Windows 10: Microsoft Hides Windows 10 Upgrade Banners in Browser Security Patch

Discus and support Microsoft Hides Windows 10 Upgrade Banners in Browser Security Patch in Windows 10 News to solve the problem; Internet Explorer security patch includes an ad-generator for upgrading to Windows 10 After diving into the documentation for yesterday’s... Discussion in 'Windows 10 News' started by Cluster Head, Mar 9, 2016.

  1. Microsoft Hides Windows 10 Upgrade Banners in Browser Security Patch

    Internet Explorer security patch includes an ad-generator for upgrading to Windows 10

    Read more:

    Cluster Head, Mar 9, 2016
  2. Edwin New Member

    I just read about that! Pretty sad!

    Edwin, Mar 9, 2016
  3. yarrumsnevets, Mar 9, 2016
  4. Microsoft Hides Windows 10 Upgrade Banners in Browser Security Patch

    How to turn off Windows 10 update?

    Why Microsoft do not remove this automatic updates?

    My Lenova is also not compatible with windows 10, touch screen do not work after update with windows 10

    After Himalayan task gone back to windows 8.1.

    Microsoft is very cleaver, Even after remove KB3035583, it is coming back automatic !

    But once in a minute it pop up to upgrage to Windows 10

    Microsoft cannot remove automatic upgarde to windows 10 (atlest for incompatible laptops)
    msfooled_saravanakumar, Mar 9, 2016
  5. Cliff S New Member
    If that don't chase the last few IE holdouts to Chrome or Firefox, I don't know what will!!!*What
    Cliff S, Mar 9, 2016
  6. sgage Win User
    I'm as disgusted as anyone that MS has been pushing Win10 so hard on people who clearly don't want it, but this is not a big deal (I had to go check it out). In IE 11 now, when you open a new tab, there is a box with a button saying 'update to Windows 10 now!' or some such inanity. I had my 'new tab' option set to a blank page, and never saw it until I switched it back to 'default', so if you don't want to see the button, change your 'new tab' option.

    This to me seems more like advertising a new version than 'cramming it down our throats' (getting real tired of that expression). But people like to get themselves all worked up for some reason.
    sgage, Mar 9, 2016
  7. jimbo45 Win User
    Hi there

    1) I HATE tabbed browsing.

    2) I HATE my browsers looking more and more like a mobile phone App -- I WANT menus etc and I prefer to launch a new instance rather than a new tab.

    So I'm sticking with IE until I have to change -- IMO all the nonsense about browser speeds is irrelevant -- the main issues that effect Browser speed are your Internet speed, the efficiency of the target web site - badly written code or myriads of links will slow the browser down, and how busy your own computer is.

    I can't say there's much (if any) difference in speed with any of these browsers - at least not on a decent machine with fast Internet.

    So as far as browsers are concerned just take your choice.

    I can't say I've noticed a preponderance of ads when using IE -- even on my W7 VM's.

    jimbo45, Mar 9, 2016
  8. Edwin New Member

    Microsoft Hides Windows 10 Upgrade Banners in Browser Security Patch


    Edwin, Mar 9, 2016
  9. Hi Edwin! *Smile
    Thanks for that! *Smile
    Cluster Head, Mar 9, 2016
  10. Users are told IT admins blocked the upgrade to Windows 10

    Microsoft Hides Windows 10 Upgrade Banners in Browser Security Patch [​IMG]

    Read more:

    Cluster Head, Mar 9, 2016
  11. Sumit Dhiman, Mar 9, 2016
  12. You're always welcome.....! *Smile *Thumbs
    Cluster Head, Mar 9, 2016
  13. Cr00zng Win User

    Microsoft Hides Windows 10 Upgrade Banners in Browser Security Patch

    Wouldn't it be the same message for W7 and 8.x home users with Professional, if the OS upgrade had been disabled in the registry and/or in the local group policy? Just curious...

    Chaining together the W10 update reminder with a security patch, with no way disabling just the reminder, is pretty low. Oh well, there's always the hide update option...
    Cr00zng, Mar 9, 2016
  14. sgage Win User
    Most all of the tactics they've been using are pretty low (I might use a spicier word myself). Seems to me a lot of bad feelings could have been avoided by simply providing "no, ask me later" AND "no, I do not want Windows 10 on this machine, leave me alone" buttons next to the "by gosh, sign me up right away for Windows 10!" button.

    Sometimes the tone-deafness of Microsoft's marketing department is awe-inspiring, and not in a good way. They probably think they've gamed this thing out to 5 decimal places - I'm sure they spent millions justifying this crazy push, calculating all the pros and cons, risks and benefits, etc. But I don't think they really comprehend how much they're pissing people off, and what that might cost them. That would require actually just thinking about it from a human perspective for 5 minutes. How un-scientific! Can't bring that to the Board!
    sgage, Mar 9, 2016
  15. Cr00zng Win User
    I am fine with the "pretty low", no need for stronger words...*Wink*Wink

    MS has made a business decision and they are sticking with it. They have banked on that most of the end users wouldn't care about all of the telemetries and they were right. Most of the end users didn't care about Google, Facebook, Twitter, etc., gobbling up their data, so banking on this wasn't a risky bet. Yeah, techies and some techie sites/media do complain from time to time, like they did with Google and others, but the machine keeps on rolling as planned.

    Based on their updated service agreement, that you've agreed to, you pretty much allowed them to do whatever they'd want to. Keep in mind that the OS is provided as a service and not a stand-alone installation. I wouldn't be too surprised, if the April updates will have more Windows 10 update reminder chained with security update, or may even add it to Office 2013. Once the end user updates to W10, the same patch can also be utilized for advertising for their or other products, as someone mentioned earlier. And that's probably the final stage, advertise in the OS instead of the browsers. Even with they current 90% or so market share, that will generate "some" revenue...

    In my view, Windows 10 is a great OS on its own, MS did not have to result to this. I now have a laptop with W10, instead of in VMware. It's not bad at all, especially after disabling most of the apps and telemetry stuff.
    Cr00zng, Mar 9, 2016

Microsoft Hides Windows 10 Upgrade Banners in Browser Security Patch

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