Windows 10: Apparent "lack of appreciate permissions to access an app

Discus and support Apparent "lack of appreciate permissions to access an app in Windows 10 Gaming to solve the problem; I'm trying to open an app Fortnite from my Alienware laptop, but an issue persists "Windows cannot access the specified device ,path, or file. You may... Discussion in 'Windows 10 Gaming' started by Noah Salibi, Nov 28, 2023.

  1. Apparent "lack of appreciate permissions to access an app

    I'm trying to open an app Fortnite from my Alienware laptop, but an issue persists "Windows cannot access the specified device ,path, or file. You may not have the appropriate permissions to access the item". I have tried giving permissions, and we'll that didn't work, so I uninstalled and reinstalled the app and the game launcher epic games and it temporarily worked. Now it's back to the same old issue. I am desperately in need of help.

    Noah Salibi, Nov 28, 2023
  2. Entegy Win User

    app file access permission

    Some of the whitepapers on the
    business site
    have some info about the security in Windows Phone.

    However, each app lists its permissions on the store page. This list CANNOT BE FAKED as it's generated by Microsoft by analyzing what APIs the app uses. So if an QR code reader lists as needed contact access, better check that the app has a feature to read
    business cards and make a contact card. (Not that you need a QR Reader as that's built into the phone). Since WP is much more locked down than Android, an app can't just do whatever it wants with the system. An app cannot access anything outside of its sandbox,
    so it can't do anything with any file you store on the phone.

    The only "on/off" permission is location. Otherwise, all other permissions an app states can be accessed.

    is the list of permissions.
    Entegy, Nov 28, 2023
  3. Windows 10 Permissions Issues

    Hooray!!!! Thanks so much, you are a superstar. Issue resolved.

    I thought the fact that "Administrators" were listed in the permissions meant that all Admins had access, but apparently not. Now I added my specific login account, it works fine.

    Thanks so much for your help, these UAC things in Windows are quite confusing, I am not (entirely) stupid!!
    glastolover, Nov 28, 2023
  4. Nikhar_K Win User

    Apparent "lack of appreciate permissions to access an app

    App Permissions

    Hi Tony,

    Thank you for writing to Microsoft Community Forums.

    Some apps require certain permissions to work properly. However, you can change the permissions given to the apps by following the below steps:

    1. Click on Start.
    2. Click on Settings and then click on Privacy.
    3. Under the App Permissions you can change the permissions which are assigned for the apps.

    However, you can go through the
    Microsoft Privacy Statement

    Hope it helps.

    Nikhar Khare

    Microsoft Community – Moderator
    Nikhar_K, Nov 28, 2023

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