Windows 10: Six clicks: What we think we know about Windows 9

Discus and support Six clicks: What we think we know about Windows 9 in Windows 10 News to solve the problem; Microsoft's Build 2014 conference is right around the corner. At that event, which kicks off April 2 in San Francisco, Microsoft is believed to be... Discussion in 'Windows 10 News' started by labeeman, Mar 13, 2014.

  1. labeeman Win User

    Six clicks: What we think we know about Windows 9

    labeeman, Mar 13, 2014
  2. bigseb Win User

    All still just speculation at this. Liked the pic with the ice cream though.

    Hmmmm.... ice cream...

    bigseb, Mar 15, 2014
  3. the word document in skydrive and my phone were deleted. still my phone shows the document name. Why?

    The word document I have uploaded in skydirve found to be not suitable for viewing in my windows phone. Therefore I have deleted the document in skydrive and my phone. Still my phone shows the names of the deleted document. I do not not want those to be
    available in my phone too. What to do?
    we know then, Mar 15, 2014
  4. Six clicks: What we think we know about Windows 9

    I don't have a deleted file. How can I find emails that are just gone; I did not delete them.

    <Original title: lost emails>

    I don't have a deleted file. How can I find emails that are just gone; I did not delete them.
    We don't know, Mar 15, 2014
  5. labeeman Win User
    Yep that is a very nice pic.
    labeeman, Mar 15, 2014
  6. Britton30 Win User
    Will *not* do away with the Metro interface. Big, silly, stupid, unwanted, bad, dumbass mistake. That's the big reason I don't even consider Win 8, even thought there are hoops to jump through to have a desktop and real start menu.
    "Tiles" are not for real computers, just the toy poke and push things.
    Britton30, Mar 29, 2014
  7. LEE
    Lee Win User
    . . ."Really" . . .*Rolleyes
  8. Britton30 Win User

    Six clicks: What we think we know about Windows 9

    Yes, really. I would fine it really frustrating and uncomfortable to constantly reach and poke a screen 8 hours a day in a work environment.
    Britton30, Mar 30, 2014
  9. LEE
    Lee Win User
    Please explain why it is bad. If you don't and will not use Win 8/8.1 then how is it you know it is bad. Is it because of something you have read, or did it wipe out your computer the first time you attempted to use it. You make these statements without any real explanation as to how you came to that conclusion. As a Mac OSX user I actually find Win 8.1 a refreshing change now and then.
  10. Who says you have to reach and poke your screen? I have no problem using Windows 8.1 with a conventional keyboard and trackball. I personally find it easier than drilling down though a Start Menu. If you don't like it you don't like it, that's fine. But no where does it state that you have to use a touch screen to use Windows 8 or 8.1. Tiles are quit easy to click with a mouse.
    alphanumeric, Mar 31, 2014
  11. Britton30 Win User
    It's like flying, if you understand no explanation is needed, if you don't no explanation will suffice. *Confused
    Britton30, Apr 1, 2014
  12. LEE
    Lee Win User
    Good attempt to explain nothing. . .it would appear that coming up with a good explanation seems to be beyond your grasp. . .Six clicks: What we think we know about Windows 9 o_O
  13. Chuck38 Win User

    Six clicks: What we think we know about Windows 9

    Chuck38, Apr 9, 2014
  14. Chuck38 Win User
    Do you think they might put the Start menu back in and have the metro Start screen? I'm fine with both, but I know that some people really, really want the start menu back.
    Chuck38, Apr 9, 2014
  15. sri2000 Win User
    well i think the metro is just as good *Smile just a few more finishings in my case would be fine.
    ms should just like add features that the 9 project lacks .
    if ms released a windows 9 which is a combination of xp, 7 and 8 all together, its definetly worth the wait
    sri2000, Apr 21, 2014

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