Windows 10: File Path Directory

Discus and support File Path Directory in Windows 10 Ask Insider to solve the problem; Hi, Recently I've changed drive letters which changed all of my installed applications file paths. Now the applications won't open with the error... Discussion in 'Windows 10 Ask Insider' started by /u/DerpyBuilderz, Jan 9, 2021.

  1. File Path Directory


    Recently I've changed drive letters which changed all of my installed applications file paths. Now the applications won't open with the error message, "specific file path not found" (something like that) I tried changing back the drive letters through Disk management and command prompt but I can't open it because I changed the drive letter. I've watched most youtube videos and come to Reddit as my last resort. Does anyone know what to do here? (also wiping my drive is not really an option) I have an HDD and an SSD.

    submitted by /u/DerpyBuilderz
    [link] [comments]

    /u/DerpyBuilderz, Jan 9, 2021
  2. Drone Win User

    Directory Size Utility

    First of all nice utility, Mindweaver!
    Second of all, it's so nice to see that this section ain't dead.

    I have a few questions/suggestions, maybe you'd want to see ...
    • maybe you rename Get Folder button caption to something more intuitive? Add Folder, Get Folder Size, Check Folder Size or something like that?
    • Could you add subfolder files to the right pane? (it can be a tickbox with include sub dirs)
    • maybe you also add export list to excel?
    • there's delete file button maybe you add delete folder button too?
    • and finally maybe you can add UP button for directories?
    Drone, Jan 9, 2021
  3. Add a path to $PATH?

    Are you looking for the pathing to be Pre or Past? Also you need to understand what the full path is.

    What that output is stating is that those values (directory paths) are included in your PATH statement. Meaning it can pull library files and other files from those directories without you having to write the full path everytime. Each path is seperated by ":"
    ZenZimZaliben, Jan 9, 2021
  4. File Path Directory

    Add a path to $PATH?

    TBH, I have no idea. I'm just following the instructions. I have no clue what I'm going to get in the end. *Cool File Path Directory :cool:

    I don't know what you're asking. Sorry.
    Ok, that makes sense now. By chance do you know how to add ~/bin to that list? Or do I have to first answer your fist question?

    angelkiller, Jan 9, 2021

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