Windows 10: at least once a day I'll get a BSOD if I'm watching YouTube

Discus and support at least once a day I'll get a BSOD if I'm watching YouTube in Windows 10 BSOD Crashes and Debugging to solve the problem; Usually after I've booted up and maybe just watching the first video of the day or I'll be doing some gaming and I'll ALT+TAB over to YouTube for music... Discussion in 'Windows 10 BSOD Crashes and Debugging' started by AnBooth35, Jan 13, 2020.

  1. AnBooth35 Win User

    at least once a day I'll get a BSOD if I'm watching YouTube

    Usually after I've booted up and maybe just watching the first video of the day or I'll be doing some gaming and I'll ALT+TAB over to YouTube for music in the background, it is funny because it won't crash with anything other webpage. I can watch videos on Amazon just fine as well as other sites. The BSODs are rarely associated with a root file and as far as my own capabilities I'm at my wits end I have no idea how to solve these issues (and I've tried everything that I can find). Before signing up here the last BSOD I got was KMODE_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED. When I had 10bit installed I'd get the FAULT IN PAGE AREA and when gaming I'll either get the SYSTEM_SERVICE_ERROR or MEMORY_FAULT and I've run the Memory tests multiple times with no clear answers (I've even changed the settings in my bios for how the ram is run and I can fully admit that the RAM and my Motherboard may not play nice together).

    So basically I just want the intial issue resolved at the moment (though all of them would be fine)DESKTOP-COA1M00-(2020-01-01_20-32-21).zip

    AnBooth35, Jan 13, 2020

  2. BSOD watching youtube


    FIX here: BSOD, everytime i watch videos on youtube, DPC watchdog violation - Windows 10 Help Forums
    BSODHunter, Jan 13, 2020
  3. Teh_Star Win User
    Recurring BSODs when attempting to watch Youtube videos

    Gemzon Mar,

    As of this morning, I have done the following:

    1. Followed the blue screen errors troubleshooting
    2. Completed both SFC scans and repairs as well as DISM health checks
    3. Uninstalling and Reinstalling video card drivers
    I have not yet tried performing a clean boot, or reparing my operating system using Andre Da Costa's steps, however I once more attempted to watch a youtube video this morning and once more encountered a BSOD, this time with the error

    Here is a dropbox link to the minidump from this latest error

    Looking forwards to hearing your thoughts.
    Teh_Star, Jan 13, 2020
  4. at least once a day I'll get a BSOD if I'm watching YouTube

    BSOD when watching Youtube foreshadowed by Youtube seizing up

    FIX here: BSOD, everytime i watch videos on youtube, DPC watchdog violation - Windows 10 Help Forums
    BSODHunter, Jan 13, 2020

at least once a day I'll get a BSOD if I'm watching YouTube

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