Windows 10: After I formatted my HDD, and I initiate restart. The system goes on BIOS and been stuck...

Discus and support After I formatted my HDD, and I initiate restart. The system goes on BIOS and been stuck... in Windows 10 Software and Apps to solve the problem; After I formatted my HDD, and I initiate restart. The system goes on BIOS and been stuck up.. I already try , load optimize default , but keep on... Discussion in 'Windows 10 Software and Apps' started by Christian Olberon, May 27, 2024.

  1. After I formatted my HDD, and I initiate restart. The system goes on BIOS and been stuck...

    After I formatted my HDD, and I initiate restart. The system goes on BIOS and been stuck up.. I already try , load optimize default , but keep on coming back to the loop ad stuck. What seems to be the issue on this , I dont have USB or other Computer to Use . How can I trouble shoot this . please guide . Needed the PC for study

    Christian Olberon, May 27, 2024
  2. Kem Mon Win User

    unlock hdd

    Hi Johan,

    It is possible that your
    HDD was unreadable
    causing the error message to appear. We recommend that you perform these troubleshooting steps and check if there are any changes:

    • Shutdown

    • Unhooked
      turn on

    • Reconnect

    If the issue persists, we suggest that you contact your
    laptop/computer's manufacturer
    for further assistance.

    Update us on how it goes.

    Kem Mon, May 27, 2024
  3. Johankaan Win User
    unlock hdd

    Johankaan, May 27, 2024
  4. After I formatted my HDD, and I initiate restart. The system goes on BIOS and been stuck...

    Stuck on BIOS after Windows 10 clean install


    Thanks for your suggestion. As I mentioned, I CAN'T boot to USB or DVD while the HDD is plugged in. As the POST get's stuck, I can't enter BIOS or Boot Menu. Despite there is another device where to boot, POST also doesn't move one, which is a sad thing...

    I tried to even remove the HDD from boot list, just add the pen drive, but... POST, again. The system needs to check every hardware plugged in, that's what POST it's about, and if is not capable of "scan" my HDD for some reason, system won't move to boot.
    Fábio Daniel, May 27, 2024

After I formatted my HDD, and I initiate restart. The system goes on BIOS and been stuck...

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