Windows 10: MUP service missing

Discus and support MUP service missing in Windows 10 Support to solve the problem; I have just noticed this as a result of trying to fix the group policy service, which dependant on MUP therefore I don't know if it was always... Discussion in 'Windows 10 Support' started by helkav, Feb 14, 2016.

  1. helkav Win User

    MUP service missing

    I have just noticed this as a result of trying to fix the group policy service, which dependant on MUP
    therefore I don't know if it was always missing, happened in an upgrade

    has anyone else had a similar experience, any ideas

    there are suggestions online about how to "fix" by restoring mup.sys (in system32) to the services, but I'm a bit wary as there NOTHING on the official MS sites about this : not even the basic info on mup service

    helkav, Feb 14, 2016

  2. Image Backup - Does Event ID 513 CAPI2 Affect Integrity of Backup?

    The problem with using the Windows 8 solution is that in this case Windows 10 seems to require different parameters.


    Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.10586]

    (c) 2015 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

    C:\WINDOWS\system32>accesschk.exe -c mslldp

    Accesschk v6.0 - Reports effective permissions for securable objects

    Copyright (C) 2006-2015 Mark Russinovich

    Sysinternals -



    RW BUILTIN\Administrators

    R S-1-5-32-549


    C:\WINDOWS\system32>accesschk.exe -c mup

    Accesschk v6.0 - Reports effective permissions for securable objects

    Copyright (C) 2006-2015 Mark Russinovich

    Sysinternals -



    RW BUILTIN\Administrators



    C:\WINDOWS\system32>sc sdshow mslldp

    DMUP service missing :(D;;CCDCLCSWRPWPDTLOCRSDRCWDWO;;;BG)(A;;CCDCLCSWRPWPDTLOCRSDRCWDWO;;;SY)(A;;CCDCLCSWRPDTLOCRSDRCWDWO;;;BA)(A;;CCLCSWRPWPDTLOCRRC;;;SO)(A;;LCRPWP;;;S-1-5-80-3141615172-2057878085-1754447212-2405740020-3916490453)

    C:\WINDOWS\system32>sc sdshow mup




    The Windows 8 solution was tried by Dave_O here

    Builds 10532, ..., Windows 10 RTM: Cryptographic Services failed while processing the OnIdentity() call in the System Writer Object

    and he tried modifying the parameters appropriately for Windows 10, but he didn't end up with success.

    He (Dave_O) concludes:

    "I followed the procedure above, being careful NOT to just copy the sc command from the post, but modifying the parameters from my system. accesschk showed proper permissions, and System Image creation no longer generates any CAP12 errors.

    "On my system, UEFI/GPT style partition, the System Image backup now fails with a different error, possibly related to the recovery partition not being large enough for a Shadow copy. "

    I'm not willing to try the Windows 8 solution on my Windows 10 computer until someone figures out what is required for Windows 10 and has success putting it in.
    Keith6789Smith, Feb 14, 2016
  3. Fake Microsoft "Security Warning".

    Rkill 2.8.4 by Lawrence Abrams (Grinler)


    Copyright 2008-2016

    More Information about Rkill can be found at this link:

    RKill - What it does and What it Doesn't - A brief introduction to the program - Anti-Virus, Anti-Malware, and Privacy Software

    Program started at: 12/11/2016 09:11:57 AM in x64 mode.

    Windows Version: Windows 10 Home

    Checking for Windows services to stop:

    * No malware services found to stop.

    Checking for processes to terminate:

    * No malware processes found to kill.

    Checking Registry for malware related settings:

    * No issues found in the Registry.

    Resetting .EXE, .COM, & .BAT associations in the Windows Registry.

    Performing miscellaneous checks:

    * Windows Defender Disabled

    [HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows Defender]

    "DisableAntiSpyware" = dword:00000001

    Checking Windows Service Integrity:

    * gagp30kx [Missing Service]

    * IEEtwCollectorService [Missing Service]

    * IoQos [Missing Service]

    * nv_agp [Missing Service]

    * TimeBroker [Missing Service]

    * uagp35 [Missing Service]

    * uliagpkx [Missing Service]

    * WcsPlugInService [Missing Service]

    * wpcfltr [Missing Service]

    * WSService [Missing Service]

    * agp440 [Missing ImagePath]

    * AJRouter => %SystemRoot%\system32\svchost.exe -k LocalServiceNetworkRestricted [Incorrect ImagePath]

    * WpnService => %systemroot%\system32\svchost.exe -k netsvcs [Incorrect ImagePath]

    * vmicrdv => %SystemRoot%\System32\icsvcext.dll [Incorrect ServiceDLL]

    * vmicvss => %SystemRoot%\System32\icsvcext.dll [Incorrect ServiceDLL]

    Searching for Missing Digital Signatures:

    * No issues found.

    Checking HOSTS File:

    * No issues found.

    Program finished at: 12/11/2016 09:13:32 AM

    Execution time: 0 hours(s), 1 minute(s), and 35 seconds(s)


    The only part of the report I do not understand and would like help with is the following:

    Checking Windows Service Integrity:

    * gagp30kx [Missing Service]

    * IEEtwCollectorService [Missing Service]

    * IoQos [Missing Service]

    * nv_agp [Missing Service]

    * TimeBroker [Missing Service]

    * uagp35 [Missing Service]

    * uliagpkx [Missing Service]

    * WcsPlugInService [Missing Service]

    * wpcfltr [Missing Service]

    * WSService [Missing Service]
    DavidG_908, Feb 14, 2016

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