Windows 10: Windows 11 taskbar issues, and potential explorer memory leak

Discus and support Windows 11 taskbar issues, and potential explorer memory leak in Windows 10 Software and Apps to solve the problem; Hi,For the last week or so, I started having problems with the Windows 11 taskbar:I cannot expand tray icons by left-clicking the little arrow icon... Discussion in 'Windows 10 Software and Apps' started by Dr. Gökhan Tolun, Mar 20, 2023.

  1. Windows 11 taskbar issues, and potential explorer memory leak

    Hi,For the last week or so, I started having problems with the Windows 11 taskbar:I cannot expand tray icons by left-clicking the little arrow icon left-most tray icon.Time on the right is frozen.Apps are not shown in the taskbar if they are not pinned ones.I cannot right-click onto an empty area on the taskbar or the Windows icon, though right-clicking onto a pinned icon or the tray icons work.I still can left-click onto the Windows start icon.I can click into the search bar and use it.If I use EndTask to kill the explorer running the GUI shell from the Task Manager and relaunch it, every

    Dr. Gökhan Tolun, Mar 20, 2023

  2. Windows 11 Memory Leak

    Hi Josh. I'm Greg, 10 years awarded Windows MVP, here to help you.

    Try these fixes for Windows 11 Memory Leak

    Feel free to ask back any questions. Based on the results you post back I may have other suggestions if necessary.


    Standard Disclaimer: There are links to non-Microsoft websites. The pages appear to be providing accurate, safe information. Watch out for ads on the sites that may advertise products frequently classified as a PUP (Potentially Unwanted Products). Thoroughly research any product advertised on the sites before you decide to download and install it.

    Greg Carmack - Windows MVP 2010-2020, Mar 20, 2023
  3. BulldogXX Win User
    Memory leak issue

    The term "memory leak" means that an application fails to return all its RAM to the operating system when it exits. The leftover RAM is unusable to the operating system.

    Step one is to identify the application that is leaking memory. Step two is to contact the application's developers and provide as much detailed data on the memory leak as you can. For example: which processes are still in RAM after the application exits
    and how much RAM they occupy. Application developers never want their applications to leak memory and they will be grateful for the details you provide, particularly if they can replicate the leak on their own computers.
    BulldogXX, Mar 20, 2023
  4. BulldogXX Win User

    Windows 11 taskbar issues, and potential explorer memory leak

    Possible Memory Leaks in Windows 10

    A memory leak occurs when an application closes and fails to release all its RAM back to the operating system.

    The first step in dealing with a memory leak is to determine which application is leaking memory.

    The next step is to contact that application's technical support with complete details of the memory leak, since the developers will want to fix the problem ASAP.
    BulldogXX, Mar 20, 2023

Windows 11 taskbar issues, and potential explorer memory leak

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