Windows 10: My volume settings start at 67 after I relaunch my pc. How can I fix this?

Discus and support My volume settings start at 67 after I relaunch my pc. How can I fix this? in Windows 10 Drivers and Hardware to solve the problem; I was updating my audio drivers, Im guessing my volume was at 67 while I was doing so. And after I was done I realized volume was starting at 67 every... Discussion in 'Windows 10 Drivers and Hardware' started by YavuzEry, May 21, 2024.

  1. YavuzEry Win User

    My volume settings start at 67 after I relaunch my pc. How can I fix this?

    I was updating my audio drivers, Im guessing my volume was at 67 while I was doing so. And after I was done I realized volume was starting at 67 every time I relaunch my pc.

    YavuzEry, May 21, 2024
  2. LAPIII Win User

    Why is the volume set to 67?

    I recently installed Win 10 and now see that the volume is set to 67. I don't recall ever adjusting it. Is this normal or could it be the glitch that causes the volume to lower?

    Moved from: Windows / Windows 10 / Desktop, Start, & personalization / PC.
    LAPIII, May 21, 2024
  3. Why is the volume set to 67?


    I cannot say if that is normal or not.

    If you are saying you set it each night before you go to bed, meticulously, to 33 and in the morning it has set itself to 67 or something (locked room, computer cannot be touched by anyone else and you are sure you did not hit some key combination or something
    that could change the volume) - no, your volume should not spontaneously set itself.

    If you are saying that after you freshly installed Windows, the volume was, out of the box, set to 67 (on a scale of 0-100), I could see that... never thought to observe that.
    Shenan Stanley, May 21, 2024
  4. ycleptjah Win User

    My volume settings start at 67 after I relaunch my pc. How can I fix this?

    Fixing (\\?\Volume{xxxx}) every start up

    I tried following Megahert'z suggestions and it didn't work. I have no idea how to do this stuff unfortunately, so all I can do is follow steps. "When I type format fs=NTFS quick it returns with: There is no volume selected. Please select a volume and try again. It does say Partition 1 is now the selected partition after the previous step." <-- this is what happened. - - - Updated - - - Is there someone I can hire to remote in and just fix the issue? I would be very happy and willing to do that.
    ycleptjah, May 21, 2024

My volume settings start at 67 after I relaunch my pc. How can I fix this?

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