Windows 10: we are trying to do a clean install of windows 11 on a 2 tb drive and can't get past the...

Discus and support we are trying to do a clean install of windows 11 on a 2 tb drive and can't get past the... in Windows 10 Software and Apps to solve the problem; we are trying to do a clean install of windows 11 on a 2 tb drive and can't get past the robot test... Discussion in 'Windows 10 Software and Apps' started by Dee-b, May 22, 2024.

  1. Dee-b Win User

    we are trying to do a clean install of windows 11 on a 2 tb drive and can't get past the...

    we are trying to do a clean install of windows 11 on a 2 tb drive and can't get past the robot test

    Dee-b, May 22, 2024
  2. Phusius Win User

    How do I get Windows 7 to install on a full 3 TB HDD?

    Thanks everyone, much appreciated. Giving this a shot now. I already try converting to GPT once already and it worked, but still only showed 2 TB, however, the steps listed your link Newteki have a few added steps I did not do. Also, I decided to go with Windows 8 Pro since Windows 7 was giving me so much trouble with this issue, yet it still gave me the same problems of only showing 2 TB then a separate 700ish GB drive.

    Here goes nothing, thanks all, will be reporting back soon, hozzah!
    Phusius, May 22, 2024
  3. How do I get Windows 7 to install on a full 3 TB HDD?

    You may could divide into two partitions 1.5GB a piece and that would be easier.
    brandonwh64, May 22, 2024
  4. we are trying to do a clean install of windows 11 on a 2 tb drive and can't get past the...

    Clean Install Workaround for Vista

    You may remember this news story on techPowerUp! a couple of days ago relating to the lack of clean installs when using the Upgrade Editions of Vista, which required an old OS to be installed. However, Paul Thurrott has managed to find a workaround for this issue, which ironically lets users do a clean install Vista without any previous version of Windows, albeit a little tedious. Here are the steps:
    • Boot from the Windows Vista Upgrade DVD as normal
    • When prompted for a product code, leave this blank
    • Select the version of Vista you have purchased and let Vista install
    • When you boot to your desktop for the first time, run the Vista setup from Windows
    • This time enter your product key
    • When asked whether you want to do an Upgrade of Custom install, select custom and choose a clean install
    • Windows will now install for a second time and you should be able to activate it
    Remember, these steps are only advised for use in order to achieve a clean install of Vista, it is only legal to use the upgrade editions if you have previously purchased the appropriate version of Windows.

    Source: DailyTech
    Jimmy 2004, May 22, 2024

we are trying to do a clean install of windows 11 on a 2 tb drive and can't get past the...

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