Windows 10: French letters all of a sudden showing up after accidentally hitting some combination of keys

Discus and support French letters all of a sudden showing up after accidentally hitting some combination of keys in Windows 10 Software and Apps to solve the problem; I don't feel Microsoft is adequately addressing this question. Itès not just a matter of going into Language Settings to fix the problem. My problem... Discussion in 'Windows 10 Software and Apps' started by Alison Dennis, May 25, 2024.

  1. French letters all of a sudden showing up after accidentally hitting some combination of keys

    I don't feel Microsoft is adequately addressing this question. Itès not just a matter of going into Language Settings to fix the problem. My problem happens when I accidentally hit some combination of keys, and like a shortcut, French letters start appearing when I press punctuation marks, for exampleQuestion mark ÉApostrophe èFront slash éBackslash àQuotation mark ÈNote colon and semi-colon do not work at all when this happensI have English Canada selected under Language Settings, because I live in Canada and want to be able to type French letters occasionally. And itès been absolutely no

    Alison Dennis, May 25, 2024

  2. Use of a french canadian layout Wedge bluetooth keyboard with iOS8, is it possible?


    I have bought a Wedge bluetooth keyboard with a french canadian layout. In this layout, differently from all other french layouts, accents are made with only one key and necessitate the strike of a letter before the accentuated letter appears. In Windows
    7, in language et keyboard settings, this layout is called "Français (Canada)". To be precise this also a layout where you have to hit "Alt-car+2" to have the "@" sign.

    You can see the keyboard and it's layout here:

    When I connect this Wedge keyboard to an iPad on iOS8, it appears and works when I hit keys but doesn't seem to have the right layout in memory because when I hit the "`" (accent) key, it types directly è instead of waiting for me to type another letter
    as this layout would require. Also, all the symbols that can be accessed with a "shift+(number)" stroke are wrong and don't give the result there supposed to. When I go in keyboard settings of the iPad, it says I use a "Français canadien (CSA)" layout on the
    keyboard. Other french layouts offered in the iPad are AZERTY layouts which are definitly wrong as the keyboard is a QWERTY.

    My question: is it possible to have use the french canadian wedge keyboard with an iPad and have the key write exactly what they show (i.e. the "shift+3" combination gives "/" just like the keyboard displays on the key and not "#" as I get on the screen
    of the iPad when I use the keyboard) ?

    EDIT: I understand that special functions like PLAY or the WINDOWS key won't work as I am not using the keyboard with a Windows environnement but a keyboard that types something else than what the keys show as typing combinations is useless. If it is not
    possible to use as I would be able to type on a computer (without the functions, understandably), I will return the keyboard.
    AntoineLetarte, May 25, 2024
  3. Left arrow key hits a random combination of keys

    i don't know how to best describe it, so i'll start from the beginning.

    i was playing Google Earth VR when all of a sudden the music gave out. i looked at my desktop, and nothing seemed wrong until i tried clicking around and opening my browser. for some reason, something was constantly muting and unmuting my computer's sound
    and typing the | key, no matter where i went.

    i attempted to unplug and replug the keyboard, no fix. uninstalled and reinstalled drivers for my mouse, keyboard, and sound, no fix. i attempted to go back to a back-up- which failed, for some reason- and i eventually did a soft reset and reinstalled windows.
    nothing changed until i fully powered off my PC, unplugged it, and opened it up to see if something was lying on a cable *somewhere*.

    now, everything seems fine... except that whenever i hit my left arrow key, it instead does what seems to be a combination of hitting shift, enter, 5, and the the backslash/vertical bar key all at once.
    Future Exalt, May 25, 2024
  4. French letters all of a sudden showing up after accidentally hitting some combination of keys

    Key combinations confusion

    Maybe it would help if I illustrate my question with an example.

    Currently, if I press Win+Up on my laptop, a MaximizeWindow is executed. However:

    • If I execute Win+/ (to display all key combinations involving the Windows key), Win+Up says "No action" (which isn't correct, because it executes MaximizeWindow).
    • And, if I go into PowerToys / Keyboard Manager, Keyboard Manager is enabled but there are no key combinations listed under either Remap A Key or Remap a shortcut.
    So, how was Win+Up remapped? And where should I remap it, if I want it to do something else? Any why isn't it showing up when I press Win+/?
    DavidPaulNZ, May 25, 2024

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