Windows 10: LAN Issues - Suddenly can't access files on network pc

Discus and support LAN Issues - Suddenly can't access files on network pc in Windows 10 Gaming to solve the problem; Hello, For years I've been able to access my desktop from my laptop through my network. Click on the network, and there's my desktop. Easy. However,... Discussion in 'Windows 10 Gaming' started by Andrew P.11, Nov 11, 2023.

  1. LAN Issues - Suddenly can't access files on network pc

    Hello, For years I've been able to access my desktop from my laptop through my network. Click on the network, and there's my desktop. Easy. However, about a week ago my desktop suddenly started appearing as a media device on my laptop. If I click on the media device it has an error that says the properties for this item are not available. After scouring the internet for solutions and many hours of failed fixed I'm so frustrated. Key points: This SEEMS to be an issue on the desktop side not the laptop. I could be mistaken, but on my desktop I'm able to access my laptop through the network w

    Andrew P.11, Nov 11, 2023

  2. Issues while accessing PC over the network

    Hi Cliff,

    Thank you for writing to Microsoft Community Forums.

    I understand that you are facing issues while accessing the PC’s over the network. For further clarity on the issue, please respond to the questions below.

    1. Have you connected both the laptops to the same network through which the PC is connected?
    2. Which build version of Windows is installed on the PC’s?

    Refer the article
    Which version of Windows operating system am I running?

    Meanwhile, I would suggest you to try connecting the PC to the main router and see if you are able to access the laptops.

    If you are able to access the laptops, then we need to configure the network settings once again. You can refer the suggestions by

    replied on January 8, 2019.

    If the issue persists, please get back to us with the details of the troubleshooting steps to assist you further.


    Prakhar Khare

    Microsoft Community – Moderator
    Prakhar_Khare, Nov 11, 2023
  3. antares Win User
    Unable to share files in my LAN

    Hi all, I have two Windows 10 PC's in my home LAN (connected to same wired router). I would like to be able to transfer files between them. I have followed all steps in this guide and verified all requirements comply with it. When I open Windows Explorer and then click on Network in one PC I see the other PC listed, but when I double click on the PC I don't see any shared folder listed,not even the Public folder, instead I see the following error, any hint? Thanks
    LAN Issues - Suddenly can't access files on network pc 396818d1693697342t-unable-share-files-my-lan-2023-09-02_19-10-27.jpg
    antares, Nov 11, 2023
  4. LAN Issues - Suddenly can't access files on network pc

    win 10 file access across network

    I have four win 10 pc's networked on a LAN. I used to be able to access any file/folder from any pc on network. Suddenly, I no longer have access to certain files/folders. I have drive sharing setup/ How do I restore total file/folder access across the


    ***Post moved by the moderator to the appropriate forum category.***
    JamesDenneny, Nov 11, 2023

LAN Issues - Suddenly can't access files on network pc

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