Windows 10: Having KB4056887, Windows Update, IE 11 and video issues after update.

Discus and support Having KB4056887, Windows Update, IE 11 and video issues after update. in Windows 10 Updates and Activation to solve the problem; Hi there - I hope I'm placing this in the right category. Since it's concerning an update, file corruption and program issues, I had to pick one. I... Discussion in 'Windows 10 Updates and Activation' started by jenmay, Jan 28, 2018.

  1. jenmay Win User

    Having KB4056887, Windows Update, IE 11 and video issues after update.

    Hi there -

    I hope I'm placing this in the right category. Since it's concerning an update, file corruption and program issues, I had to pick one. I had problems with IE 11 performing some functions and at the same time receiving errors for corruption in my computer since the latest update. I started out approaching it as a corruption issue. Did the whole sfc /scannow The first sfc /scannow provided this favorite message :

    "Windows Resource Protection found corrupt files but was unable to fix some of them. Details are included in the CBS.Log windir\Logs\CBS\CBS.log."

    Then tried the DISM /scanhealth DISM /checkhealth, and DISM /restorehealth. Ran it in safe mode and rebooting each cycle. I just ran sfc /scannow to see if this helped, but it didn't help. Still corrupted etc. In my cbs. file I can see that KB4056887 seems to be the culprit, and from I've pieced together it is in the latest update. I also have a lot of "Overlap: Duplicate ownership for directory" errors throughout and referencing KB4056887. I was going to use an ISO file and rename and replace the *.wim file but before I do that part, I thought I'd reach out and see if this has a solution yet. I did some research and see that others are having corruption errors and various other program behaviors. Don't want to mess with the ISO if I don't need to.

    If anyone has feedback or has had this issue and resolved it, I'd love to hear it.

    Thanks, Jen

    jenmay, Jan 28, 2018
  2. ravamans Win User

    Video playback and graphic issue

    Having KB4056887, Windows Update, IE 11 and video issues after update. [​IMG]


    Since upgrading from Windows 8 to 8.1 and then to 10 I get this odd graphic appearing in ie 11 and egde, this appears on any website with embedded videos, I.E, MSN, Netflix, Skysports etc.

    However this was not the case in windows 8 with ie 10, I performed a process of elimination by way of checking after each upgrade and can confirm the issue 1st appeared in windows 8.1 with ie 11, this then continued into windows 10 with both ie 11 and edge.

    I have update with my video card drivers, motherboard bios and all other drivers I can think of but no change.

    The only workaround is to select 'use software rendering' in ie 11 internet options and add Netflix to the 'compatibility view'. The compatibility view limits use I.E no search function.

    Has anyone else suffered this issue? Is there a solution other than the above?

    I've included a screenshot which shows the issue.

    Any help would be very much appreciated

    Kind Regards
    ravamans, Jan 28, 2018
  3. meelinda Win User
    meelinda, Jan 28, 2018
  4. dalchina New Member

    Having KB4056887, Windows Update, IE 11 and video issues after update.

    dalchina, Jan 28, 2018
  5. jenmay Win User
    Dalchina - Thanks for the info. I went to uninstall KB4056887 and there wasn’t one. But in researching i knew it was adobe security update. I removed it. And my KB errors all went away. And Win 10 doesn’t let u control updates, only for a day or something. So it’s reinstalling. I can handle that however that error has been replaced with at least 100 of these errors. Duplicate ownership etc. mostly in /system and /system32 files. I’ve pasted just one of them below.

    Here’s what I think led to this. I’m a long time avid Win 8.1 user. I decided to take the plunge and I upgraded to Win 10 yesterday. I use a Asus ROG gaming laptop. Prior to the upgrade I did not have any corruption, errors or problems that I'm aware of. When I did the install it went just fine. No errors, no time outs etc. However, the Win 10 that I purchased was awhile ago and so I did receive quite alot of updates right after the upgrade. It took 6 hours in all, but as I said, no timeouts, no problems at all.


    “018-01-28 18:21:28, Info CSI 00000bc0 Error: Overlap: Duplicate ownership for directory \??\C:\WINDOWS\Help\Windows\IndexStore in component Microsoft-Windows-Assistance-CollectionFiles-Help, version 10.0.16299.15, arch amd64, nonSxS, pkt {l:8 b:31bf3856ad364e35}”.

    Also IE 11 won’t work right, trying to add search engines get a file error. Also keep falling to load page errors. I’m reading about it now. I’m going to read what u suggested and see if it helps.

    So it seems they are somehow related. I’m going to start reading now. Any advice is appreciated. I’ll go read the DISM stuff now.

    jenmay, Jan 28, 2018
  6. dalchina New Member
    Hi, if you wish to disable/prevent a particular update, you can:
    Hide or Show Windows Updates in Windows 10 Windows Update Activation Tutorials

    (It's worth looking at the huge Tutorial section here).
    Windows 10 Tutorial Index Tutorials

    Also you can set updates to Notify. With Win 10 Pro upwards there are more options e.g. via Group Policy, but it seems Notify can still be set for Home users e.g. via a 3rd party tool (rather than delving into the registry) such as Windows Update Minitool.

    That means you get a notification, then download and apply the update when you wish.

    Just out of curiosity- the formal free update period is over- was activation of Win 10 automatic?

    The normal upgrade pattern is 6 monthly- major build upgrades with new features. Between are routine updates.

    A typical pattern is for MS to release a major build, then after a couple of months, say, release an update almost as big to correct most problems caused by that build (!).
    dalchina, Jan 28, 2018
  7. jenmay Win User
    Dalchina - Thanks for the information on the updater. Don't tell anyone, but I came from eightforums as one of those Win 8.1 diehards. I have been trying to learn the ins and outs of Win 10, give it a fair chance but I discovered pretty quickly that although you are given a choice to say when to download, it bypasses your choice. But instead of griping and saying I wouldn't try , I made the switch and took the plunge.

    In answer to your question, it isn't the free update version. I bought it probably a year or so ago ( I've literally just stared at it for a year) so it had a lot of updates to do before I ever logged in.. Took almost 6 hours on a fairly decent computer.

    I just reinstalled everything for the umpteenth time, but I may roll back to just after my version update, check msgs etc and then do the online update to see if it changes before I run the ISO and get a good ini file. Any thoughts let me know.

    jenmay, Apr 5, 2018

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