Windows 10: Outlook will not send - Object Not Found

Discus and support Outlook will not send - Object Not Found in Windows 10 Gaming to solve the problem; I am having trouble with Outlook. I had multiple accounts/emails including a client email. That data file became corrupted and locked me out of... Discussion in 'Windows 10 Gaming' started by Rick George, Jun 23, 2024.

  1. Outlook will not send - Object Not Found

    I am having trouble with Outlook. I had multiple accounts/emails including a client email. That data file became corrupted and locked me out of Outlook. The only way to get outlook to open was to remove the profile. Then I opened Outlook and was able to re-enter my email address which is through gmail. At that point, Outlook sync'd with my Gmail account and it re-populated my email. However, I am not able to send an email. It says "Object not found". Looking at my email data file I see there are 2. One is the original prior to Outlook getting corrupted, dated 6/21/24; The new data file is date

    Rick George, Jun 23, 2024
  2. zebal Win User

    Outlook Stuck on Send/Receive

    @bartjunited I have one troubleshooting suggestion for you, but it's slightly advanced method to determine a problem, since you so far found no solution it might help you identify a problem. Step 1: Download process monitor: Step 2: Download my custom configuration for process monitor, find it in attachment Step 3: Extract archive to your Desktop or some other convenient location Step 4: Run process monitor as Administrator Step 5: Click on File -> Import Configuration menu and import the file from extracted archive called ProcmonConfiguration.pmc Step 6: Click on Filters -> Filter... menu and in a window that appears unckheck "TCP Receive" option and click OK Step 7: Run outlook to be ready to troubleshoot it Step 8: In process monitor click on red "trash bin" icon to clear all contents in process monitor Step 9: In office click on "send\receive" to start mail syncronization Step 10: In process monitor you'll see Cyan colored lines which indicate failed or closed connection or disconnection. In the output you care only about outlook program (ignore the rest), specifically those ports which you configured for your mail in question Make sure that for each such cyan line there is corresponding "TCP Receive" for outlook program If there is no matching "TCP receive" this mean you identified a problem which is that outlook fails to communicate with google for given mail configuration. If that's the case your next step is to reconfigure mail configuration and try again troubleshoot it. You'll know your modification to mail configuration works when you see coresponding TCP receive operation.
    zebal, Jun 23, 2024
  3. CMOORE100 Win User
    How to stop Win 10 with Outlook sending attachments as Winmail.dat

    WIN 10 (64 bit) with OUTLOOK 2016 send E-Mails which some recipients are unable to open or read.

    The problem most commonly encountered, to judge from many internet pleas for help, is that normal e-mail messages are sent and received satisfactorily but attachments – whatever their file extensions – are sometimes apparently not sent or not openable. There are also reports that some e-mail main texts are apparently not sent or not openable. This note is based specifically on WIN 10(64) plus OUTLOOK 2016, but my extensive reading for a solution has revealed that other WIN / OUTLOOK issue combinations also give rise to the same or similar problem. It may therefore well be possible that the following actions will also be of assistance with these.
    The root problem is that OUTLOOK sometimes encodes messages and/or attachments as WINMAIL.dat files and sends these. Many non-MS mail programs can not recognise and/or open these. WINMAIL.dat is a format used in times past for sending Rich Text Format (RTF) messages. I am uncertain why MS persists with this heritage I have found in limited testing that some ISPs seem to receive OUTLOOK attachments OK (because these are sent as their original files with “normal” extensions) whereas another ISP appears to prompt their conversion to WINMAIL.dat and then can not open them. I have, by the way, eliminated any possibility that the problem stems from my receiving computer. My accounts are of the “web based” type and I can open my E-mail boxes by web access direct to the ISP.
    My testing (not comprehensive) has shown that when OUTLOOK is used to send attachments to a account they are received OK but when the exact same attachments are sent to a they are received as WINMAIL.dat encoded files. It is thus doubly unsatisfactory in that one can not rely on the receipt of attachments sometimes, but not always.
    Here are the 3 steps I took :- 1.. Modify the registry to inhibit generation of Winmail.dat files. To do this a.. Open program REGEDIT (Windows key plus R) b.. Go to Computer/ HKEY_CURRENT_USER/ SOFTWARE/Microsoft/Office/16.0/Outlook/Preferences c.. Create a new DWORD(32bit) called Disable TNEF
    d.. Enter a value of 1 ie.0x00000001 (1) e.. Exit Regedit 2.. Set up OUTLOOK so as NOT to send messages in RTF format. a.. Open OUTLOOK b.. At top left SLCk the blue FILE tab. File page opens.
    c.. In list at LHS SLCk OPTIONS. d.. From OPTIONS find and SLCk MAIL. e.. In MAIL option scroll down to COMPOSE MESSAGES f.. Find CHANGE EDITING SETTINGS g.. Select PLAIN TEXT format option in box. (HTML option may also be OK but RICH TEXT FORMAT – RTF – must NOT be selected). h.. Close the MAIL options page(s).
    3.. Set up OUTLOOK not to auto-complete addressees and empty the auto complete cache. a.. Open OUTLOOK b.. At top left SLCk the blue FILE tab. File page opens. c.. In list at LHS SLCk OPTIONS. d.. From OPTIONS find and SLCk MAIL. e.. In MAIL option scroll down to COMPOSE MESSAGES
    f.. Select SEND MESSAGES section. g. UNCHECK box labelled “Use auto complete list to suggest names when typing To/cc/bcc lines”. h.. Find and SLCk the “Empty auto complete list” i.. SLCk YES in response to “ARE YOU SURE” pop-up box j.. There is no apparent response to step i. k.. Close OUTLOOK mail option page(s). l.. For good measure re-start the PC.

    Notes : i.. At step 3e with OUTLOOK 2013 scroll to SENDING MESSAGES section. ii.. In OUTLOOK 2003 and 2007 for procedure section 2 : iia.. Access OPTIONS from the tools menu iib.. Click MAIL FORMAT tab iic.. Click INTERNET FORMAT iid. Under Outlook Rich Text Options click either Convert to HTML format or Convert to Plain Text format. Get rid of any reference to RTF.
    iii. This note is written based on Win 10(64bit) plus Outlook 2016. Other OS/Outlook versions may vary in function and detail.
    iv.. Some versions of OUTLOOK provide for the message sending format to be varied between addressees in the address book. To check for this each address book entry needs to be examined from its PROPERTIES values. These should be opened and set to HTML or PLAIN TEXT and never RTF (or TNEF). v.. With my problem the solution was achieved after step 3. It appears that the auto-complete cache “remembers” previous settings and hence it needs to be deleted.
    vi.. Step 3 was the vital action and was kindly contributed by Caledon Ken at TEN FORUMS I will mark the thread as resolved after further evaluation, but am highly optimistic. .
    CMOORE100, Jun 23, 2024
  4. Outlook will not send - Object Not Found

    Outlook send/recieve issue

    Add-ins have many uses and as mentioned, Google will provide answers. *Smile These are listed in my Outlook.
    Outlook will not send - Object Not Found 353469d1638287679t-outlook-send-recieve-issue-1130-outlook-add-ins.jpg
    Hopefully, you will be able to identify the culprit with this Outlook Clean boot test. Due to the erratic nature of this fault, should this test not prove successful, your next step would be a Clean Boot of Windows. Perform a Clean Boot in Windows 10 to Troubleshoot Software Conflicts Your 'My Computer' doesn't list any third party antivirus, is that correct? You mentioned that is doesn't appear to be connected to other apps. Have you observed the fault happening in Outlook with nothing else running, no apps or browsers?
    W10 Tweaker, Jun 23, 2024

Outlook will not send - Object Not Found

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