Windows 10: Windows 7 64-bit unable to update KB4474419 and KB4490628

Discus and support Windows 7 64-bit unable to update KB4474419 and KB4490628 in Windows 10 Software and Apps to solve the problem; Can i get help updating SHA-2 my laptop was off for 4 yrs. I just turned it back on and updates are not being accepted. After reading its apparent i... Discussion in 'Windows 10 Software and Apps' started by M. QrVvzZ, Apr 2, 2022.

  1. M. QrVvzZ Win User

    Windows 7 64-bit unable to update KB4474419 and KB4490628

    Can i get help updating SHA-2 my laptop was off for 4 yrs. I just turned it back on and updates are not being accepted. After reading its apparent i don't have SHA-2 allowing updating. At the same time update history shows new updates but then says those updates need to be updated. Also Ive been getting help from a volunteer at "Microsoft Sysnative Forum" he has me putting the updates in the C:/ drive temp folder. All responses basically say N/A with this computer.Yes its a Windows 7 Home Premium with Service Pack 1 with 64-bit Operating System.

    M. QrVvzZ, Apr 2, 2022
  2. Guevnaki Win User

    Problem with update kb4474419 on Windows 7 and BSOD


    Windows 7 ultimate 64 bit sp1 user with a ryzen 5 1600 cpu user here.

    I'm trying to update my GPU drivers via nvidia geoforce but I am told that I need to install two windows updates to continue. The updates are (kb4474419) and (kb4490628) which I downloaded as standalone msu updates from the microsoft update catalog. I grabbed
    the x64 for both and the (kb4474419) is the v3 from september of 2019. As far as I've seen and read neither of those two require any additional prerequisite updates.

    After rebooting I'm greeted to a BSOD and followed by "Failure configuring Windows updates. Reverting changes." Something like that appears on screen briefly. (kb4490628) seems to have installed correctly since I'm told that it's already there when starting
    up that msu again. Its the (kb4474419) that seems to be the one causing the BSOD since that one can be started up again.

    Attached is an image of the dmp as seen through BlueScreenView and also part of my Disk management screen since some google forum tips have said that it could be a space issue, but as you can see there's 100mb system reserve. The top indicates that the driver AMDRyzenMasterDriver.sys
    is an issue and the bottom highlights mentions the former and also mentions ntoskernl.exe. So I'm not sure where to go from here. The only thing AMD would be the CPU, so do you think its a BIOS issue?

    Should I try to update that or get some additional drivers? I'm at a loss on what to do next since I've never had an issue with installing w7 updates.

    Windows 7 64-bit unable to update KB4474419 and KB4490628 a500c297-2a47-424d-ac17-3214a9905264?upload=true.jpg
    Guevnaki, Apr 2, 2022
  3. Naz_ApeX Win User
    Windows Update Failed (KB4474419) Error Code 80242016

    I having a problem to install this update KB4474419, after the installation i click restart now and pop-up the configuring windows updates and after reach 30% the pc reboot itself and go to startup repair I don't know why or it something usually happen when
    updating the windows but doesn't find anything and after that it's reboot normally and i go to windows update(view update history) and the update is failed and get this error massage 80242016, i checked for solution but it another update not like mine(KB4474419)
    i read some articles they suggested to uninstall the current update with the same name and install the new one but it seem i can't find this update (KB4474419) on my pc. i think it's a new one. please help me to fix this so i can install a latest update of
    Nvidia driver. it required KB4474419 and KB4490628.
    Naz_ApeX, Apr 2, 2022
  4. Windows 7 64-bit unable to update KB4474419 and KB4490628

    Windows updates for Windows 7, 64 bit, pro version

    Am having problems with the 3 SHA-2 updates that will be necessary to get my future window 7, 64 bit updates after July of this year. I understand these are: KB4474419, KB4490628, KB4484071.

    KB4490628 is in my history so it's okay. KB4484071 never showed up with regular updates as being available. I tried to download from the catalogue but was messaged it is not applicable for my system.

    Equally big problem is the KB 4474419. It came through with the regular update downloads. When it ran, It showed as downloading and installing, but it will not configure on the necessary restart. On the restart log off it configures to 35%, quits and logs
    off. On the restart login, it ultimately configures to 75%, then quits, says failure and reverts the change. There is no problem with any other downloads before or after this one so it specific to this one update.

    To say time and a lot of back and forth questions, I have tries everything I could find on the net related to this, including M$ Fixit, the update troubleshooter, the update readiness tool (because dism does not work with my system), SFC scannow, clean disk,
    Chkdisk, run several different virus programs (Malwarebytes & online checkers), turned off virus program, clean boot, et al. I was able to break the looping of configuration attemps each time I login and out by putting the update in the "hide" mode to clean
    it out, but no luck with this either.

    Thanks. Suggestions are welcome.
    MichaelRiso, Apr 2, 2022

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  1. KB4474419 issues

  2. windows 7 kb4490628

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