Windows 10: Windows is a replica of neural brain OS

Discus and support Windows is a replica of neural brain OS in Windows 10 Customization to solve the problem; You schoolgirl Windows OS developers need to know what you're messing with. Did Einstein foresee, what atomic catastrophic behaviours he contributed to... Discussion in 'Windows 10 Customization' started by Guinea Pig., Mar 3, 2020.

  1. Windows is a replica of neural brain OS

    You schoolgirl Windows OS developers need to know what you're messing with. Did Einstein foresee, what atomic catastrophic behaviours he contributed to in your schoolyard, garden of rubbish, millitary nuisance strategies, absurd obscenities, in time?
    You schoolgirls contribute to catastrophic waste of time. You make functions without translations, why every one out there using those functions need to realize first how they work and translate. Eventually they become frustrated - many deals and loads of cash to Bill the master - later.
    Instead of translating instructions ONE TIME so they work, and every out there can use them all immediately.
    Why all the different language .. to waste time = people are ridicules beings, sorry for asking?
    Some halfass done Windows OS cause riddles of PI, which in waste of time yield reasen of existence to lowlifes, that have no honor and should not be here in the first place. Monkey business is firstclass ticket into nowhere really ...
    The point is, you're trying to solve multiple languages by selecting one and then continuing with that translation software. What you don't get, is that sound is violent - barking rabbis, moaning messages, tenderness in command of your sensitive hearing. And do you hear "some one" in sound? That's a sensory error, because you can examplewise record sound and reproduce that "some one" from tape, so there are no body there really. Talk is a handicap mean, because we lost real communication. And there should be quiet everywhere. So what is hearing actually? A pressure meter in stereo, that detects movement about your holy temple. You think Windows OS is development, but it's about cure; you deny being faulty creature in the master's creation. You're lost in **** ... Look at your skin color, it's innocent, those animals with fur are dreadfully colored ... And what about heaviness, you think it's masculine to touch? Think again, it destroys your inner being - lifting heavy stuff is violent toward what you are. So ask yourself: Since water is heavy to lift, how can I drink without damage to my being, my self? You can't. Human creation works in ways of destroying what we are. This world is really dangerously catastrophic. So we must obviously be here by mistake, except those with intentional hurt that cause vandalism. How about getting rid of them instead of enjoying and suffering their waste fruits here and there world over again and again for ever in eternity, you know what it is about ...

    Real fact is that with brain malfunction we have come in vain to need computers and Windows OS. How come this habit of deluding ourselves with, what we have become like it is richness of fortune and adventure, when it is really missery that brings those gifts - of wooaah, cooool discovery my **** - about?
    The brain is meant to keep time, but you all were watches these days to remember when GaGa rebirths began. And what about glasses, you don't really care about curing your eyes, like organism is trash, you schoolgirls think like soldiers who treat organism like machines to smash in holy adventures gloat. Wars could be solved in two words: sexual rubbish. Fix that disturbance in your pants, before it becomes violent overfruit and invade other's homes.

    Seriously schoolgirls tell mom now, how many senses are you brightened with? how many are the human organism bestowed in your adventures, fairyland of fortune tellings and kiss my ****? 5, 6 or heavenly many you don't know about, can't count or cope with or such nasty stuff down below every day it go, that you don't regard it as worthy of inclusion in your mind of correct parfyme scent, cosmetic brains living as birds by eating electric rubbish in Windows OS ..
    Organism has 16 senses, two sides of each 8. You didn't know of the sides before? But on one side world is told by reality senses in the coordination room. You live there? No, that is a nasty disease story to discover on the way to cure. These senses doesn't regard you OS dreamers? Well, since the 16 senses of - your heavenly father I forgive you - body is used in co-work to structure the 16 dreamers of the thought procedures about the real OS in brain of organism, it should ..

    What are you? Made to get rid of **** or those lowlifes that produce it .. People do not need profiling, it is problems, that do! Is this correct?
    People do need to be profiled and judged, since among us some beings are defect and cause intentional hurt. But a policeman is darwinism » gives you straight papers why? Because horny darwinism excuses guilt, that's how police rule out innocent babies for themselves to joy everlasting future in richness and experience, nothing to conquer anymore but sleep, everlasting future in happiness and forgiveness ...
    Look at this criminal - Skip that tattoo **** woman's nonsense and just look at the confessions from the man himself .. - judging for himself told by officers to sustain purnisment for ever useless. This is to make an example of profiling problems: How do you grasp this case? YOU can't, because you lack the understanding of abiding lawyers and ****. So this child pornopgrahy case - Paris Bennett - must include a problem profile, that overlooks evidense excluding you from involvement in what you don't know about. How do you judge ... when you're self dangerous ...
    Profiling is necessary to do, when you need people to be aware of danger for instance anonymity before they gossip online. So it's »your« responsibility to kill Facebook: "Hi, I am Michel my person is a page on facebook, here I develop ..." Look around, Earth is overpopulated, that's a space problem. And then people are lured to become virtually nothing with Facebook etc. Kill it.
    The boy didn't do it, so what's the point? He is just mechanism, an organism made of molecules - LEGO -, mostly water ...
    You eat other people, how do you judge ... when you're self dangerous ...
    So out with moderation, phidophile judging in contempt what is **** » get real profiling for honest security.
    Element ... neeej plastic, but what's new about discovery, something that was suppose to work from beginning regarding security. And then you nurse parks, wild life, that keeps growing, what are you for? Automation. A country's happiness, molecules in joy. Chocolate are molecules, here some nice molecules. We know now they are molecules thanks to ... We are about to discover errors, mistakes, reconnect to sincerity. An organism can become sick, so why not also authority. You believe that riding beings with intentional hurt is future, fortune? But what are you doing here human? You are a mistake from the beginning. And you want to continue? Wow, an umbrella you call it rain, but it's pollution. Wake up again. Concrete minds made of silver and excitement, everlasting joy in future and happiness.
    Are you allowed to think about death, to discover meaning of life yourself? Do you allow it in your ridicules beings? Oh you avoid that, because .. Windows OS? Yes, this subject is about that, because Windows OS has been a puzzle also ever since 95. Does nihilism really have to end with suicide? Think again. This life of molecules were surely meant for education. But it has gone wrong in lack of security. How can you fulfil an education without insurance of welfare and worth it? So now it is all about figuring out security in need. And police don't work, yes it is hindsigted happiness and wonder for ever, soldiers of fortune.

    Are authority angels about Earth? No Bill, angels are something you imagine, because you are horny. Stupid error. But they are truly worshipped lustrously around the whole **** globe.
    But in order to get security you should begin conscientious to work with real authority about Earth. Now about Windows OS what's it for then?
    You don't like to experience bad. But you have to confront bad stuff to clean it out. So you have to do that with yourself and your imaginary friends now and forever.
    Is there authority about Earth? Oh, you've made it ... « melancholic schoolgirl.
    Lure out the deceptive in work with real authorities about Earth. The irrelevant PI must out! Kill it. Co-work with real authorities about riding those lowlifes, that makes it a discovery to put a new figure on the fraction counting of PI. Philosophers like Socrates and lunatics, anarchists must be forgotten in order to bring sensible conditions about ...
    You haven't a clue about real authority, yet you produce all this **** every time you buy something, it's accompanied with nonsense manuals, permissions **** and small letters and cosmetic brag » out with it. Signatures are nonsense ****. Graduation **** and certificates, bull. You schoollars come from collage dormitries with straight As on the sixth scale of horniness. Look it up, it's on the internet **** of horniness in mastership, US collage dormitries here and there, Angle land of Bill the Gate, Billy Bob, root canal, Mesopotamien etc. Patent rights is just cases of adminstrative tasks rather than delegating responsibility like the jury who committed judaism before islamic law abiding citizens. You haven't a clue, because you abide religions everywhere in order to achieve benefit, and yet you live of fish. What's true about life is real authority.

    We have just made a new calendar different from the gregorian. It's called BORG from the film Star Trek. But about real authority - security - we are a group of 13 beings. For instance who did Moses talk to on the mountain? No one outside his body ... If some one is inspired, is that possible to abuse? Yes. Typical people get notions, they ride with it, then they carry it about and look forward to popularity and money, means to travel widely widespread around this LEGO world. For example Michael Jackson he contributed with his weather prognosis thriller. If you say something by the heart, by god it is so. And did he feel it? Yes oily weather itching inside him causing static nuisance, which was then known as electric boogie. See >this footage< hereabout: And that poor boy became famous and rich, even Caesar took him for a spin in his limo around his white house. But did he stay true to real authority thus? No, fame and money became his drive and he died mad. If he had been honest, he would admit to his inspiration like Moses on the mountain, that thriller was a brilliant idea, and that he was only a co-worker.
    So about the new calendar called BORG, we are a group of 13 beings - 8 of us are more or less lunatic, appear seriously ill, mad again after apparently common talk; 4 others are set on discovering co-working with real authority about Earth; and we are in danger, while nr 13 teacher has with our rescue in education about security to do -. And the truth is, that this BORG calendar was an inspiration from Teacher, yet it is administered by just one human animal organism lungs and so on.

    So how was this BORG calendar made? It was as foretold inspired by Teacher. So we worked on it and discovers, that it is about that growing human disaster from the biblical age, where Adam and Eve lost their fur and so humans began. Humans are naked among animals, why? It is a disease, a DisEAse, get it? And it was the rise of BORG, the era, because then invention of fire started as they needed heat and to keep warm, then they started building housing to sustain heat. And this BORG calendar is about this disaster and it is made for one purpose: To keep track in time of how humans behave and some have already gone wild, primitive subcultural syfilis angles - it's a genital disease - all this earring nonsense, makeup and such, look at those primitive tribes how it completes with giraffes neck made of ornamental rings and such ..

    Check out BORG calendar on webpage with weather prognosis movie mentioned above. See the calendar in action by pressing the feedback sign below the movie element in webpage theory.

    NExt Idea for development: Dynamic code like HTML
    Line 45: for scan_directory » entry { // So this is a FOR loop that reads a directory into variable entry
    Line 46: if entry == '.' { delete code: line 46; continue; } // It has found your predecessors' ride on the wave Windows OS garbage '.', deletes the now useless code for it and continues loop immediately
    Line 47: if entry == '..' { delete code: line 47; continue; } // It has found your predecessors' ride on the wave Windows OS garbage '..', deletes the search code for it. Line 47 is still the same even if previous code was deleted dynamically.
    Line 48: ..
    Line 49: }

    So you haven't seen this idea before from any Teacher authority? Nope.
    We 4 co-workers and Teacher suggest you get rid of it and instead find out for yourselves the cause of the brain meltdown in the year 0 - birth of Jesus dickbrain, that was so tired of life he committed suicide » "They are looking for me ..., I feel precious inside. It's my time to go. " -. Example explanation of NExt idea above and suggestion heartfelt in this paragraph's beginning: Teacher inspires the NExt idea, we grasp it immediately with our knowledge, know-how and what you say about that and put it on with remarks about life thereafter, which we already know for sure. And while working with this, Teacher also typically inspires fitting words and for example the reference to 'wham "celebrate .."', which we then found on youtube website and wrote. In other words people like Einstein brag about something inspired and make bombs ... « "We think you're amazing .."
    Because the organic brain is the real computer, you are only trying to make up for it while getting destroyed as fouls deluded by pricks' endless puzzles ...

    Neither did the first BASIC developer jetbrains get the FOR .. NEXT idea, the difference between that and IF .. THEN GOTO out of loop or WHILE statement. Because why different command names nonsense - same show -, idea ? ..
    FOR in the brain resembles an iterator calculation from 1 to N without using IF to exit loop. And how is that possible? Well, why figure out how to co-work with the original owners of organic matter instead of attacking with outmatch in resemblies, hostage war .. sick idolatry, idolization, idealization .. on the path to extinction. Brain is the real computer! It's even conscience, when it works properly, cause it then orders your calendar, keeps dates, appointments, how much you owe .. guilty as charged ~ simply a living machine. So it's neither you nor your heavenly sing sing, that are bestowed with conscience; it was simply built; put it this way, if you were blind could you now see? ..

    Guinea Pig., Mar 3, 2020
  2. little cat, Mar 3, 2020
  3. Brain imaging reveals the movies in our minds

    def an important step towards brain cyberization.
    bostonbuddy, Mar 3, 2020
  4. Windows is a replica of neural brain OS

    Bionic Brain Anyone?

    Scientists reveal new nanocell that works in the same way as human memory
    • Nano memory cell is 10,000 times thinner than the width of a human hair
    • It is capable of storing and processing strands of data at the same time
    • 100 artificial synapses were able to perform task of image classification
    • Circuitry may be expanded to approach something like the human brain's
    Windows is a replica of neural brain OS 28999EDB00000578-3078955-image-a-13_1431471519995.jpg

    The nano memory cell copies the analogue nature of the human brain by keeping data stored in various states.

    'It's a small, but important step,' said Dmitri Strukov, a professor of electrical and computer engineering at UC Santa Barbara.

    The circuitry may eventually be expanded and scaled to approach something like the human brain's, which has a quadrillion synaptic connections.

    Imitating electronic aspects of the human brain could have implications for research into conditions such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases.

    Scientists believe that if you could replicate a brain outside the body, it would minimise ethical issues involved in experimenting on the brain.

    The memristor was originally envisioned in 1971 by circuit theorist Leon Chua, but its existence was only confirmed in 2008.
    It is a fourth class of electronic circuitry, along with resistors, capacitors and inductors.
    Today, scientists believe the memristor could spell the end of electronics as we know it and the beginning of a new era called 'ionics'.
    Memristors are believe to behave in a similar way to the synapses of neurons within the human brain.
    The transistor, created in 1947, is the main component of computer chips. It works using a flow of electrons.
    The memristor, on the other hand, couples the electrons with ions, or electrically charged atoms.
    In a transistor, once the flow of electrons is interrupted by, all information is lost. But a memristor can remember the amount of charge that was flowing through it.
    This can help develop computers that will instantly turn on and off and never lose data. It may also someday lead to an artificial brain that can work better than a human one.

    Key to this technology is the memristor - a combination of 'memory' and 'resistor'. This is an electronic component whose resistance changes depending on the direction of the flow of the electrical charge. Unlike conventional transistors, memristor work based on ionic movement, similar to the way human neural cells generate neural electrical signals. 'The memory state is stored as a specific concentration profile of defects that can be moved back and forth within the memristor,' said Strukov. 'Classical computers will always find an ineluctable limit to efficient brain-like computation in their very architecture,' said lead researcher Mirko Prezioso.

    'This memristor-based technology relies on a completely different way inspired by biological brain to carry on computation.'

    Potential applications already exist for this emerging technology, such as medical imaging, the improvement of navigation systems or even for searches based on images rather than on text.

    Windows is a replica of neural brain OS memristor-milestones-il.jpg

    Memristor - Wikipedia
    CAPSLOCKSTUCK, Mar 3, 2020

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