Windows 10: Drive shows up as empty

Discus and support Drive shows up as empty in Windows 10 Network and Sharing to solve the problem; [ATTACH][ATTACH][ATTACH]For some reason, after I mistakenly made the entire drive downloads and fixed it, the drive seems empty although it has the... Discussion in 'Windows 10 Network and Sharing' started by John.Doe79, Dec 8, 2020.

  1. Drive shows up as empty

    Drive shows up as empty d2169011-4a1d-477e-9319-bc0a481dea7c?upload=true.png Drive shows up as empty 24fe7a28-9fb7-4d3a-b3d7-dfc23492e40a?upload=true.png Drive shows up as empty 221dd6ac-4f00-4931-97e0-38914531972c?upload=true.png For some reason, after I mistakenly made the entire drive downloads and fixed it, the drive seems empty although it has the downloads folder.

    John.Doe79, Dec 8, 2020
  2. Anak Win User

    Optical Drive Issue

    Hi Jerry, you're welcome.

    Here's mine after I rt clk'd on my Documents Folder like you show in Scrsht 11:

    Drive shows up as empty [​IMG]

    I'd like to wait until you reply to my question in Scrsht 12, if it is a remnant of the process try deleting the one on the dsktp and see if the one in send to also disappears. If it stays in send to, test it, and if you're still having problems I'd suggest you could go back to: Option One: To Add or Remove Items in Send To context menu for Your Account (current user) and do Step 3 to remove it and start over using Step 4 but be very careful of your steps in creating the shortcut and be sure you d&d that shortcut to the send to part of the address.

    I'm busy today and I probably won't be back until the evening.
    Anak, Dec 8, 2020
  3. Jerry8A Win User
    Optical Drive Issue

    Hello Anak –

    Appreciate your detailed return. Your added steps really helped.

    Assuming I did the steps correctly, this is where I am now.

    Screenshot 12 shows my CD Disc shortcut on my desktop.
    Screenshot 10 shows the CD Drive shortcut listed in the “Send to” listing.
    Screenshot 11 shows the “Send to” listing after the steps were taken, but the CD drive name is not listed.

    So, it appears the steps did not work for me. And, I did try the steps, “If it still won’t do ……” and still no luck.

    What do you think?


    Drive shows up as empty [​IMG]

    Drive shows up as empty [​IMG]

    Drive shows up as empty [​IMG]
    Jerry8A, Dec 8, 2020
  4. Drive shows up as empty

    little cat, Dec 8, 2020

Drive shows up as empty

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