-in. I can do everything in SharePoint site from within the IE mobile
    browser on the phone. But SharePoint Workspace Mobile in the OfficeHub doesn't work.

    The only info I can provide is:

    • SharePoint server is https
    • I can open, edit, upload, sync documents on my PC, PC browser, PC SharePoint WorkSpace, and my windows phone 7 IE browser
    • When I connect from SharePoint Workspace Mobile in OfficeHub I get an error that SharePoint doesn't support this authentication scheme.
    • When I configure UAG on the phone, then I am able to connect to the SharePoint site, but as described earlier, can only browse the files and folders and can't edit, upload, sync files.
    I still don't see how reporting services as suggested helps, given I don't have problems except in SPWorkspace in OfficeHub. Please explaing or provide another solution if this is not the right solution.

    wp7-user, May 24, 2024

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