Windows 10: Microsoft's CEO Says Cortana's Going to Kill the Browser

Discus and support Microsoft's CEO Says Cortana's Going to Kill the Browser in Windows 10 News to solve the problem; [img] Personal assistants will search the web for everything Microsoft's putting a lot of effort into Cortana, the company's personal... Discussion in 'Windows 10 News' started by Cluster Head, Nov 14, 2015.

  1. Microsoft's CEO Says Cortana's Going to Kill the Browser

    Microsoft's CEO Says Cortana's Going to Kill the Browser [​IMG]

    Read more:
    Cluster Head, Nov 14, 2015
  2. jfreemont Win User

    We'll see. I bet Chrome is here longer than Cortana is.

    jfreemont, Nov 14, 2015
  3. Cannot update defender get error code 0x80072F8F.

    Do you work for Microsoft? It says CEO? How did you know the fix?
    cindyhaynes, Nov 14, 2015
  4. Microsoft's CEO Says Cortana's Going to Kill the Browser

    Cortana is possessed, how to make it go away?

    Almost any mouse gesture makes Cortana send out a tone, then either maximize to take up 1/4 of my screen on the left side, or the smaller 1/8 Cortana presence. Cortana responds to the louder commercials on the television, and went off to connect me to the
    Duluth Trading Company! It isn't even that loud, but the speakers are good. I don't see how Cortana can be considered helpful when I constantly have to X it down (but never off. Even killing it through task manager only lasts a few seconds), in order to
    see my screen. Even when I use Cortana to look something up, there's no difference between typing my query in a browser and typing it in Cortana, except that I can set the browser to filter if need be. If anything, using Cortana is adding an extra step to
    search (it doesn't respond accurately to verbal requests to search), and who needs that? I already have to deal with Cortana distracting me when I use the touch pad. This is an ADHD nightmare, adding a constant distraction to the already prone to being distracted.
    I spent an hour trying to kill Cortana today, walked away in frustration from something important yesterday because Cortana was just too annoying. Is there anyway to turn Cortana off? I figured I should ask before I go into into Program Files and start deleting.
    If it isn't necessary for the functioning of the computer it should be made optional.

    So, is there any way to turn off/disable/kill Cortana?
    sam8988378, Nov 14, 2015
  5. DooGie Win User
    Same for Firefox.
    DooGie, Nov 14, 2015
  6. jds63 Win User
    jds63, Nov 14, 2015
  7. Burgurne Win User
    #2 I really hope you're right!! Here in Denmark we don't have Cortana at all!! And missing a browser these days without a substitution is quite difficult *Smile
    Burgurne, Nov 14, 2015
  8. Microsoft's CEO Says Cortana's Going to Kill the Browser

    No way Cortana is Microsoft baby like Edge is, both work together well.
    hTconeM9user, Nov 14, 2015
  9. RonCFL Win User
    *Ditto ....

    They are very good with ...
    Microsoft's CEO Says Cortana's Going to Kill the Browser [​IMG]

    I really hope so though... Amen ..!
    RonCFL, Nov 14, 2015
  10. DooGie Win User
    DooGie, Nov 14, 2015
  11. jds63 Win User
    Avid Firefox User for years
    jds63, Nov 14, 2015
  12. strollin Win User
    Both Edge and Cortana are interesting toys at this point but neither can really get the job done. Maybe in a few years they might start getting useful, until then I'll continue to use FireFox.
    strollin, Nov 14, 2015
  13. jds63 Win User

    Microsoft's CEO Says Cortana's Going to Kill the Browser

    With a microphone can do some interesting things Cortana for you.
    jds63, Nov 14, 2015
  14. DooGie Win User
    Not really interesting but some are pretty funny.

    Ask her who her father is for instance. Ask her for other cruder favours and you get a short response *Smile
    DooGie, Nov 15, 2015
  15. jds63 Win User
    Have not tried myself, just recall talks on it here and what i read online.Thinking it favors a mobile device more.
    jds63, Nov 15, 2015

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