Windows 10: Is DESKTOP-663Q8FœØå a valid hostname for windows

Discus and support Is DESKTOP-663Q8FœØå a valid hostname for windows in Windows 10 Software and Apps to solve the problem; Is DESKTOP-663Q8FœØå a valid hostname for windows ?... Discussion in 'Windows 10 Software and Apps' started by Nunna Sathi Raju, Apr 17, 2024.

  1. Is DESKTOP-663Q8FœØå a valid hostname for windows

    Is DESKTOP-663Q8FœØå a valid hostname for windows ?

    Nunna Sathi Raju, Apr 17, 2024

  2. Ovi Suite and mangles contacts containing non-english characters

    Thanks for replying Samuli, I'm not able to reproduce the exact problem at the moment, but I can consistently reproduce corruption of characters with these steps:

    1. Create a contact with the name ÆØÅ on 5220xpress

    2. Sync the contacts with

    3. Contact at has the name ÆØÃ

    I have not been able to reproduce corruption of characters on phone reliably yet. If I rename the ÆØÅ contact on to ÆØÅ or do not rename it does not matter, syncing the device with ovi again, I still have ÆØÅ on the device.
    heraldo---01, Apr 17, 2024
  3. Shoopakey Win User
    Are the makers of the windows phone HTC radar aware that the character "ã" is not available? A Latin character not available, this issue must be a virus, right?

    When using the HTC Radar Windows Phone to text or email using words in Portuguese the character "ã" is not an option, since it is a Latin letter, I wonder if this is a bug my phone came with from the manufacturer, because it seems really absurd such character
    not be available.
    Shoopakey, Apr 17, 2024
  4. Is DESKTOP-663Q8FœØå a valid hostname for windows

    DISM and SFC error | latest windows 10 cannot install updates

    Thanks zbook

    Sorry delay
    I thank you for the help provided

    Follow the results:

    # The following commands will be run in sequence. #
    # The first 5 will take quite a while to run, be patient. #

    sfc /scannow
    dism /online /cleanup-image /scanhealth
    dism /online /cleanup-image /restorehealth
    sfc /scannow

    chkdsk /scan

    wmic recoveros get autoreboot
    wmic recoveros set autoreboot = false
    wmic recoveros get autoreboot
    wmic recoveros get DebugInfoType
    wmic recoveros set DebugInfoType = 7
    wmic recoveros get DebugInfoType

    wmic pagefile list /format:list
    wmic Computersystem where name="DESKTOP-4BFBHOE" get AutomaticManagedPagefile
    wmic Computersystem where name="DESKTOP-4BFBHOE" set AutomaticManagedPagefile=True
    wmic Computersystem where name="DESKTOP-4BFBHOE" get AutomaticManagedPagefile

    bcdedit /enum {badmemory}

    C:\Users\marco\Downloads\temp\BSOD>sfc /scannow

    Windows Resource Protection could not start the repair service.

    C:\Users\marco\Downloads\temp\BSOD>dism /online /cleanup-image /scanhealth

    Deployment Image Servicing and Management tool
    Version: 10.0.19041.572

    Error: 193

    An error occurred while attempting to start the servicing process for the image located at C:\.
    For more information, review the log file.

    The DISM log file can be found at C:\WINDOWS\Logs\DISM\dism.log

    C:\Users\marco\Downloads\temp\BSOD>dism /online /cleanup-image /restorehealth

    Deployment Image Servicing and Management tool
    Version: 10.0.19041.572

    Error: 193

    An error occurred while attempting to start the servicing process for the image located at C:\.
    For more information, review the log file.

    The DISM log file can be found at C:\WINDOWS\Logs\DISM\dism.log

    C:\Users\marco\Downloads\temp\BSOD>sfc /scannow

    Windows Resource Protection could not start the repair service.

    C:\Users\marco\Downloads\temp\BSOD>chkdsk /scan
    O tipo do sistema de arquivos é NTFS.
    O rótulo do volume é Windows.

    Estágio 1: examinando a estrutura básica do sistema de arquivos...
    1185536 de registros de arquivos processados.
    Verificação de arquivos concluÃ*da.
    Duração da fase (Verificação de registro de arquivo): 14.30 segundos.
    10210 registros de arquivos grandes processados.
    Duração da fase (Recuperação de registro de arquivo órfão): 0.00 milissegundos.
    0 registros de arquivos inválidos processados.
    Duração da fase (Verificação de registro de arquivo incorreto): 0.59 milissegundos.

    Estágio 2: examinando a ligação do nome do arquivo...
    8487 registros de novas análises processados.
    1579518 de entradas de Ã*ndice processadas.
    Verificação de Ã*ndices concluÃ*da.
    Duração da fase (Verificação de Ã*ndice): 1.18 minutos.
    0 arquivos não indexados verificados.
    Duração da fase (Reconexão órfã): 8.01 segundos.
    0 arquivos não indexados recuperados em achados e perdidos.
    Duração da fase (Recuperação de órfãos para achados e perdidos): 2.15 milissegundos.
    8487 registros de novas análises processados.
    Duração da fase (Verificação de ponto de nova análise e ID de Objeto): 2.36 segundos.

    Estágio 3: examinando os descritores de segurança...
    Verificação de descritores de segurança concluÃ*da.
    Duração da fase (Verificação do descritor de segurança): 107.92 milissegundos.
    196992 arquivos de dados processados.
    Duração da fase (Verificação de atributo de dados): 1.21 milissegundos.
    O CHKDSK está verificando o diário de USN...
    37983048 de bytes USN processados.
    Verificação do diário de USN concluÃ*da.
    Duração da fase (Verificação do diário de USN): 239.43 milissegundos.

    Não há problemas no sistema de arquivos.
    Nenhuma ação necessária.

    217966196 KB de espaço total em disco.
    183518184 KB em 732387 arquivos.
    1393272 KB em 196993 Ã*ndices.
    0 KB em setores defeituosos.
    1300040 KB em uso pelo sistema.
    65536 KB ocupados pelo arquivo de log.
    31754700 KB disponÃ*veis em disco.

    4096 bytes em cada unidade de alocação.
    Total de 54491549 unidades de alocação no disco.
    7938675 unidades de alocação disponÃ*veis em disco.
    Duração total: 1.60 minutos (96349 ms).

    C:\Users\marco\Downloads\temp\BSOD>wmic recoveros get autoreboot

    C:\Users\marco\Downloads\temp\BSOD>wmic recoveros set autoreboot = false
    Updating property(s) of '\\DESKTOP-4BFBHOE\ROOT\CIMV2:Win32_OSRecoveryConfiguration.Name="Microsoft Windows 10 Pro|C:\\WINDOWS|\\Device\\Harddisk0\\Partition3"'
    Property(s) update successful.

    C:\Users\marco\Downloads\temp\BSOD>wmic recoveros get autoreboot

    C:\Users\marco\Downloads\temp\BSOD>wmic recoveros get DebugInfoType

    C:\Users\marco\Downloads\temp\BSOD>wmic recoveros set DebugInfoType = 7
    Updating property(s) of '\\DESKTOP-4BFBHOE\ROOT\CIMV2:Win32_OSRecoveryConfiguration.Name="Microsoft Windows 10 Pro|C:\\WINDOWS|\\Device\\Harddisk0\\Partition3"'
    Property(s) update successful.

    C:\Users\marco\Downloads\temp\BSOD>wmic recoveros get DebugInfoType

    C:\Users\marco\Downloads\temp\BSOD>wmic pagefile list /format:list
    No Instance(s) Available.

    C:\Users\marco\Downloads\temp\BSOD>wmic Computersystem where name="DESKTOP-4BFBHOE" get AutomaticManagedPagefile

    C:\Users\marco\Downloads\temp\BSOD>wmic Computersystem where name="DESKTOP-4BFBHOE" set AutomaticManagedPagefile=True
    Updating property(s) of '\\DESKTOP-4BFBHOE\ROOT\CIMV2:Win32_ComputerSystem.Name="DESKTOP-4BFBHOE"'
    Property(s) update successful.

    C:\Users\marco\Downloads\temp\BSOD>wmic Computersystem where name="DESKTOP-4BFBHOE" get AutomaticManagedPagefile

    C:\Users\marco\Downloads\temp\BSOD>bcdedit /enum {badmemory}

    RAM Defects
    identifier {badmemory}

    C:\Users\marco\Downloads\temp\BSOD>Echo off
    # How to capture batch file data and post in your thread in the BSOD forum #
    # #
    # Batch files and instructions for use in BSOD debugging[Part Two-Four] #
    # #
    # Press [V] to visit the above web page for detailed instructions. #
    # Press [C] to close this window. #

    Press any key to continue . . .

    2) Dropbox - Forum - Simplify your life

    3) Dropbox - Forum - Simplify your life

    - - - Updated - - -

    Sorry dalchina

    please follow request
    MarcosMendes, Apr 17, 2024

Is DESKTOP-663Q8FœØå a valid hostname for windows

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