Windows 10: .exe generated by Visual Studio file will not open from file explorer.

Discus and support .exe generated by Visual Studio file will not open from file explorer. in Windows 10 Gaming to solve the problem; I have created a very basic program in opengl using C++ that draws triangles and it runs perfectly when I click on the Local Windows Debugger button... Discussion in 'Windows 10 Gaming' started by Georgii ZK, May 27, 2024.

  1. .exe generated by Visual Studio file will not open from file explorer.

    I have created a very basic program in opengl using C++ that draws triangles and it runs perfectly when I click on the Local Windows Debugger button but when I try to run the exe from File Explorer it gives me: Debug Error! and the created window stays white without any triangles.

    Georgii ZK, May 27, 2024
  2. erocker Win User

    Exe file slow to open

    A SFX archive isn't going to open right away. The files have to be extracted first. When you are opening it in WinRar, it's not extracting the file, it's just reading it which is why it opens right away.
    erocker, May 27, 2024
  3. 95Viper Win User
    Exe file slow to open

    Possible... I had Kaspersky and ZoneAlarm, both, on different machines & times, misbehavin' and had to re-install them to set them right.
    Even after cleaning them out and re-setting them; they would still bog the file access times down and cause Windows Explorer (not ie) to be slow on opening and accessing, until re-installed.

    If he turns off real-time detection it will not make any difference, as he has already been opening the file... he would/should have gotten an alert or warning if there were a problem with the file he is testing with.

    Probably not; but, how much ram?
    What version of Windows?
    Where is you swap file located? What size?
    How full are your drives?
    What processor?
    Have you got the latest firmware for your SSD?
    Are your drivers up to date?
    Is your MB bios current?

    Is the file an installation file, video file, etc? Does it use compression?

    You need to goto User CP and put your system info there and then check the box to show the specs. The info will go a long way in helping some to diagnose your possible problem(s).
    95Viper, May 27, 2024
  4. Maxi Blei Win User

    .exe generated by Visual Studio file will not open from file explorer.

    Inconsistent File Representation in Visual Studio Code

    Dear Visual Studio Code Support Community,

    I am currently experiencing an unusual behavior in Visual Studio Code that I haven't been able to resolve independently. The issue is that when navigating to a function definition in my code, which is defined in another file tab which is already open, a new Tab with the same content opens. Both tabs seem to be referencing the same file object. This means that changes made in one tab are also visible in the other, and vice versa.

    Here are some details and steps I have already taken:

    • I have reinstalled Visual Studio Code and set up a new project to ensure that the issue is not project-specific.
    • All extensions have been temporarily disabled to rule out conflicts.
    • The Visual Studio Code cache has been cleared, and the program has been restarted multiple times.
    • I have changed and adapted the settings.json file. I do not know if this is helpful but here is the content of the file:

      "editor.codeActionsOnSave": {},

      "python.analysis.extraPaths": [],

      "python.autoComplete.extraPaths": [],

      "python.condaPath": "C:\\Users\\...\\anaconda3\\Scripts\\",

      "python.defaultInterpreterPath": "c:\\Users\\...\\anaconda3\\envs\\work\\python.exe",

      "python.experiments.optInto": [



      "python.pythonPath": "C:\\Users\\...\\anaconda3\\python.exe",

      "python.terminal.activateEnvInCurrentTerminal": true,

      "python.terminal.activateEnvironment": true,

      "python.experiments.enabled": true,

      "security.restrictUNCAccess": false,

      "window.zoomLevel": -1,

      "python.analysis.diagnosticSeverityOverrides": {


    This behavior doesn't seem to align with the normal workflow of Visual Studio Code, and I am unsure how to further investigate or resolve it. Please provide guidance or recommendations on how to address this issue.

    Thank you in advance for your assistance.

    Best regards,

    Maxi Blei, May 27, 2024

.exe generated by Visual Studio file will not open from file explorer.

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