Windows 10: What does this warning mean in Event Viewer? "0x410022D8 8920...

Discus and support What does this warning mean in Event Viewer? "0x410022D8 8920... in Windows 10 Customization to solve the problem; What does this warning mean in event Viewer? My PC only have ONE user, me. I don't use remote at all. Im the only one using the computer and keep it... Discussion in 'Windows 10 Customization' started by Jonas The Swedish Goth, Jun 24, 2020.

  1. What does this warning mean in Event Viewer? "0x410022D8 8920...

    What does this warning mean in event Viewer?

    My PC only have ONE user, me. I don't use remote at all. Im the only one using the computer and keep it up to date.
    Win 10 HOME, 2004

    I get really worried about this warning. Why is there a looooooong path? What are the other user then me?

    My user: Jonah ***. *** is just secure since I post in public

    The WARNING:
    MicrosoftEdge 7020,D,60 C:\Users\Jonah ***\AppData\Local\Packages\microsoft.microsoftedge_8wekyb3d8bbwe\AC\MicrosoftEdge\User\Default\DataStore\Data\nouser1\120712-0049\: The database format feature version 9080 0x2378 could not be used due to the current database format 1568.20.0, controlled by the parameter 0x410022D8 8920 JET_efvAllowHigherPersistedFormat.

    End Quote

    What does this mean? What is "nouser1"????

    Jonas The Swedish Goth, Jun 24, 2020
  2. Fredrik Win User

    Warning Event 642, ESENT

    Is there anyone else who get their system event log full of warnings like:

    The database format feature version [x] ([x]) could not be used due to the current database format 1568.20.0, controlled by the parameter 0x410022D8 (8920 | JET_efvAllowHigherPersistedFormat).

    Same kind of warnings on two different computers. Both joined the slow ring and have build 19033.1. One of them freshly installed with a 1909 ISO and then upgraded to 19033.1 today. Same warnings anyway.
    Fredrik, Jun 24, 2020
  3. fantonio2 Win User
    Searchindexer problems, event log entires

    Windows 10 1903.

    I've been having some trouble finding files via the searcher lately, and I notice quite a few search related items in event viewer.

    Windows Search Service failed to process the list of included and excluded locations with the error <30,0x80004005, "file:///H:\[12ec3e10-d9b8-4e36-b244-57424d10a843]\"

    I don't know how to repair this. The link they provided doesn't work. I don't understand why it references H: . I don't have an H: drive.

    Any thoughts appreciated.

    The following messages appear many times in event viewer...

    Searchindexer (5524,D,50) Windows: The log format feature version 8940 (0x22ec - 8.6.20) could not be used due to the current log format 8.5.16, controlled by the parameter 0x410022D8 (8920 | JET_evfAllowHigherPersistedFormat).

    SerachIndexer (5524,D,50) Windows: The database [C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Search\Data\Applications\Windows\Windows.edb] format version is being held back to 8920 due to application parameter setting of 0x410022D8 (8920) JET_efvAllowHigherPersistedFormat).
    Current default engine version: 9100 (0x238c).

    Is this a problem?

    Does anyone understand who sets this parameter? ... ie what is happening here?

    I have initiated a rebuild of the search index.
    fantonio2, Jun 24, 2020
  4. What does this warning mean in Event Viewer? "0x410022D8 8920...

    Event Viewer has over 1000 errors and warnings

    That sure sounds like a scam call.

    You do know that

    a) neither Microsoft nor any of their partners will make unsolicited calls


    b) that it's normal that the event viewer has lots of errors and warning...

    don't you?

    I hope you didn't allow anyone access to your computer.

    With regard to b) suggestion to read:

    With regard to a) suggestion to read/watch:

    Fake Tech Support Scams – video from the MS Digital Crimes Unit

    Jsssssssss, Jun 24, 2020

What does this warning mean in Event Viewer? "0x410022D8 8920...

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  3. 0x410022d8