Windows 10: BSOD From GPU Drivers

Discus and support BSOD From GPU Drivers in Windows 10 Gaming to solve the problem; When I reinstalled my GPU Drivers, my PC always blue screens with various causes every time. I can not start up and get 2 seconds into windows.After... Discussion in 'Windows 10 Gaming' started by alex duance, Feb 25, 2024.

  1. BSOD From GPU Drivers

    When I reinstalled my GPU Drivers, my PC always blue screens with various causes every time. I can not start up and get 2 seconds into windows.After some experimenting, I found that I could only have one stick of RAM in my PC in the second slot and it works just fine. I got a replacement as I thought the other stick of RAM was just faulty. Tried the second and forth slot with the new RAM and it still bluescreens. Tried it with all 4 RAM slots. Still blue screens. It only seems to not bluescreen and run fine wit only one RAM stick installed. I do not know if this is simply a RAM problem as well

    alex duance, Feb 25, 2024

  2. BSOD before new GPU and PSU, more BSOD afterwards

    (yes I asked chatGpt to make the post for me for fun!)

    Hello Microsoft Community,

    I recently upgraded my GPU and PSU, hoping to improve my system's performance. However, I've been encountering a significant increase in Blue Screen of Death (BSOD) errors since the upgrade. Prior to formatting and installing the new GPU, I did experience some occasional BSODs, which I attributed to driver errors. Since I had planned to format my system anyway, I didn't investigate further at the time.
    I also encounter a lot of frame rate drops, mostly while playing games but also during normal usage.

    Here are the details of my current situation:

    1. New GPU: I purchased and installed an AMD 580x GPU.
    2. PSU Replacement: I replaced my old PSU, which was approximately 10 years old, with a new one.
    BSOD Error Codes I've encountered:

    Troubleshooting Steps Taken:

    1. Memtest86: I ran Memtest86 from a USB drive, and it reported zero errors.
    2. System File Checker (SFC): I ran the "sfc /scannow" command, which detected and fixed some errors.
    3. DISM (Deployment Image Servicing and Management): I executed the "DISM /cleanup /restorehealth /cleanup-image" command to ensure the system image was in a good state.
    4. Chkdsk: I ran a disk check using the "chkdsk" command.
    5. Disk Repair and Defrag: I performed disk repair and defragmentation.
    6. Driver Updates: I updated all drivers using Windows Update, and I also downloaded and installed the latest AMD drivers for my GPU (AMD 580x).
    Despite undertaking these troubleshooting steps, the BSODs persist with greater frequency than before. I'm reaching out to the community for any guidance or suggestions on how to resolve this issue.

    Minidump files:
    samueel galanti, Feb 26, 2024
  3. alexsubri Win User
    BSOD- atikmpag.sys

    This is most likely due to an installation/upgrade error with ATI driver's. I suggest doing DriveSweeper and the following:
    • Drivesweeper all drivers & in Safe Mode
    • Unistall all drivers that aren't used in DriveSweeper (CCC Profiler Updates, MSI AfterBurner, anything related to ATI that use's it's drivers.)
    • After you do this, the first thing you need to do is go into Device Manager and Unistall your ATI Drivers
    BSOD From GPU Drivers [​IMG]

    Once your done, restart the PC and then try installing the latest drivers.

    I had several issues with this in the past, but I overcame it with logical reasoning and whenever I have a driver issue, I just use these steps and I always overcome the problem.

    Best of luck! *Toast :toast:
    alexsubri, Feb 26, 2024
  4. BSOD From GPU Drivers

    BSOD Windows 10 - Driver Verifier causing windows to boot loop and carnt get BSOD to find driver at fault. need help!

    Right, I have done a lot of testing over the weekend and these are the results;

    1. disabled gpu = BSOD
    2. removed gpu drivers and gpu from system = BSOD
    3. removed battery and cleared CMOS
    4. tried a old AMD gpu and driver = BSOD
    5. moved ram from stots A2 & B2 to A1 & B1 = BSOD
    6. ram a single ram stick in A2 = BSOD
    7. ram the other ram stick in A2 = BSOD
    8. disconnected corsair lighting node pro = BSOD
    9. sfc /scannow = no issues
    10. updated all windows 10 + drivers to the latest versions = BSOD
    11. enabled driver verifier = BSOD (creative video capture driver shown as issue
    12. uninstalled creative software and drivers = BSOD
    so where do I go from here? (other that throwing my 2k computer that's less than a year old out my window)

    some of todays dump data
    Chris_Neale, Feb 26, 2024

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