Windows 10: Just Curious ... Why is everyone excited about Windows 10 ??

Discus and support Just Curious ... Why is everyone excited about Windows 10 ?? in Windows 10 Support to solve the problem; I laugh when I see people get excited over something they know absolutely nothing about. The innocence and ignorance is quite charming and child-like.... Discussion in 'Windows 10 Support' started by Hockeytown Wax, Aug 25, 2015.

  1. Just Curious ... Why is everyone excited about Windows 10 ??

    I laugh when I see people get excited over something they know absolutely nothing about. The innocence and ignorance is quite charming and child-like.

    Use Windows 10 for a few minutes and you find out you can't change the desktop icons font ... gone is the ability for me to use "chicago.ttf" like I have for the past 17 years on a plethora of other OSs.

    What if I don't want to look like a psychopath talking to myself ?? Can I uninstall Cortana ?? No I can NOT. It just sits there on my hard drive taking up valuable space.

    What if I don't want all of those phone apps littering my OS and "Start Menu" ?? Can I go to 'programs and features' , click the "Add/Remove Features" tab, and uninstall all of that trash ?? NO ... it's gone !! We can't remove ANYTHING from the OS.

    I'd really like to strip this OS down to its bare bones so it doesn't use 1.2GB of RAM and 10GB of HDD space before I install any of my apps.

    I get the flat boring GUI ... makes it easier to display on a mobile device ... but that sets you back how many years and how many man-hours trying to get Windows 2000 to look 3D ?? if I wanted my desktop computer to look and act like my phone then ... well ... I'd use my phone.

    Windows 10 is just as much of a disaster as win8 except maybe it runs a bit faster. As for the security risk ... I've lived by this motto ever since I pirated software in the old NT4 days ... if it's coded by humans then it can be hacked by humans .... there is always a way in .... nothing is 100% secure. It doesn't matter what OS you use but, it DOES matter what you do with it and where on the internet you go.

    I have Windows 10 on one machine just to see what kind of disaster M$ is trying to pass off as an operating system. So far it's another mistake, but since they have total control (**cough-apple-cough**), six months from now maybe they'll change that.

    Hockeytown Wax, Aug 25, 2015

  2. Just curious about bluetooth

    I just recently picked up an AIO (ALL-IN-ONE) Pavilion that included a wireless keyboard/mouse (though i managed to swap the wireless keyboard for the traditional wired).... Anyway, It seemed that the wireless mouse is bluetooth. However there is a usb dongle
    that plugs into a usb port so the mouse will work. But wait.... if that's a bluetooth dongle then perhaps I can use that to pair my headphones as well.

    However I'm not quite sure if there's ANY bluetooth connectivity. This is where I'm left scratching my head. I mean.. Is it bluetooth, or is it just RC? And if it is bluetooth, would i be able to pair my headphones, or is it limited to keyboard/mouse?

    Of course if both answers confirmed: How do I pair my headphones?

    Just curious. Thank you.
    HannTheftAudio, Aug 25, 2015
  3. Just curious about bluetooth

    Sounds highly likely as there's no bluetooth button anywhere in settings. How would I check exactly?
    HannTheftAudio, Aug 25, 2015
  4. sn00ker Win User

    Just Curious ... Why is everyone excited about Windows 10 ??

    So are you saying your not going to use Windows 10 ?
    sn00ker, Aug 25, 2015
  5. So what is your point of even being a member of this windows 10 forum? Maybe it's time find a OS forum you like.
    digitalcurisity, Aug 25, 2015
  6. yes sn00ker ... I'm saying Windows 10 is NOT being used on a daily basis ... yet.

    Windows 8 is not allowed on any of my family or customers machines (unless they throw a temper tantrum).

    I still use XP and Win7 daily and it's going to stay that way until one of 2 things happen...
    a) hardware driver support dries up
    b) Windows 10 becomes an actual 'desktop' OS

    Which of the 2 will happen first ??

    As for your question digitalcurisity ... I am here for the information this web site provides on the OSs progress and problems. Every site has intelligent people that can be very helpful and, somewhere down the line, maybe someone here will provide me with a tidbit of information that will make me understand why win10 exists.
    Hockeytown Wax, Aug 25, 2015
  7. BunnyJ New Member
    It's a new version of Windows and IMO it's an improvement over WIn8.1. Honestly, I have no idea how to make you understand why Win10 exists. From your OP I think you made up your mind that you don't like it.
    BunnyJ, Aug 25, 2015
  8. Just Curious ... Why is everyone excited about Windows 10 ??

    Just seems to me you are not really being helpful to the Windows10 forum members. all i got from your first posting is you feel you know everything already in regards to Win10,and you have found many things you dislike. So why keep dragging us through the Win10 hate postings?
    digitalcurisity, Aug 25, 2015
  9. acmanten Win User
    Each of us are learning about new and better things of a daily basis. I believe it is better and will be even better as time passes. I have lots to be thankful . . . . and all the upgrades and new purchases throughout the years of Microsoft.

    All be safe.. Cliff M.
    acmanten, Aug 25, 2015
  10. BunnyJ New Member
    No,. let him continue.. the potential humor factor is huge here., *Wink
    BunnyJ, Aug 25, 2015
  11. LOL BunnyJ ... reverting back to Win7 would be an 'upgrade' to win8 ... so thats not saying much in win10's defence ... and yes, I have made up my mind on win10 .... if it doesn't change then it will NOT be my choice of OSs for desktop computers. Laptops with touchscreens my be a different animal.

    As for the lack of ability to uninstall any OS component or 'App' ... I'm just not comfortable with that. I don't like being told what does or doesn't belong installed on my computer. It shows a lack of trust on M$s part, and, in return, I will not trust them.

    M$ needs to understand not all users are total idiots ... some of us actually know how to use an OS properly. Taking away control of its looks and features and update choice removes the "personal" from Personal Computer.
    Hockeytown Wax, Aug 25, 2015
  12. "why keep dragging us through the Win10 hate postings?"

    Like i'm twisting your arm forcing you to read my post.

    Don't like it go to another thread.

    I'm lookiing for a reason to use Win10 and was hoping someone here could help me make sense of this OS.
    Hockeytown Wax, Aug 25, 2015
  13. BunnyJ New Member

    Just Curious ... Why is everyone excited about Windows 10 ??

    Well,, if you don't want some of the apps there is a way to remove them. If you took the time to search you would have found this thread/tutorial: Apps - Uninstall in Windows 10 - Windows 10 Forums

    So.. that's one issue down.. now just why are you here if you don't plan on using Win10?? *Huh
    BunnyJ, Aug 25, 2015
  14. On some forums, you'd be banned for using the M$ for it's childishness. By the same token of what you are saying, you need to realize Microsoft, or MS, as it should be typed, needs to make an OS for the masses, not a very small percentage of users that make up the enthusiast crowd. They are a business like any other, and have a right to make a product the way they see fit. They are protecting the inner workings of a system that most users, even us enthusiasts, don't need access to. In your ranting, you forgot that Microsoft is the most common OS on the planet, with Windows 10 alone running on 75 million devices. They have to do what's best for all, not just a select few.

    We do live in a society with choices, so you are free to ditch Microsoft and run Linux. I'd say Apple, but if you are already complaining about how Microsoft locks down a computer, you won't like jumping through Apple's hoops. No one is forcing you or "twisting your arm" to use a Windows-based computer.
    DeaconFrost, Aug 25, 2015
  15. It just seems like in many other non related to Windows software, once a dislike thread gets going it just keeps on gaining more dislikes for the product. And very little quality information in regards to the product.
    Quote:I have Windows 10 on one machine just to see what kind of disaster M$ is trying to pass off as an operating system.:End of Quote.
    What does this tell us? To me it's just someone trying to degrade Microsoft and the new Windows10 OS. Can this really become a useful thread? IMHO NO.
    digitalcurisity, Aug 25, 2015

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