Windows 10: Windows 10 Installed on 164 Million PCs

Discus and support Windows 10 Installed on 164 Million PCs in Windows 10 News to solve the problem; Microsoft’s latest Windows 10 adoption figures revealed that its new operating system was installed on 110 million PCs in October, but these numbers... Discussion in 'Windows 10 News' started by Sumit Dhiman, Jan 3, 2016.

  1. Windows 10 Installed on 164 Million PCs

    Microsoft’s latest Windows 10 adoption figures revealed that its new operating system was installed on 110 million PCs in October, but these numbers have obviously improved since then, as more people have upgraded their computers.'
    Read more:

    Sumit Dhiman, Jan 3, 2016
  2. Madhanrcks, Jan 3, 2016
  3. JG01_WP10 Win User
    Lumia 1520 Boot Loop going from firmware .164 to .100, get sad face

    The version number prior to .164 is different from that of the .100. However, the number for the .100 is higher that the .164. The update was applied through the Windows mobile updater on the is not something I installed on my own.
    JG01_WP10, Jan 3, 2016
  4. Windows 10 Installed on 164 Million PCs


    — Twitter API (@user) date[/quote]

    Windows 10 Now Active on over 200 Million Devices

    Cluster Head, Jan 3, 2016
  5. jimbo45 Win User
    Hi there

    How can they possibly know how many PC's is it installed on.

    They can get nr of downloads etc but nr of installs !!! -- Even the NSA / CIA etc can't get data on that - plus what about zillions of installs on VM's.

    What they can get is the nr of activations -- so Ms could have some sort of stats on the number of windows activations --and from that remove duplicate / multiple activations so they'd know the number of actual windows activations. Now that doesn't in any way give an indication of the number of DEVICES windows is on.

    They can make an intelligent guess - but nothing more than that.

    These stats need to be understood in their entirety before people start quoting them all over the place.

    That aside I'm glad to see that on the whole W10 has met with a favourable response -- and I'm happy with it too - apart from the perennial problem that has plagued Windows ever since its inception more than a quarter of a century ago --Networking which even on W10 can be a bit of a "hit or miss" affair.

    jimbo45, Jan 6, 2016
  6. dencal Win User
    An accurate number of operating systems could be established by how many downloads take place of the latest update.
    Certainly within the realms of possibility by M$.
    dencal, Jan 6, 2016
  7. BunnyJ New Member
    Wouldn't activation stats show how many PC's have 10 installed on it??
    BunnyJ, Jan 6, 2016
  8. jimbo45 Win User

    Windows 10 Installed on 164 Million PCs

    Hi there

    Not necessarily -- you can re-activate on the SAME PC - I've done that a few times when I've changed some bits of hardware on the same PC.

    Nr of activations will tell Ms one thing accurately --everything else will be a guess. It will say that at a particular point in time we've got nnnn copies of Windows activated. By eliminating the number of activations on the same machines ms could make a reasonable guess as to how many machines Windows might be running on -- it wouldn't be able to get any more accurate predictions than that.

    Of course what about the initial Free updates too where there was a "general activation" so even counting the number of activations wouldn't help in determining the number of individual devices Windows 10 was actually running on.

    @dencal --nr of OS's downloaded / installed doesn't equate to number of devices the OS is installed on - you can't assume a 1:1 relationship here.

    jimbo45, Jan 6, 2016
  9. BunnyJ New Member
    I didn't think of multiple activations.. but I agree that MS is not going to get a firm number of users of Win10.. a good estimate maybe but that's about it.
    BunnyJ, Jan 6, 2016
  10. jimbo45 Win User
    Hi there Bunny -- not having a go at you but nr of USERS is again totally different -- some PC's can have many users !!!!!

    Statistics might be "Finicky" but some hideous results in Policy can come about by drawing wrong conclusions from Statistical evidence. Maybe for example the US president Obama might like to have a look at Knife Crime statistics for the UK - and then decide if a tougher Gun Policy would lead to more or less homicides per 1000 of population --all things being taken into account and whether people would switch from Guns to knives with a tougher Gun Policy as per UK. Statistical evidence needs to be read very carefully indeed before drawing conclusions and basing policy whether Political or business upon those statistics.

    I often do "Day trading" as I'm semi retired now and have more time -- and if I draw the wrong conclusions it can cost a LOT OF MONEY !!!!. It's still fun to do though if you have the time.

    jimbo45, Jan 6, 2016
  11. The proportion of knife crime compared to gun crime may be higher in the UK, but more people are killed in intentional homicides per year proportionately in the US than the UK (1 per 100,000 in the UK, 3.8 per 100,000 in the US).

    Sometimes it's about the bigger picture.
    joedaman633, Jan 6, 2016
  12. jimbo45 Win User
    Hi there

    I'm not trying to make any political point here - I walk about without feeling any "unease" both in L.A and in London as well as other large cities in both countries. However even the above statistics on homicides can be flawed -- the US statistics are based on the relative easy availability of Guns -- when people have to switch to knives it could well be that because they are so much easier to get hold of then homicides may well increase significantly -- more homicides but fewer numbers being killed per homicide as people in the US switch from Gun to Knife crime.

    It's not an unreasonable supposition - and all I was pointing out that taking decisions based on "RAW DATA" is a lot more complex than a lot of "instant policymakers" like to think about.

    jimbo45, Jan 6, 2016
  13. dencal Win User

    Windows 10 Installed on 164 Million PCs

    Active quote by Gabe suggests monitoring users by M$.
    Regards .
    dencal, Jan 6, 2016
  14. bro67 Win User
    My guess is that they are tracking them through the Live accounts.

    I had canceled both of mine. Had to reopen one for my testing unit. It still showed the Test Box in the account, even though Windows 10 had been off of that machine for over a month.
    bro67, Jan 6, 2016
  15. BunnyJ New Member
    Just where does it say.. monitoring users in that image??
    BunnyJ, Jan 6, 2016

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