Windows 10: 0x124 BSoD Troubleshooting

Discus and support 0x124 BSoD Troubleshooting in Windows 10 Software and Apps to solve the problem; Good day! I recently started to receive BSoD crashes after playing a few games only about 20-30min in before crash occurs or sometimes upon game exit.... Discussion in 'Windows 10 Software and Apps' started by TheStig9288, Dec 9, 2023.

  1. 0x124 BSoD Troubleshooting

    Good day! I recently started to receive BSoD crashes after playing a few games only about 20-30min in before crash occurs or sometimes upon game exit. This only started to occur recently and I assume its due to my CPU upgrade. Recently upgraded from 3600X to 5900X. I also updated my ASUS Motherboard BIOS from version 4408 to 5003. However, I did use my 3600X for a while on this new BIOS version and experienced 0 issues prior to changing my CPU. The upgrade appeared smooth, gaming and CPU stress tests via Cinebench show temps appear to be fine. No spikes and no signs of anything occurring bef

    TheStig9288, Dec 9, 2023

  2. Getting BSOD 0x124 error

    Ignore what everone said here.

    0x124 BSOD is usually related to VCCIO (VTT), run Prime95 version 26.6 with custom sizes of 512K to 640K with 50% of your memory for at least 8 hours.

    If you get a 0x124 BSOD, increase VCCIO voltage by small steps, run Prime95 again until your stable.

    If you pass Prime95 512K to 640K without a BSOD, then its Vcore too low. I'd suggest running IntelBurnTest with 80% of your memory to verify stability (8 to 12 hours).

    Oh, and yeah, if this problem appeared all of the sudden, the reason is CPU degradation, you can prevent it by enabling C-States or adjust your overclock to use lower voltages.
    Regeneration, Dec 9, 2023
  3. BSOD 0x124

    I did most of the things in the recommendation list with the exception of a clean install of Windows 10.

    I just got another BSOD 0X124....and again in the Citrix Workspace App. So three BSOD's in one week, all when using Citrix....
    Michel Kunkeler, Dec 9, 2023
  4. 0x124 BSoD Troubleshooting

    BSOD 0x124

    Hi there,

    Last monday I got a BSOD with error code 0x124. I know this normally means a hardware problem (and sometimes maybe trouble with a driver).

    A few facts about my PC (which I build myself):

    - It is relatively new (7 weeks old) - MSI Z390 Ace, nVidia GTX 1080, Core i7 9700K, HyperX Predator DDR4 Memory (16 Gb).

    - I did not overclock any of the components.

    - There was no oveheating problem (there is a led display on the motherboard indicating the temperature which was still 30 degrees C at the time of the BSOD).

    - The memory is on the motherboard QVL list.

    - WhoCrashed utility said the crash occured in genuine_intel.sys and memory_corruption.sys.

    So after the BSOD I ran a lot of tests:

    - Intel tool for checking the CPU: no errors

    - A few graphics benchmarks for hours: no crash

    - Intel Extreme Tuning stresstests for CPU and memory: no errors

    - Microsoft's memory diagnosis: no errors

    Then I decided to use Memtest86 and after 2 hours during the second pass it gave an error. Then I decided not to use a XMP profile. Again during the second pass after over 2 hours Memtest86 gave an error.

    So I thought I had found the culprit.

    Since then I have used my system, played games, etc. without any issue or BSOD

    But still I decided to put new RAM in my system (G.Skill Ripjaws V, also on the mnotherboard QVL list)). This morning there was the same BSOD 0x124.

    So now I am a bit stumped. Of course this RAM could also be bad, but I think that would be a bit improbable. Maybe another component is bad.

    The only thing is that both the BSOD last monday and the BSOD this morning occured when I was using the Citrix Workspace App to use the virtual workspace at my work. Of course this could be coïncidence, but It is a but strange that I can use benchmarks and
    games, but during Citrix workspace I get a BSOD. After this I have worked for a couple of hours in the virtual workspace without any issue.

    Are there any suggestions for this issue? Does anyone know of Citrix Workspace App giving the occasional BSOD?

    Thanks in advance,

    Michel Kunkeler, Dec 9, 2023

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