Windows 10: Outgoing mail in New Outlook sitting in the draft folder for long periods

Discus and support Outgoing mail in New Outlook sitting in the draft folder for long periods in Windows 10 Software and Apps to solve the problem; Hi,I use the New Outlook app in Windows 11. I have several accounts and all work fine except for one. In this account which is my main email account... Discussion in 'Windows 10 Software and Apps' started by Frost King, May 21, 2024.

  1. Outgoing mail in New Outlook sitting in the draft folder for long periods

    Hi,I use the New Outlook app in Windows 11. I have several accounts and all work fine except for one. In this account which is my main email account Outgoing mail is sitting in the draft folder for long periods. In other words, when I write an email and click "Send", the email is not sent immediately. It just sits in the Draft folder for a long period, sometimes for an hour or more.I checked the account setup and it's exactly the same as the rest of my accounts. I tried to access somewhere that may give me an option to set times for checking mail and sending mail. I wasn't able to find

    Frost King, May 21, 2024

  2. Two Draft Folders In Windows Mail Application.

    Hi Mark,

    Thank you for writing to Microsoft Community Forums.

    In order to get clarity on this issue and assist you with appropriate troubleshooting steps, please reply with the answers to the questions below.

    Was the extra Drafts folder added automatically?

    You cannot delete the Draft folder as this is the default folder in the Mail Application.

    You can delete the Drafts (start) folder by right-clicking on the folder as this has been added extra to the folders in the Mail application.

    Before deleting the Drafts folder, please backup/move all your emails if you have in the Drafts folder.

    You can refer Customize the folder list
    in Mail for Windows
    and How
    do I add or remove folders in Mail for Windows 10?
    for more information on these extra folders added in Mail Application.

    If you are still unable to delete the folder, then I suggest you to
    Completely Delete The Email Account From Mail Application

    and Setup The Account again.

    Please feel free to contact us back, in case you have any other questions/issues with Windows in future.
    Shafeeq_Khan, May 21, 2024
  3. Jayzilla Win User
    Delete mails in Outlook but want to keep mails untouch in webmail

    When I deleted an email in outlook and my webmail got deleted too. I want to keep all the inbox mails from the webmail even I complete deleted in outlook. I spend hrs can't think it out how. Any step by step instruction? I'm using IMAP account btw. Thanks and Merry Christmas.
    Jayzilla, May 21, 2024
  4. JTBurnett Win User

    Outgoing mail in New Outlook sitting in the draft folder for long periods

    Mail app issues - whenever I click on Drafts folders to delete the draft Windows 10 Mail App closes.


    So the answer is ridiculously simple. If anyone else also stumbles across this, this worked at least for me.

    • Create a new email to yourself but don't send it! This will then show as another saved draft in that Draft Folder, but it'll be an uncorrupted one, or whatever is the problem with the other draft that's undeletable and causing the Mail
      App to crash.
    • Close the Mail App and go get a cup of coffee.
    • Open the Mail App again. Click on the Draft Folder, and now that it contains a
      good draft in it also, the folder will stay open and not crash. Simply right click on the offending draft and select delete.
    Since it's incomprehensible to assume that the original poster could
    even possibly solve his/her own problem, could a Moderator mark this as solved and as the solution?
    JTBurnett, May 21, 2024

Outgoing mail in New Outlook sitting in the draft folder for long periods

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