Windows 10: My default libraries keep popping back up

Discus and support My default libraries keep popping back up in Windows 10 Support to solve the problem; My default libraries keep popping back up, after they've been deleted. Camera roll, pictures, saved pictures, music, videos - they won't die. Sure... Discussion in 'Windows 10 Support' started by DennisHallack, Aug 5, 2015.

  1. My default libraries keep popping back up

    My default libraries keep popping back up, after they've been deleted.

    Camera roll, pictures, saved pictures, music, videos - they won't die. Sure would like them to.

    How can I get that done?

    DennisHallack, Aug 5, 2015

  2. Windows 10- laptop


    When you say "Microsoft Visual ++ Runtime Library' keeps popping up on my screen" do you mean runtime error keeps popping up?
    Anannya Podder, Aug 5, 2015
  3. Cortana Search Box Keeps Coming up when Scrolling

    This did not work for me either keeps going back to default settings after rebooting-----its most annoying when Cortana keeps popping up while scrolling. Microsoft needs to come up with an answer fast.
    johnmassie, Aug 5, 2015
  4. My default libraries keep popping back up

    The same for me. It took some time with regedit to purge them from appearing in "This PC" - but sometimes they even show up there. "Camera roll" and "saved pictures" also frequently reappear in my libraries, even though I have deleted them every single time. I guess it will take some more registry editing to make them stay deleted. Good thing they did not innovate some tablet shit into regedit too, 'cause this "best windows yet" will make me spend a lot of time there, it seems...
    kyliansunn, Aug 6, 2015
  5. Still not solved.

    Camera roll, pictures, and saved pictures - these default libraries pop back into the libraries folder after being deleted. This is without a logoff or restart. They just pop up after a while, like they weren't deleted in the first instance.

    These default libraries are in my way. I DO NOT want to spend years visually parsing through default libraries that I don't use or want, all to find what I am actually looking for, work-related libraries (which are difficult enough to deal with as is).

    How, then, can you go about permanently removing one or more default libraries? For that matter, also the 'This PC' default folders - don't need those either.

    Win10 Pro is what I'm using - is there another version that bakes in the (amazingly basic) functionality that I'm looking for?

    DennisHallack, Aug 13, 2015
  6. There are so many people working on this!

    In the interim, I searched the registry for camera roll and it was usually accompanied by reg entries on pictures, saved pictures, music, video, etc. I deleted every single instance of camera roll, and almost all of the other folders, from the registry, which I backed up first, of course.

    To do that registry work I had to log out of my work domain and log into the original pc admin account to have sufficient heft for the task. While I was there, in the pc admin account, I opened power shell, running as admin, and typed:

    Get-AppxPackage -AllUsers

    From that list I pulled PackageFullName from each and every app and typed:

    Remove-AppxPackage PackageFullName

    Not all would go, but many did. Logging back in to my work domain account, I see no default library folders whatsoever.

    And that's how that went.
    DennisHallack, Sep 10, 2015
  7. Burn on me, that only lasted an hour or two. Slightly better, to the max!
    DennisHallack, Sep 10, 2015
  8. ARYLIOA Win User

    My default libraries keep popping back up

    Most annoying. I don't like the attitude on much of Windows 10 which seems to be "Because we say so!". When I delete a folder to clean up my directory tree, I don't want someone who thinks I am mistaken putting it back. I can "get rid of" several under the "Users" list, but they eventually find their way back. They cannot be deleted where their real definition seems to be built into the OS.

    I wanted to send feedback to MS on this but find no feedback opportunity on File Explorer. I may go via another route but I suspect that commenting directly there might have been more effective (if effective at all).

    Update: There are threads on this forum to defeat this problem. A search for "Remove (whatever) from file explorer" will find instructions, and in some cases links to the commands to automatically do it for you.

    This forum has kept me from burning Windows 10 (for good or bad*really).

    I am still not thrilled, but as I tell my friends, Windows 10 and I have reached a condition of "detant". And I hope Microsoft will cave like the Soviets did, and improve my attitude even more.)
    ARYLIOA, Apr 4, 2018

My default libraries keep popping back up

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