Windows 10: MEMORY-CORRUPTION BSOD in Windows 10

Discus and support MEMORY-CORRUPTION BSOD in Windows 10 in Windows 10 Software and Apps to solve the problem; Last week I bought new Ram sticks from eBay to put into my computer and they arrived on Saturday. I have had no problem with them until suddenly on... Discussion in 'Windows 10 Software and Apps' started by NatK10, May 21, 2024.

  1. NatK10 Win User


    Last week I bought new Ram sticks from eBay to put into my computer and they arrived on Saturday. I have had no problem with them until suddenly on Monday Yesterday I have started having some problems. I kept getting the same Blue Screen of Death and the system would usually hang. I did the memory diagnostic tool and it turns out I have a hardware problem. I took out the new stick I have bought from eBay and I still had the issue. When I took out my old and put in my new one, there was no issues detected and ran fine. And less than an hour ago, I got a different blue screen with a different

    NatK10, May 21, 2024

  2. BSOD Memory management, PFN list corrupt, IRQL NOT LESS OR EQUAL

    Hi I'm not sure what the problem is, I've tried to find the problem on my own but I couldn't.

    I have gone down the things on what to do in a previous thread that I found but to no avail. Redirecting

    the title suggests I am suffering from BSOD with the following error codes: Memory management, PFN list corrupt, IRQL NOT LESS OR EQUAL.

    When I started the driver verifier it kept crashing as soon as I started windows, but it doesn't show the xxxx.sys like it did for the person in the thread.

    But I do have the dmp files associated with the crash:




    Any help or suggestions is appreciated,

    Jermain Chen, May 21, 2024
  3. BSODs with corrupt pagefile - Is That Possible?

    Past couple of days I have been having random BSODS. A few examples of the messages was - Memory management / IRQL less than or equal to/ Thread could not be activated/ Page Pool something or other.

    First BSODS I have had on this relatively new system so decided to take everything back to stock and test each part. I'm on Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit BTW.

    HDtune error check - fine
    Memtest86 - 10 passes fine
    Prime 95 - 7hrs overnight fine
    Graphics card - furmark/3DMark fine

    Go to play a bit of WOW last night and it locks up straight away with memory management issue. So I looked into it a bit and read that it could possibly be a virtual memory/pagefile issue and that if it is corrupted it may cause these issues.

    I then set the pagefile to zero and enabled clear pagefile on shutdown in the registry. When it rebooted I let the amount be set by Windows and disabled the registry entry for clearing it on shutdown and will see how it goes.

    I had never heard of this issue before causing BSODS, is it common and what should be the next step if I get another one today with the new pagefile in place?
    LifeOnMars, May 21, 2024
  4. wx8348 Win User


    BSOD, Critical Structure Corruption

    Dear Ztruker,

    Thanks so much for the help.

    I removed the two 1GB memory modules and run the machine with two 2GB memory modules as you suggested. Unfortunately, the computer still experiences similar frequency of "Critical Structure Corruption" and BSOD. I have attached the updated dump file to help further troubleshoot.

    I have also did the memory test with memtest86. As shown in the image below, no errors were found for the RAMs.
    Attachment 97532

    In the past with Windows 7, this computer was very reliable. I haven't seen BSOD with this computer with Windows 7. The BSOD issues arose only after I updated the computer to Windows 10. Since last post, I have also updated the computer to the latest Windows 10 version with "Windows 10 Upgrade Assistant". But the upgrade did not solve the BSOD (critical structure corruption) either.

    Could you provide further suggestions? Your help is much appreciated!
    wx8348, May 21, 2024




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