Windows 10: Backup and Restore Start Layout in Windows 10

Discus and support Backup and Restore Start Layout in Windows 10 in Windows 10 Tutorials to solve the problem; How to: Backup and Restore Start Layout in Windows 10 How to Backup and Restore Start Menu Layout in Windows 10 The Live Folders. This can be... Discussion in 'Windows 10 Tutorials' started by Brink, Jun 21, 2016.

  1. Brink
    Brink New Member

    Backup and Restore Start Layout in Windows 10

    How to: Backup and Restore Start Layout in Windows 10

    How to Backup and Restore Start Menu Layout in Windows 10

    The Live Folders.

    This can be handy if you do not want to have to setup your Start menu layout from scratch again. Say after a clean install of Windows 10.

    You can restore the backup of a Start menu layout to any user account on the PC.

    This tutorial will show you how to back up and restore the Start screen layout of any user account on your Windows 10 PC.

    *Warning You must be signed in as an administrator to be able to back up and restore a Start menu layout of any account other than your own.

    • Option One: To Backup Start Menu Layout of Current Account
    • Option Two: To Restore Start Menu Layout to Current Account

    EXAMPLE: Start menu layout in Windows 10

    Backup and Restore Start Layout in Windows 10 [​IMG]

    Backup and Restore Start Layout in Windows 10 [​IMG]

    OPTION ONE [/i] To Backup Start Menu Layout of Current Account
    1. Press the Win+R keys to open Run, type regedit into Run, and click/tap on OK to open Registry Editor.

    2. Navigate to the key below in the left pane of Registry Editor. (see screenshot below)
    *Arrow HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\CloudStore\Store\Cache\DefaultAccount

    Backup and Restore Start Layout in Windows 10 [​IMG]

    3. Right click on the DefaultAccount key in the left pane of Registry Editor, and click/tap on Export. (see screenshot above)

    4. Navigate to where you want to export this DefaultAccount key to as a .reg file, type a file name (ex: "DefaultAccount_for_Brink") you want for this .reg file, and click/tap on Save. (see screenshot below)

    *note This .reg file is your backup of the DefaultAccount key

    Backup and Restore Start Layout in Windows 10 [​IMG]

    5. You can now close Registry Editor if you like.

    6. Open File Explorer (Win+E), click/tap on the icon in the address bar, copy and paste %LocalAppData%\Microsoft\Windows\Shell into the address bar, and press Enter. (see screenshot below)

    Backup and Restore Start Layout in Windows 10 [​IMG]

    7. Copy the DefaultLayouts.xml file in the "%LocalAppData%\Microsoft\Windows\Shell" folder. (see screenshot below)

    Backup and Restore Start Layout in Windows 10 [​IMG]

    8. Paste the DefaultLayouts.xml file into the same location (ex: "My Start Layout Backup" folder) you exported the .reg file from step 4 above to keep them together as the backup of your Start layout. (see screenshot below)

    Backup and Restore Start Layout in Windows 10 [​IMG]

    OPTION TWO [/i] To Restore Start Menu Layout to Current Account

    *note This option requires that you already have a Start layout backup created from Option One above.
    1. Press the Win+R keys to open Run, type regedit into Run, and click/tap on OK to open Registry Editor.

    2. Navigate to the key below in the left pane of Registry Editor. (see screenshot below)
    *Arrow HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\CloudStore\Store\Cache\DefaultAccount

    Backup and Restore Start Layout in Windows 10 [​IMG]

    3. Right click on the DefaultAccount key in the left pane of Registry Editor, and click/tap on Delete. (see screenshot above)

    4. Click/tap on Yes to confirm deleting the DefaultAccount key. (see screenshot below)

    Backup and Restore Start Layout in Windows 10 [​IMG]

    5. You can now close Registry Editor if you like.

    6. Open the location (ex: "My Start Layout Backup" folder) of the Start layout backup created from Option One, and double click/tap on the .reg file (ex: "DefaultAccount_for_Brink") to merge it. (see screenshot below)

    Backup and Restore Start Layout in Windows 10 [​IMG]

    7. When prompted, click/tap on Yes (UAC), Yes, and OK to approve merging the .reg file. (see screenshot below)

    Backup and Restore Start Layout in Windows 10 [​IMG]

    Backup and Restore Start Layout in Windows 10 [​IMG]

    8. Open File Explorer (Win+E), click/tap on the icon in the address bar, copy and paste %LocalAppData%\Microsoft\Windows\Shell into the address bar, and press Enter. (see screenshots below)

    Backup and Restore Start Layout in Windows 10 [​IMG]

    Backup and Restore Start Layout in Windows 10 [​IMG]

    9. In a separate File Explorer window, open the location (ex: "My Start Layout Backup" folder) of the Start layout backup created from Option One, right click on the backed up DefaultLayouts.xml file, and click/tap on Copy. (see screenshot below)

    Backup and Restore Start Layout in Windows 10 [​IMG]

    10. Paste the backed up DefaultLayouts.xml file from step 9 into the %LocalAppData%\Microsoft\Windows\Shell folder from step 8 above. (see screenshot below)

    Backup and Restore Start Layout in Windows 10 [​IMG]

    11. When prompted, click/tap on Replace the file in the destination option to replace the current DefaultLayouts.xml file with your backup copy. (see screenshot below)

    Backup and Restore Start Layout in Windows 10 [​IMG]

    12. Close File Explorer.

    13. sign in to apply the restored Start layout.

    That's it,

    Related Tutorials

    Brink, Jun 21, 2016
  2. Ramesh Srinivasan, Jun 21, 2016
  3. Ramesh Srinivasan, Jun 21, 2016
  4. Tony K Win User

    Backup and Restore Start Layout in Windows 10

    Hi Shawn. Thanks for this tutorial. It's handy. *Smile

    Can this Database folder be exported and used on a different machine signed in with the same account? Or does one have to use another tool to use a WIM?

    How about importing an account to another machine?
    Tony K, May 2, 2017
  5. Brink
    Brink New Member
    Hey Tony, *Smile

    Yep, you can use the backup on another computer.

    Anything that was in Start not installed on the other computer just wouldn't be included.

    Not sure about importing an account, but you could use the same Microsoft account on both computers and have both set to sync settings to help.
    Brink, May 2, 2017
  6. Tony K Win User
    Thanks, Shawn. Yes, I have the tower, lappy, and phone all synced and all signing in with the same MS account. The phone I understand would be different, but the tower and lappy just don't seem to mesh in a lot of things. The lock screen and the wallpaper for starters. The lappy has been on Insider, but it seems to be happening since I recently got back into Insider with the tower. I still get OneDrive sync, emails, notifications, location, and the like of course.

    I'm thinking it may be a corrupt MS account. I have a feeling it's on the lappy. That's why the Start screen backup, the question on importing an account, and questions on WIM lately to fix. There are Windows ADK tools to import accounts, but I'm going to create a admin local account and delete the original MS account after signing out, then make it a MS account out of the local to see if that works. Does that sound feasible?

    BTW, since CU, are you receiving SMS text notifications from your phone and able to answer while on your PCs? That's the cat's meow. *Smile
    Tony K, May 2, 2017
  7. Brink
    Brink New Member
    Brink, May 2, 2017
  8. Tony K Win User

    Backup and Restore Start Layout in Windows 10

    Thanks so much, @Brink.

    Took me by surprise too. Great stuff. Wondering if they'll continue to develop that app to initiate a text. Maybe via Skype. That would be sweet.
    Tony K, May 2, 2017
  9. Brink
    Brink New Member
  10. Tony K Win User
    Tony K, May 2, 2017
  11. Brink
    Brink New Member
    LOL, you're most welcome Tony. It can be hard to keep up with all the changes and added features. *Smile
    Brink, May 2, 2017
  12. vijer Win User
    I tried this about 4 months ago on an Insider build and it didn't work. Have you tried this on any of the latest builds (currently 16199)?
    vijer, Jun 9, 2017
  13. Brink
    Brink New Member

    Backup and Restore Start Layout in Windows 10

    Hello @vijer,

    It doesn't appear to be working in my build 16215 either. I'll have to do some more testing to see what is going on.

    If folks don't mind, please post if it still works for you or not along with what Windows 10 build you have installed.
    Brink, Jun 9, 2017
  14. futureweb Win User
    Could it be it is not working with Creative Update anymore? I tried it, but it didn*t work.
    What I also tried is:
    Deleting the folder, then only 3 items were left (Office).
    I copied over again, still only those 3 items

    Next I tried, moving those buttons around.
    Deleting the folder again.
    After another login, again, those 3 buttons where here, same arrangement.

    So it seems, it is saved somehow different.

    Not sure what I could be doing wrong, as copyiing this directory is straight forward...

    futureweb, Jul 19, 2017
  15. Brink
    Brink New Member
    Hello Patrick,

    I was hoping it may have just been an issue in a few builds, but it appears to no longer work since build 16215. *Sad
    Brink, Jul 19, 2017

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