Windows 10: How to change username under C:/Users/username folder?

Discus and support How to change username under C:/Users/username folder? in Windows 10 Gaming to solve the problem; I have a Microsoft account which I have been using for a long time. Recently i restored my pc to factory settings OEM settings and i was asked to... Discussion in 'Windows 10 Gaming' started by Advait Ashtikar, Oct 1, 2023.

  1. How to change username under C:/Users/username folder?

    I have a Microsoft account which I have been using for a long time. Recently i restored my pc to factory settings OEM settings and i was asked to connect it to my Microsoft account while it was setting up windows 11.Now the problem is, the username folder the pc is showing is 'advai' C:/Users/advai where as is must be 'Advait'. I want to change the username it 'Advait' C:/Users/Advait. Is there any way to change the same?

    Advait Ashtikar, Oct 1, 2023
  2. drud_803 Win User

    Changed username but "C:\Users\UserName" is not reflecting change

    Hello all,

    I am having an issue where my username is causing errors in other software. The reason is because my username has a space in it, and certain engineering software I use cannot reach files in that folder or any subfolders.

    To remedy this I changed my username by replacing the space with an underscore. I did this in "Control Panel > User Accounts > Change Your Account Name", however this only changed my display name - it had no effect on the C:\Users\UserName folder.

    How can I change this folder to reflect my new username, with no spaces?

    Thanks in advance,

    drud_803, Oct 1, 2023
  3. DaleMWebb Win User
    Change properties location of C:\users\username\ to D:\

    What happens if I go into the C:\users\username\ folder properties and change the location of the folder to D:\? I have already changed the location of most (all?) the C:\users\username\ subfolders to D:\, but Win11 keeps adding subfolders back to the C:\users\username folder. I'd like, once and for all, to move all the C:\users\username subfolders to D:\. Is that possible/feasible?

    Thanks in advance.
    DaleMWebb, Oct 1, 2023
  4. How to change username under C:/Users/username folder?

    Desktop Folder's Location is set to C:\Users\USERNAME instead of C:\Users\USERNAME\Desktop

    I was changing the location of the user folders (documents, pictures, downloads e.t.c) to my D drive instead of C because it has more space but accidentally messed up the location of the desktop folder. I then tried to change it back to how it was by setting
    its location to C:\Users\USERNAME but it didn't know the actual location should be C:\Users\USERNAME\Desktop.

    Now the desktop folder has somehow taken up the location of my user folder, and if I try to create another folder with my username, it just says that the desktop IS the user folder. Anything I put in the desktop folder, of course, shows up on the pc desktop.

    Since this desktop folder takes the location of the user folder, it contains the AppData folder. If I try to move the folder properly to the D drive again, it gives the error message 'Can't move the folder because there is a folder in the same location that
    can't be redirected. Access Denied.' If I try to restore default - C:\Users\USERNAME\Desktop - the most obvious solution I get another error saying 'Cant redirect a parent to a child. The specified path is invalid.'

    I searched for a solution and I found that going into Regedit and then Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders and clicking on Desktop, you can change the location. I tried this and entered the default
    location, restarted the computer, as well as the new location I was trying to get. Both times Regedit says the location is changed but there aren't any changes in the users folder.

    So now I've ended up with C:\Users containing 'defaultuser0', 'Desktop' and 'Public'. and my D drive containing all the user folders (documents, pictures, downloads e.t.c). I don't really know if it will cause any problems, but I don't think having the USERNAME
    folder and the Desktop folder merged together is very good...
    Ahnaf Tahmid, Oct 1, 2023

How to change username under C:/Users/username folder?

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