Windows 10: how to send pictures and videos to someone elses ipad

Discus and support how to send pictures and videos to someone elses ipad in Windows 10 Software and Apps to solve the problem; I purchased a new iPad Air 5th generation for my 82 yr old mother, which I set up with her own apple IDI would like to be able to share/send her... Discussion in 'Windows 10 Software and Apps' started by KoMoxx, May 1, 2023.

  1. KoMoxx Win User

    how to send pictures and videos to someone elses ipad

    I purchased a new iPad Air 5th generation for my 82 yr old mother, which I set up with her own apple IDI would like to be able to share/send her pictures and videos, with the most easiest way for her to view them as she is unfamiliar with tech devices.Ideally I would like to use WhatsApp, especially as videos don't come through small like a text message. But I understand its not available for ipad.Can you recommend a program be it default or additional purchase?I have a PC with windows 11 Home, version 22H2 and i

    KoMoxx, May 1, 2023
  2. berniseuy Win User

    I failed to send pictures to iPad through iCloud

    I cannot share pictures that are on my laptop to the iPad. I tried to send them using iCloud. For this I installed iCloud on my device and then followed all the instructions but I can see these pictures in the iCloud on my laptop but can’t send them
    to the folder on my iPad
    berniseuy, May 1, 2023
  3. Sending a video.

    Hi again,

    We are trying to send these videos to an iPad. We have done as you have suggested, they have been sent and arrive into the inbox, but they will not play. We have tried a zipped folder plus a full size video. Any more suggestions?

    regards, Victor
    VicSimonis, May 1, 2023
  4. enso Win User

    how to send pictures and videos to someone elses ipad

    Quick Access not searching Pictures folder

    Summary, that last suggestion didn't work.

    • I moved the pictures to another folder temporarily.

    • Since there were no troubleshooting steps for this scenario, just for the heck of it, I ran through the restore steps. Copied some pictures into the Pictures folder, ran a Quick Access search and initial problem remains: Searching all of QA doesn't find any files in Pictures folder, running search on just the Pictures folder does. I want to run a global search and find matching files in any/all of the Documents, Music, Videos, and Pictures folders.
    That article dates from 2015 and I'm guessing is out of date. I hope it didn't create potential future problems in my registry.

    Bottom line: I'm still looking for a fix.
    enso, May 1, 2023

how to send pictures and videos to someone elses ipad

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