Windows 10: How to Interpret Minidump files to identify causes of BSOD

Discus and support How to Interpret Minidump files to identify causes of BSOD in Windows 10 Software and Apps to solve the problem; My laptop is about 4 months old. One time, I got really bad BSOD issues due possible to undervolting both the gpu and cpu, fortunately, it got fixed... Discussion in 'Windows 10 Software and Apps' started by Eivan Cañizares, Feb 15, 2024.

  1. How to Interpret Minidump files to identify causes of BSOD

    My laptop is about 4 months old. One time, I got really bad BSOD issues due possible to undervolting both the gpu and cpu, fortunately, it got fixed with the help of this community.But now, I started to have this random BSOD about once a week, and I was unable to save the stop code for it so I directly went to the minidump folder.Now, I need help in interpreting the dump file, I will upload it here with the link, and if someone could kindly aid me, it would help a lot!Here's the link:

    Eivan Cañizares, Feb 15, 2024

  2. How to Interpret Minidump files to identify causes of BSOD

    My laptop is 1 month old, I played with it by undervolting the cpu and gpu, but at some point it got extremely unstable and the BSODs became unpredictable, sometimes it happens multiples times a day, while there are times it happens once every 3 days, so i reset my device. I reset it 2 days ago, in hopes of restoring my device to its initial stable state, but sadly, it still happens, one time exactly at the moment at the moment I plugged the AC Adapter/charger, and one time it just randomly occured. Can anyone guide me how to interpret the minidump file.

    Here is the link for the minidump files:

    minidump file – Google Drive
    Eivan Cañizares, Feb 15, 2024
  3. interpreting minidumps from BSOD system_thread_exemption_not_handled

    can anyone help in interpreting minidumps so i have a general idea of what drivers are causing the crash. BSOD system_thread_exemption_not_handled.

    thank you

    link to dump files and system info

    AlMondi810, Feb 15, 2024
  4. DaveM121 Win User

    How to Interpret Minidump files to identify causes of BSOD

    How to Interpret Minidump files to identify causes of BSOD

    HI, I am Dave, I will help you with this.

    Your minidump files both indicate that it is the device driver on your Nvidia graphics card that is causing the system to crash

    Undo any undervolting you have created on your system

    You should completely remove the current Nvidia device driver using the widely available free DDU utility, then restart your PC and go to the support page for your PC on the manufacturer's website to download and install their recommended version of the Nvidia device driver.

    A slightly older version of that driver is more stable than the latest version.
    DaveM121, Feb 15, 2024

How to Interpret Minidump files to identify causes of BSOD

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