Windows 10: Please wait for the GPSVC when shutting down Windows computer

Discus and support Please wait for the GPSVC when shutting down Windows computer in Windows 10 News to solve the problem; [IMG]If you receive the message Please wait for the GPSVC when shutting down the Windows computer, it simply means that the Group Policy service is... Discussion in 'Windows 10 News' started by WinClub, Jul 2, 2023.

  1. WinClub New Member

    Please wait for the GPSVC when shutting down Windows computer

    Please wait for the GPSVC when shutting down Windows computer [​IMG]
    If you receive the message Please wait for the GPSVC when shutting down the Windows computer, it simply means that the Group Policy service is taking longer than expected to update the settings and complete its tasks. But at times, your computer may regularly see this screen and remain stuck on it for a long […]

    This article Please wait for the GPSVC when shutting down Windows computer first appeared on

    WinClub, Jul 2, 2023

  2. Please wait for the gpsvc issue

    Please wait for the gpsvc issue when shutting down the laptop please resolve this issue fix it please password is 123 the email is *** Email address is removed for privacy *** ha ha ha ha ha this is funny ha ha thanks for laptop shutting down
    Please wait for the GPSVC when shutting down Windows computer [​IMG]
    WifiHelper, Jul 2, 2023
  3. windows cannot connect to gpsvc service || event log service is unavilable || cannot launch windows event collector service


    From admin Command Prompt, run:

    • sc.exe qc gpsvc & sc.exe query gpsvc
    • net start gpsvc
    • sc.exe qc eventlog & sc.exe query eventlog
    • sc.exe query mup & sc.exe qc mup
    Please post the output.
    Ramesh Srinivasan, Jul 2, 2023
  4. Please wait for the GPSVC when shutting down Windows computer

    Both GPSVC/UUID and Start Menu Critical Error


    While logging into Windows, there are some crucial background processes are propagating. The Group Policy Service (GPSVC) is part of one of those processes in which this service communicates with Winlogon service via a Remote Procedure Call (RPC). The aim
    of this communication is to make a cross check on Computer Configuration and User Configuration of Group Policy Objects and load policies accordingly. Generally, when this scenario is going on, the GPSVC is taking part in the chain of events separately from
    the beginning. But when the same service, i.e. GPSVC takes part in the processing, in combination with other processes, there are chances of following error to occur. To provide you with the troubleshooting steps in resolving the issue, kindly supplement us
    with further information by answering the questions below.

    • When did the issue start to happen? Knowing the time when the issue started to happen will point you when to do a system restore.
      System Restore is a feature in Microsoft Windows that allows the user to revert their computer's state (including
      system files, installed applications, Windows Registry, and
      settings) to that of a previous point in time, which can be used to recover from
      system malfunctions or other problems.
    • Were there changes made prior to the issue?

    We look forward to your response.
    Vanessa Oca, Jul 2, 2023

Please wait for the GPSVC when shutting down Windows computer

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