Windows 10: Random bulit-in admin account appears

Discus and support Random bulit-in admin account appears in Windows 10 Ask Insider to solve the problem; So I booted up my computer this morning and noticed a random account named krakatoa23. I tried deleting the user folder and deleting it with cmd but... Discussion in 'Windows 10 Ask Insider' started by /u/LILGHOSTEZZZ, May 22, 2024.

  1. Random bulit-in admin account appears

    So I booted up my computer this morning and noticed a random account named krakatoa23. I tried deleting the user folder and deleting it with cmd but nothing works.

    submitted by /u/LILGHOSTEZZZ
    [link] [comments]

    /u/LILGHOSTEZZZ, May 22, 2024
  2. Vesao Win User

    Remove account

    I suggest you backup your personalized files first before removing the account.
    To delete an account, follow these steps:
    1. Press WIN + X keys and click Command Prompt (Admin) from the menu.
    2. Type the following command and press Enter. Replace test with the name of your sister's account. Code:
    Vesao, May 22, 2024
  3. Try3 Win User
    Problems with Adobe Lightroom appear to be from corrupted User Account


    Yes, just do step 2 if you already know that the test account behaves correctly.

    Step 1 was just to confirm the state of play because it would be reckless for me to suggest that you take away Admin status from what might have been your only Admin account.

  4. Try3 Win User

    Random bulit-in admin account appears

    My admin account switched to a user account!

    The first of the many diagrams in this thread show that the link Sign in with a local account instead is displayed for the account that is currently logged on and so the reversion procedure might work for this account. For normal circumstances, that would initiate the conversion back to a local account for the user account currently logged in - see my 23rd & 26th September 2016 posts in revert to local account from one converted to MSAccount. I have no way of knowing how Windows will react to an attempt to use this procedure for the Built-In Admin account and I do not know if that link Sign in with a local account instead will be displayed or not.

    I think I side-stepped this issue by suggesting that that
    • An extra password-protected Admin level account is created, and
    • The Built-In Admin is disabled, and
    • The recovery attempt focuses on whichever existing user account remains active afterwards.

    Personally, I would reinstall Windows 10 without even attempting this recovery. Installation takes very little effort once everything is backed up and the only necessary user interactions are right at the start & right at the end so it can be initiated before making a pot of tea. It took about 30, 60 & 90 minutes for each of my computers [the 30 minuter is 6 months old, the 60 minuter is 7 years old, 90 minuter is 12 years old].

    Raner - I am trying to avoid sounding like I am nagging you into doing a clean install.
    • Once you have recovered the existing user account you can attempt to re-enable & remove the MSAccount link from your Built-In Admin if that link appears in Settings, Accounts.
    • Bree says it cannot be done and I think the same but I have never tried - I have never been able to get to Settings using the Built-In Admin because it cannot run any Windows 10 Apps so I do not know how it can be done [but the diagrams in Bree's link shows that those users got there].
    • Even though I have the safety of having created two spare password-protected Admin accounts I would not want to know that my Built-In Admin was sitting in the background but unable to help me if my other accounts were corrupted.


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