Windows 10: How to remap the Right Windows Key to Right Control in the Registry?

Discus and support How to remap the Right Windows Key to Right Control in the Registry? in Windows 10 Gaming to solve the problem; I got a weird keyboard that has a Right Windows Key instead of a Right Control Key. I remapped it using PowerToys, but it only works as long as... Discussion in 'Windows 10 Gaming' started by Trent Tompkins, May 26, 2024.

  1. How to remap the Right Windows Key to Right Control in the Registry?

    I got a weird keyboard that has a Right Windows Key instead of a Right Control Key. I remapped it using PowerToys, but it only works as long as PowerToys is running in the tray.I tried to run the following script:$Remap = New-Object -TypeName byte[] -ArgumentList 100 $Remap[91] = 0xA3; $key = 'HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Keyboard Layout' New-ItemProperty -Path $key -Name 'ScanCode Map' -Value $Remap -ForceThis creates a registry key called 'ScanCode Map'. I believe 92 is the index for the right control key, the key I am tryinng to remap. It makes an array of 100 bytes, all of which

    Trent Tompkins, May 26, 2024

  2. Right arrow Key broken - Trying to remap

    Dear Community,

    A week or 2 ago my right arrow broke and its really frustrating. Therefor as a solution i tried remapping the arrow key to the ² symbol that i barely use. I used Microsoft Keyboard Layout Creator 1.4 but i cant seem to get the right unicode for it so then
    i tried sharpkeys and there it doesn't work at all. Anyone has any suggestions on how i could remap this arrow key or if im just doomed to getting the keyboard replaced because of it?

    Thanks in advance,

    Guillaume Mille
    GuillaumeMille, May 26, 2024
  3. is it possible to remap keys to left and right click.


    is it possible to remap keys on e.g. left ctrl to right click and left fn to right click?

    Probably it is, but than it is renders those keys unusable for the original purpose. So is it possible to remap then only when the touchpad is in use? Or the other way around not to apply the map during typing?

    I know that system is recognizing this as it prevents accidental gestures to touchpad during typing.
    tatrman_1984, May 26, 2024
  4. How to remap the Right Windows Key to Right Control in the Registry?

    Remapping key FROM REGISTRY


    Thanks for the challenge! How to remap the Right Windows Key to Right Control in the Registry? :D

    Open an Administrator PowerShell window by right-clicking on Start or pressing WinKey+X and select
    [b]Windows PowerShell (Admin)[/b]
    Then, copy and paste the following commands into the window. All the lines can be copied &  pasted at once.
    Copy up to the final 'e' of "-Force":
    $Remap = New-Object -TypeName byte[] -ArgumentList 20
    $Remap[8] = 2
    $Remap[12] = 0x53
    $Remap[13] = 0xe0
    $Remap[14] = 0x52
    $Remap[15] = 0xe0
    $key = 'HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Keyboard Layout'
    New-ItemProperty -Path $key -Name 'ScanCode Map' -Value $Remap -Force
    Once copied, press <Enter> and the commands will execute:
    Then close all windows and [i][b]Restart.[/b][/i]
    Tested and worked on my machine.
    Keith A. Miller, May 26, 2024

How to remap the Right Windows Key to Right Control in the Registry?

  1. How to remap the Right Windows Key to Right Control in the Registry? - Similar Threads - remap Right Key

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  3. is it possible to remap keys to left and right click.

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    is it possible to remap keys to left and right click.: Hi,is it possible to remap keys on e.g. left ctrl to right click and left fn to right click?Probably it is, but than it is renders those keys unusable for the original purpose. So is it possible to remap then only when the touchpad is in use? Or the other way around not to...
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