Windows 10: Possibility of infecting a virus

Discus and support Possibility of infecting a virus in AntiVirus, Firewalls and System Security to solve the problem; I decided to format my pc because of malware infection.If i create iso file to create a bootable USB on same machine, can the malware enter into the... Discussion in 'AntiVirus, Firewalls and System Security' started by BuddhikaSadun, Aug 6, 2022.

  1. Possibility of infecting a virus

    I decided to format my pc because of malware infection.If i create iso file to create a bootable USB on same machine, can the malware enter into the bootable USB and infect into machine that I am going to install windows after disk format ??

    BuddhikaSadun, Aug 6, 2022
  2. bruinator Win User

    steps taken for infected Pc's.

    I was hoping someone could give me a list of step by step instructions you use as a guide to clean virus, malware...etc. so I can keep my PC clean if it gets infected.

    bruinator, Aug 6, 2022
  3. cookies1 Win User
    Infected by virus

    I reinstalled Java, now its version is 64-bit. We have deleted and cleaned a lot of things. So I think I shouldn't think my PC is infected now. I thought silly about residual files, sorry for that. This infected virus disrupted my psychology. Anyway, is there any step to clean or do something else for harmful file or stuff in my PC?

    Thanks. Possibility of infecting a virus :)
    cookies1, Aug 6, 2022
  4. yuki2012 Win User

    Possibility of infecting a virus

    PC Infected with Virus

    My computer have been infected with Virus, too...
    so upset
    yuki2012, Aug 6, 2022

Possibility of infecting a virus

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