Windows 10: Issue about SSD drive in laptop.....

Discus and support Issue about SSD drive in laptop..... in Windows 10 Gaming to solve the problem; If we have partitioned a drive, and there was data in another part of that partition, even after removing it, the drive does not become empty.Formatted... Discussion in 'Windows 10 Gaming' started by Miss Alfiza, May 25, 2024.

  1. Issue about SSD drive in laptop.....

    If we have partitioned a drive, and there was data in another part of that partition, even after removing it, the drive does not become empty.Formatted using command prompt, used all the paths, now how to free up the remaining storage in that disk?

    Miss Alfiza, May 25, 2024
  2. little cat, May 25, 2024
  3. Jerry8A Win User
    Optical Drive Issue

    Hello Anak –

    Appreciate your detailed return. Your added steps really helped.

    Assuming I did the steps correctly, this is where I am now.

    Screenshot 12 shows my CD Disc shortcut on my desktop.
    Screenshot 10 shows the CD Drive shortcut listed in the “Send to” listing.
    Screenshot 11 shows the “Send to” listing after the steps were taken, but the CD drive name is not listed.

    So, it appears the steps did not work for me. And, I did try the steps, “If it still won’t do ……” and still no luck.

    What do you think?


    Issue about SSD drive in laptop..... 264148d1579727363t-optical-drive-issue-screenshot-12-.png

    Issue about SSD drive in laptop..... 264149d1579727409t-optical-drive-issue-screenshot-10-.png

    Issue about SSD drive in laptop..... 264150d1579727247t-optical-drive-issue-screenshot-11-.png
    Jerry8A, May 25, 2024
  4. Daniel C Win User

    Issue about SSD drive in laptop.....

    Issues with installation of new MSATA SSD

    Hello all, I recently received a new Kingston 240gb MSATA SSD (RMA replacement) for my Alienware 14 laptop. It's an SUV500MS/240G. I seem to be having a bit of a nightmare with getting it set up properly. So my intention was to set it up as the new boot drive and then have the 750GB SATA HDD that's already installed run as the secondary. After installing Windows 10 home edition via a USB drive, when entering the bios I noticed that the new SSD is listed under legacy drive in the boot options and not UEFI. In an attempt to correct this set the BIOS to only boot with UEFI and then rebooted with the installation USB drive and used disk part to clean the SSD and convert it from MBR to GPT and then reinstalled windows 10. The first attempt to reinstall seemed to get hung up and I had to repeat the process, the second attempt successfully installed and was able to boot into windows. If I go into system information, the BIOS mode is now listed as UEFI and not legacy, however the SSD still isn't listed in the BIOS as an option under UEFI boot devices. To make things even more annoying when I boot the laptop it now lists 3 different operating systems - I assume these are the one I installed in legacy, the failed one and the successful UEFI one. I read online that simply changing an SSD from MBR to GPT will not in fact dictate if the drive is seen as UEFI or legacy but instead it is based off of the type of bootloader it has installed. It goes on to say that to be UEFI it needs an EFI system partition and then lists steps to delete and replace the system partition. You may say well there is your answer but that leads me to the next step of the problem. When loading up disk management, what's listed as disk 1 is the new SSD and disk 0 is the old 750GB HDD. The 750GB drive has an associated system partition but the SSD does not even though it is the primary boot drive (CIssue about SSD drive in laptop..... :) I attempted to use disk part again as the online post had suggested to create an efi partition on the SSD however disk part simply tells me that there is not enough usable space for this operation. Now that I have attempted to explain my problem I was wondering if anyone could offer up any sort of solution, my aims are to A) Add an efi partition to the SSD in the hope it will make the BIOS see it as a UEFI boot drive or if anyone simply has an alternate method to achieve this same goal that would also be appreciated. B) Remove the excess operating systems that are now listed on the laptop when booting If any additional information is required or further explanation is needed please don't hesitate to ask and I shall get back to you ASAP. Thanks Daniel Edit 1: It seems as if I have managed to remove the operating systems that were listing when starting the laptop. I used msconfig to do this, I am hoping this has actually removed it and not just hidden it, if anyone could let me know if this was the correct route to solve this issue that would be great.
    Daniel C, May 25, 2024

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