Windows 10: Troubleshoot OneDrive sync problems

Discus and support Troubleshoot OneDrive sync problems in Windows 10 Network and Sharing to solve the problem; Good day.Yesterday sync this PC, but the information isn't there.So, I demand their returnGreetings... Discussion in 'Windows 10 Network and Sharing' started by Alien Notary, May 22, 2024.

  1. Troubleshoot OneDrive sync problems

    Good day.Yesterday sync this PC, but the information isn't there.So, I demand their returnGreetings

    Alien Notary, May 22, 2024
  2. Nikhar_K Win User

    Files not syncing to OneDrive


    Thank you for writing to Microsoft Community Forums.

    I understand that you are facing issues not syncing properly with OneDrive.

    I suggest you to refer the troubleshooting steps in the article
    Fix OneDrive sync problems
    and check if it works for you.

    For more information, you can check the article to
    Sync files with the OneDrive sync client in Windows

    If you are still facing the issue, I suggest you to get in touch with the OneDrive support team.

    Sign in to from any browser, click the ‘?’ help icon on the top banner of the page and select
    Email OneDrive support. Submit your question and follow the prompts to request support.

    Hope it helps.

    Nikhar Khare

    Microsoft Community - Moderator
    Nikhar_K, May 22, 2024
  3. Sun Khou Win User
    Help me troubleshoot OneDrive sync issues

    Hi Iber 2000


    Thank you for posting in Microsoft Community.

    Upon reading the description you have posted, it seems that you have an issue with Microsoft 365 wherein you want to know how you can fix your OneDrive sync issues.

    Let’s work together in finding the best solution to this issue.

    For me to better understand the issue, I’d like to ask a few questions:

    • When did this issue occurred?

    • What were the initial troubleshooting steps that you have tried so far?

    • Have you already tried the list of troubleshooting on how to fix OneDrive sync issues in this support article link: Fix OneDrive sync problems - Microsoft Support?

    • If possible, kindly please provide a screenshot of the problem. In order for us to further investigate about this matter.

    In the meantime, we would like you to provide us with some answers first to the questions above. In order for us to provide you with a more accurate solution.

    We look forward to your reply,


    Khou Sun

    Microsoft Community Moderator
    Sun Khou, May 22, 2024
  4. Adol007 Win User

    Troubleshoot OneDrive sync problems

    Crossfire sync problem


    thank you for all the responses.

    I enable vsync in the advanced tab of ccc but it doesn't help.

    It's happening now in mass effect 2 which is unreal but it also happens in civilization 4 and pirates(an old game).

    I don't think it's my display or a cable because when I don't enable crossfire I never have the problem.

    My next step is to change the cards around to see if it's my linked card that's the problem.

    Qubit is correct it looks like a video sync problem. Like when the traking is of on a VCR.

    Keep the suggestions coming.
    Adol007, May 22, 2024

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