Windows 10: Windows 'Threshold': More on Microsoft's plan to win over Windows 7 users

Discus and support Windows 'Threshold': More on Microsoft's plan to win over Windows 7 users in Windows 10 News to solve the problem; Windows "Threshold," the next major version of Microsoft's Windows operating system due to hit around the spring of 2015, is coming into focus. And... Discussion in 'Windows 10 News' started by Brink, Jun 29, 2014.

  1. Brink
    Brink New Member

    Windows 'Threshold': More on Microsoft's plan to win over Windows 7 users

    Read more:
    Brink, Jun 29, 2014
  2. Phone Man Win User

    I find this quote very interesting. Hope her sources are correct.

    The Microsoft OS team is hoping to get as many Windows 7 users moved to Windows 7 Service Pack 1 and Windows 8 users to Windows 8.1 Update in preparation for (hopefully) getting them to move to Threshold once it is out. It's still early in the Windows development cycle for Microsoft to have decided on packaging, pricing and distribution, but my sources say, at this point, that Windows Threshold is looking like it could be free to all Windows 8.1 Update, and maybe even Windows 7 Service Pack 1, users.

    Jim *Cool

    Phone Man, Jul 4, 2014
  3. kscowpoke Win User

    My Win 10 has the same problem as Time Lady's. The airplane mode icon is active even though I am connected to the internet. I plan to read more on the Threshold update, for my own information.
    kscowpoke, Jul 4, 2014
  4. Windows 'Threshold': More on Microsoft's plan to win over Windows 7 users

    Issues Updating to Windows-10 1511 (Threshold 2)

    Over the weekend I have updated my Advent QC6003 desktop (6Gb RAM) to Windows-10 1511 (Threshold 2). The machine was updated from Windows-Vista to Windows-7 earlier in the year and then from Win-7 to Win-10) a few days after Win-10 was originally released.

    The update to Win-10 1511 (Threshold 2) went more or less OK BUT when I tried to run it up I had no keyboard, the update appeared to have lost the driver (the keyboard is a KU-0325 model). Thankfully I was able to access the machine to enter my password
    by using the on-screen keyboard (an excellent innovation). However, I believe that the update should NOT have lost the driver and left me without a useable keyboard. I had to install a Generic keyboard driver from the Microsoft site to get it to work again.

    Secondly, my machine following the update had no sound whatsoever. Doing some digging I found that the Speakers were marked as being an 'INPUT' device - very strange !! I deleted the driver, rebooted, re-installed the driver and rebooted again and everything
    was back to normal.

    Overall not too bad but please try to get peripherals and sound covered for the next big Windows-10 update !!!!!!!!!! I don't know what users with no technical capabilities do when these issues crop up at all !!!

    SteveMcBill, Jul 4, 2014
  5. LEE
    Lee Win User
    Not really sure why people think or even believe that Windows 9 (or whatever) should be free. It is a new OS (maybe), and thus should have a price tag on it. If MS prices OS 9 (or whatever) at the same price as Win 7 and Win 8 then that would be a good thing for all. . .*Thumbs
  6. Trust_No1 Win User
    A "good thing for all", how is that?

    I think you may not understand the tech ecosystem of today. Google doesn't charge for their OS, Linux (Android) is free, Apple iPhone, iPad, iPods all OS and updates are free, OS X (Macs) they almost give away. Even Amazon if you want to count them. These companies generate their revenues by charging for apps, music, videos, cloud service, advertising, other services, and their devices.

    Windows 8 is a failure, Windows 7 is not designed for tablets, touch, apps and today's mind set. Microsoft has to get their software into the game or they will be left behind. Why they chose their past route is any ones guess, but it is clear it has not been working.

    I can see very easily why they may upgrade people for free, or even sell it for a small price. People just paid a premium for Windows 8, do you really think they want to shell out another couple hundred dollars a crack after 2 years? If they charge a high price I doubt they would have many takers, I wouldn't buy it. There are far too many other options.

    At least that is the way I see it.
    Trust_No1, Jul 5, 2014
  7. Winuser Win User
    If MS doesn't offer a discount to upgrade to Windows 9, I won't be upgrading until I have to. For me, Windows 8.1 update 1 does everything I need and then some.
    Winuser, Jul 5, 2014
  8. LEE
    Lee Win User

    Windows 'Threshold': More on Microsoft's plan to win over Windows 7 users

    That reply sure didn't take long. . .
  9. Ztruker Win User
    Windows 9 is everything I want. It's fast, it's customizable, it's cheap, it runs just about anything it's ....

    Oh wait ... it hasn't been released yet!

    Never mind *Smile
    Ztruker, Apr 4, 2018

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