Windows 10: Onedrive just deleted every file on my desktop

Discus and support Onedrive just deleted every file on my desktop in Windows 10 Software and Apps to solve the problem; I store most of my important files on my desktop in organized areas. I opened onedrive because I noticed my desktop folder was located in one drive and... Discussion in 'Windows 10 Software and Apps' started by Noah Koelwyn, May 23, 2024.

  1. Onedrive just deleted every file on my desktop

    I store most of my important files on my desktop in organized areas. I opened onedrive because I noticed my desktop folder was located in one drive and then today when I opened my computer every file other than shortcuts are gone off my desktop. I need to know how to restore this before I uninstall onedrive.

    Noah Koelwyn, May 23, 2024
  2. MohanC Win User

    windows 10 deleted my desktop files

    Step 1 - I upgraded to Win 10 and lost all my files on Desktop.

    Step 2 - Found the files in Network - USers- Desktop

    copied all files again to desktop.

    Step 3- Restarted my machine again and lost desktop files again.

    Step 4 - As suggested did the following as listed below but dont find my files.

    • Press “Windows + E”, open This PC/Computer
    • Open Local Disc C, open Windows.old
    • Click on Users, select your User name
    • Go to desktop folder
    Cant find my files. Why is Win 10 deleted files again and again from Desktop ?.
    MohanC, May 23, 2024
  3. Kevin 15 Win User
    Files won't delete off of OneDrive or Desktop

    Yes, I'm using Also, I've managed to delete the files on my Desktop! However, the files are still on my OneDrive, and whenever I try to delete the individual files, some give me the error "The resource has changed since caller last read it; usually an eTag mismatch," and others delete just fine. I may just ask the school for help on that issue, as they are the ones managing my OneDrive. One step closer to fixing this issue!
    Kevin 15, May 23, 2024
  4. Kevin 15 Win User

    Onedrive just deleted every file on my desktop

    Files won't delete off of OneDrive or Desktop

    Hello, I was downloading my files from a microsdcard onto my school computer to transfer to another microsd card. The problem is the computer automatically syncs all the files to OneDrive. This wouldn't be a problem if the files I uploaded weren't 100+ gigabytes. Now whenever I try to delete the files on my desktop or on OneDrive, they won't delete. The only error messages I've recieved are error 0x80070091, error 0x80004005, and error code:5384 on OneDrive. I've tried everything from pausing the syncing and deleting, deleting on OneDrive, regularly deleting, and it always either does nothing or give me the erros listed above. I need to use this OneDrive for school ASAP but the files are clogging up the space. If anybody can help me with this issue it'd be greatly appreciated .
    Kevin 15, May 23, 2024

Onedrive just deleted every file on my desktop

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