Windows 10: Give the default apps a shot

Discus and support Give the default apps a shot in Windows 10 News to solve the problem; One interesting change is a small prompt that appears in Windows 10 build 10568 when you attempt to change your default apps. When you try to change... Discussion in 'Windows 10 News' started by Coke Robot, Oct 18, 2015.

  1. Give the default apps a shot

    Coke Robot, Oct 18, 2015

  2. Windows 10 slow mouse in game play

    Try this - no guarantees.... Give the default apps a shot :)

    Right click on your desktop and hit "Display Settings." On the "Display" tab (should be the one you're on by default), under the monitor make sure the "Change the size of text, apps, and other items:" is set to 100%.

    Give it a shot...
    Scott Sampson, Oct 18, 2015
  3. 8.1 ActiveSync Security Policy 86000C2A Error

    Thanks for the hint. So it seems to be a server problem. I'll discuss that with our IT-guys next week. Not sure if they can leave the security policy at default settings since the server is at a hospital. But I'll give it a shot.
    newkidontheblog, Oct 18, 2015
  4. Give the default apps a shot

    Slightly bold move, mostly because if they REALLY think some of the stock apps are that good, they're mistaken. Groove Music is literally garbage, the Photos app has some crashiness to it, and Edge was released half cooked. If Edge doesn't have extension support in the upcoming update, its usage will still be incredibly slim. The only things they have going for them are Weather, Sports, News, and Money. Everything else is iffy at best. Example, Groove Music can't replay a single song in a playlist over and over. You have to clear out the playlist and select JUST that one song. Gapless playback just finally hit the mobile side of things after soooo many years of nagging user complaints.

    If their apps weren't so mediocre, they wouldn't need to do something like this.
    Coke Robot, Oct 18, 2015
  5. I'd gladly use the default apps if they didn't SUCK! For instance, this afternoon we had a strong thunderstorm roll through;
    not only does Microsoft's weather app not give rain totals, their weather radar looks like it's straight out of Atari 64.
    Want me to use your default apps? Make them SUCK less!
    fracking4oil, Oct 18, 2015
  6. Agreed, I could not of added any more suckness to your statement.
    python134r, Oct 18, 2015
  7. Windows 10 default apps with maximum suckiness settings applied:

    heyyahblah, Oct 19, 2015
  8. LEE
    Lee Win User

    Give the default apps a shot

    "picky, picky,. . .*Thumbs
  9. CountMike New Member
    Default APPs, I have most of them enabled but:
    Mail, not enough of customization, most 3rd party mail programs much better including Outlook, still wishing for Outlook Express.
    Groove, not much of an APP for that, many many other 3rd party programs much better.
    Photos, same thing, also very slow to update list.
    News, those are actually cut down Bing news, Even CNN and Yahoo new are more up to date.
    Weather, I don't know where they get data from but those guys couldn't guess yesterday's weather.
    Maps seem to be more up to date than Google Maps but are in lower res with no Street view.
    Solitaire I like.
    CountMike, Oct 20, 2015
  10. John035 Win User
    I think they need to improve Edge and add extensions before giving it another push again.
    John035, Oct 21, 2015
  11. tinmar49 Win User
    This Groove music, is it going to replace Media player?
    tinmar49, Oct 23, 2015
  12. MS apps always were and will be basic. For starters MS wants to keep it simple, so they lack any features. Not to mention, that MS apps follow MS's philosophy, that whatever is pre-reconfigured is the best setting, regardless what users want, so they make sure to prevent users from changing it easily (Windows Updates), just like I gave up on setting up Windows Explorer to display, what I want. *Sleepy
    TairikuOkami, Apr 4, 2018

Give the default apps a shot

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